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So I was busy one week and I had my friend order my package. So instead of putting my name on the package she used a different name "Of A Person That Doesn't Exists" So I'm quite sure I wont be able to receive my package. I was
So I was busy one week and I had my friend order my package. So instead of putting my name on the package she used a different name "Of A Person That Doesn't Exists" So I'm quite sure I wont be able to receive my package. I was wondering if I could somehow change the name on the parcel when it get sent back to EF.??
-'Please Help Me Out With Any Advice You Can.!
The post office will deliver the package to the address regardless of the name on the package. Think about it what if you have a guest at our house who orders a package? It isn't postal fraud unless you use a fake name to avoid payment or to establish an identity to avoid payment or to commit a crime.
You can also drop by your local post office and add the fake name to your approved mail list, if your post office keeps a record of such things.