I agree with the bags being a not so great option on SOME of the orders--I use the original packaging for storage. However--why not offer some suggestions on an easy fix?
Yes--the recent changes have been difficult, but why not pitch in and try to help out others? Add helpful tools and tips you have learned?
EF is also a community--we should remember that and treat it as such. Members are the backbone, and while we do need to deal with the negative aspects--it is also our responsibility to help make the experiences and interactions positive. So...suggest helpful options, message Stormy direct so she can also help out on her end, return damaged items & make them replace them--too much of this and you would have your boxes back. Just saying...lets get some positive aspects back on here, starting with us!
Yes--the recent changes have been difficult, but why not pitch in and try to help out others? Add helpful tools and tips you have learned?
EF is also a community--we should remember that and treat it as such. Members are the backbone, and while we do need to deal with the negative aspects--it is also our responsibility to help make the experiences and interactions positive. So...suggest helpful options, message Stormy direct so she can also help out on her end, return damaged items & make them replace them--too much of this and you would have your boxes back. Just saying...lets get some positive aspects back on here, starting with us!