It doesn't bother me. Although I'm sure other people would like to see diversity.
Model Diversity?!
Stock photos only come in one race? That's super shitty.
Originally posted by
We work with stock photos. The only photos we produce in house are product images. Not people.
the images are from the companies who create the products. EF does not create the images.
Originally posted by
In Between Soliloquies
I love Eden to bits, but why on Earth is there so little diversity with the models on this site? I think I've seen maybe 3 non-white people (not "dark," just non-white), no east or south Asians, no "differently-abled"
I love Eden to bits, but why on Earth is there so little diversity with the models on this site? I think I've seen maybe 3 non-white people (not "dark," just non-white), no east or south Asians, no "differently-abled" people...
There are so many different types of people who frequent Eden that it's shocking (and shameful) that all we see in the way of models are ultra-pale, young white females.
I mean, I'm not going to let this ruin my shopping experience because this is really pervasive in SO many places, but I'm more surprised that Eden is following this pattern also.
Anyone else have thoughts on this? less
There are so many different types of people who frequent Eden that it's shocking (and shameful) that all we see in the way of models are ultra-pale, young white females.
I mean, I'm not going to let this ruin my shopping experience because this is really pervasive in SO many places, but I'm more surprised that Eden is following this pattern also.
Anyone else have thoughts on this? less
if they were to seek out photos only of 'differently-abled' models, they would have zero products.
what company produces products and markets them with differently-abled, old models? i mean, really.
in a perfect world, everyone would see the beauty in everyone of all types.
but this is not a perfect world. it's incredibly unfair to expect Eden to be perfect. what you're expecting of them is simply impossible.
the only way they could do what you wish is to create their own line of sex toys, lingerie, etc. and hire their own models. i can't see images of handicapped people in lingerie selling really well. it's sad, but that's just the truth.
sexy, fit women sell clothes.
i see nothing unsexy about women of all races, or even different body types. but there is a 'standard,' and i think eden's models do a decent job of straying from that. there are large plus-sized models in several of the chemises, etc. some of the plus-sized models are barely plus-sized, or laughably thin for passing as a plus-sized model, but that is not eden's doing.
please tell me what site you've been to that has more diversity than eden. and i'd love to see what site has differently-abled and old people modeling their lingerie.
also, an indian-looking model (maybe she's persian? i'm not sure.)
Originally posted by
There IS an Asian model.
and this hot black lady is in several photos
and this lady is large and in charge! and she's not really 'young' looking.
No joke. You'd be surprised the lack of variety.
Originally posted by
Owl Identified
Stock photos only come in one race? That's super shitty.
Man, I don't know what sucks more. The fact that stock photos only have white models, or that it actually doesn't surprise me all that much to learn this. Thanks for at least giving us all the heads up. For a long time I had just assumed Eden favored white models, but it's good to know this isn't true. I just wish there were better sources for stock photos.
Originally posted by
No joke. You'd be surprised the lack of variety.
stock photos of owls only come in one race... cute.
Originally posted by
Owl Identified
Man, I don't know what sucks more. The fact that stock photos only have white models, or that it actually doesn't surprise me all that much to learn this. Thanks for at least giving us all the heads up. For a long time I had just assumed Eden
Man, I don't know what sucks more. The fact that stock photos only have white models, or that it actually doesn't surprise me all that much to learn this. Thanks for at least giving us all the heads up. For a long time I had just assumed Eden favored white models, but it's good to know this isn't true. I just wish there were better sources for stock photos.
see what i mean?
I wish there was a bit more diversity, but at the same time I understand the status quo states there are specific things that should be found beautiful in terms of women.
Hah! Well played.
Originally posted by
Owl Identified
Stock photos only come in one race? That's super shitty.
Sure, there's a normative standard from which we dare not stray. Is it right? No. Am I criticizing EF for it? No, far from it. And finding other sites that stray from the norm is not the point; just because others don't do it doesnt mean it's impossible or futile to challenge that norm.
This isn't a toy site, but here's a relevant link to a photo series featuring women over 70 modeling lingerie.
This isn't a toy site, but here's a relevant link to a photo series featuring women over 70 modeling lingerie.
It seems to me like they leave that up to us? We can post pics and videos of ourselves modeling eden products in our reviews if we wish. How are you, yourself, any less a model than a promotional picture in that case? More so I'd say. Plus the point of diversified models is so that a wider range of people can identify.. who do you identify with better than yourself??
It's always the same tanned, model type bodies. Women with long blonde hair. Heterosexual couples. I was just thinking this and I'm glad someone pointed it out.
It'd be nice to have true cultural and sexual diversity here in the promos. Not just racial. I was surprised to find a couple of banners that included the more alternative crowd, too. What about the rest of the site? I'm sure wherever they get their stock images from they can find something a little more inclusive.
Their banners are a little more inclusive, but what about the rest of the site? Where did this level of diversity go? We've got people of multiple racial backgrounds, people over 40 who haven't been photoshopped, couples with different sexualities, the unique and alternative crowd. They really need to incorporate this back into the site. Product pictures are something they can't fix, though.
It'd be nice to have true cultural and sexual diversity here in the promos. Not just racial. I was surprised to find a couple of banners that included the more alternative crowd, too. What about the rest of the site? I'm sure wherever they get their stock images from they can find something a little more inclusive.
Their banners are a little more inclusive, but what about the rest of the site? Where did this level of diversity go? We've got people of multiple racial backgrounds, people over 40 who haven't been photoshopped, couples with different sexualities, the unique and alternative crowd. They really need to incorporate this back into the site. Product pictures are something they can't fix, though.
I like those banners. They show a little bit more diversity which is always a good thing.
June 1st,
The top promotional banner when you first enter the site now is a black couple. This is a month after this idea was debated. There was a call for more diversity, and it happened. Nice work EF!
The top promotional banner when you first enter the site now is a black couple. This is a month after this idea was debated. There was a call for more diversity, and it happened. Nice work EF!
I was so happy when I saw the promotional banner with a black couple! I know they can't control the lingerie models, so it was nice to see them balancing it out that way, at least for a while. Hopefully in the future the lingerie companies will hire more diverse models too.
Quite true.
Originally posted by
Ms. Spice
If I remember correctly, usually the model images are released from the lingerie companies themselves. Eden doesn't have much control over whom is photographed. However, if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
i've noticed but you can't blame eden
It's just easy to use a few models.
Sure, but quantity is a whole different issue than individual characteristic. Using "a few" models doesn't necessitate that they all be homogenous in appearance.
Originally posted by
It's just easy to use a few models.
I've noticed but always chalk it up to the manufacturer. I like the plus size models though, they may all be white but they look different from each other.
I haven't noticed, but now that you've mentioned it I'm going to keep noticing it and be bothered by it. It seems like Eden has a very diverse community, but I suppose it really depends on the modeling pool Eden pulls from.
I've noticed in terms of coloring of realistic sex toys that they have. There's very few, if any, dark-colored toys in any section.
It is the lingerie companies who choose the models for the product page but I agree with Owl Identified. Doesn't Eden choose who is featured on the homepage? I find it odd especially because this is what we are told is the 'ideal'. This is what your body should look like with enhanced breasts and stick thin bodies. Add to that a lighter pigmentation and we are being told that this is perfection, everything else is not .
Originally posted by
Owl Identified
True, and even the Eden homepage almost always has white people on it. It sucks, absolutely. I've noticed it, but never said anything.
I've seen east asian models on the site.
I'm just really sick of seeing fake boobs.
ive noticed this and i noticed body shapes all of them are skinny there is no plus size model on the plus size.
I can't stand when all models look alike. AND... Photoshop.. c'mon people.. just stop- it's getting to the point where it's ridiculous. >
i agree!
I know Ms. Spice is right... it's been talked about before with plus size lingerie and how the models aren't actually plus size.
Originally posted by
Ms. Spice
If I remember correctly, usually the model images are released from the lingerie companies themselves. Eden doesn't have much control over whom is photographed. However, if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
We should, as a community, start writing some letters to the lingerie companies if we really want change.
Yeah, it should be more diverse, but it's not anything Eden can control. The companies set up the models and shoots, not Eden.