Should Eden carry attractive but practical sleepwear?

Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
In the 'Eden should Carry' thread, I brought up lingerie that's appropriate for sleeping in, and it seems to have gotten a lot of agreement. I thought a separate poll might be interesting.

To me, sleepwear is something that's comfortable and sturdy. No underwire, not backless, not completely see through, not split to the bustline, not decorated with rhinestones or sequins or other delicate bits you'd be afraid would come off in the night. But for 'attractive', I mean something more than the 't-shirt and leggings' or 'flannel pyjamas' or 'long t-shirt' style you typically see available in normal clothing stores.

Click what you think on the poll, and comment.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I would not be interested
Ghost , Ms. Spice , Gunsmoke
I am definitely interested!
Silverdrop , mpfm , Vanille , Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , lacybutton , wrecklesswords , Ryuson , OhMy! , js250 , Peggi , (k)InkyIvy , Ms. N , - Kira - , Beck , Rin (aka Nire) , darthkitt3n , Love Perpetua , Kdlips , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Crystal1 , Kitt Katt , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Katelyn , LAndJ , SexyStuff , llellsee , November , jedent , deltalima , SMichelle , GONE! , Jul!a , rom323 , amandaco2011 , shinypinkstars , Selective Sensualist , zracer , loveshocks , GonetoLovehoney , LoveDove , Zombirella , ksparkles16 , BlooJay , magicmac , catgirl9 , chantal coopette , Kate , Nazaress , NicNat , Gracie , Jessica Elizabeth , Ansley , Merely , jeangel246 , voenne , kz916 , Teacookie , vampyroteuthidae , null , Highmaintenancegirl916 , lemony , sweetiejo , Woman China , joja , Lurr , lilly555 , wrmbreze , RTC , Fun with Dick & Jane , funinthesun916 , curious kitten , biancajames , richsam , CaliGirl , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Bignuf , ghent529 , FallFire , gloomybear , sunkissedJess , Kitka , , pirata , Fleurs Violettes , skeeterlynn , Intrepid Niddering , Rey , LadyDarknezz , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Lildrummrgurl7 , Missmarc , Rossie , BiJess , Leather & Lace , edenguy , unfulfilled , ajansen , travelnurse , JennSenn , lovebites , Noelle , xOhxSoxScandalousx , Stinkytofu10 , CaseyDeuce , jr2012 , AliMc , amenti , invisiblehat , No-nita , TheHardOne , kurtster79 , roskat , KinkyNicki92 , lilacviolet
Breas , Aberrant , Taylor , DeliciousSurprise , Coralbell , Greenleaf , Sunsetmystic , geliebt , eroticmutt , slynch , alistair , idunshire , K101 , Daemonin , ~LaUr3n~ , FemmeFlo , Tart , LovesAPoet , Synthete , Petite Valentine
curious kitten
If Eden does carry it, I want....
Cookie Monster Mike , wrecklesswords , Ryuson , OhMy! , js250 , Peggi , (k)InkyIvy , Ms. N , - Kira - , Beck , Rin (aka Nire) , DeliciousSurprise , darthkitt3n , Love Perpetua , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Katelyn , LAndJ , llellsee , November , deltalima , Jul!a , amandaco2011 , Selective Sensualist , loveshocks , GonetoLovehoney , LoveDove , idunshire , BlooJay , magicmac , Nazaress , Gracie , Jessica Elizabeth , Daemonin , Ansley , jeangel246 , vampyroteuthidae , null , lemony , joja , lilly555 , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , RTC , Fun with Dick & Jane , biancajames , CaliGirl , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ghent529 , gloomybear , sunkissedJess , Kitka , , pirata , Petite Valentine , skeeterlynn , Intrepid Niddering , LadyDarknezz , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Lildrummrgurl7 , Rossie , rosythorn , lovebites , AliMc , amenti , invisiblehat , TheHardOne , lilacviolet
Natural fibres
Silverdrop , mpfm , Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , wrecklesswords , Ryuson , OhMy! , (k)InkyIvy , Ms. N , Beck , DeliciousSurprise , Love Perpetua , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Greenleaf , deltalima , GONE! , Jul!a , Selective Sensualist , LoveDove , spiceboy , magicmac , catgirl9 , Gracie , Ansley , Teacookie , vampyroteuthidae , null , lilly555 , biancajames , ghent529 , gloomybear , Kitka , , Fleurs Violettes , Petite Valentine , skeeterlynn , Intrepid Niddering , LadyDarknezz , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Rossie , rosythorn , lovebites , jr2012 , amenti , invisiblehat , roskat , lilacviolet
Silverdrop , mpfm , Cookie Monster Mike , Peggi , Beck , darthkitt3n , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Selective Sensualist , GonetoLovehoney , LoveDove , magicmac , catgirl9 , Teacookie , lemony , wrmbreze , RTC , ghent529 , Kitka , skeeterlynn , LadyDarknezz , Rossie , lovebites , AliMc , amenti , invisiblehat , No-nita , lilacviolet
Two piece shorty pyjamas
Silverdrop , mpfm , Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , lacybutton , wrecklesswords , Ryuson , OhMy! , Peggi , - Kira - , Beck , Moein , Rin (aka Nire) , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , Kitt Katt , Princess-Kayla ♥ , LAndJ , SexyStuff , llellsee , deltalima , GONE! , Jul!a , rom323 , amandaco2011 , shinypinkstars , Selective Sensualist , loveshocks , LoveDove , spiceboy , magicmac , K101 , catgirl9 , Kate , Nazaress , NicNat , Gracie , Jessica Elizabeth , Daemonin , Ansley , voenne , Teacookie , null , Woman China , lilly555 , wrmbreze , GirlOnGirl , curious kitten , CaliGirl , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ghent529 , FallFire , gloomybear , sunkissedJess , Kitka , , pirata , Fleurs Violettes , Synthete , Petite Valentine , skeeterlynn , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Lildrummrgurl7 , pizzahut , Rossie , unfulfilled , lovebites , Noelle , amenti , No-nita , roskat , lilacviolet
Two piece full length pyjamas
Silverdrop , mpfm , Cookie Monster Mike , wrecklesswords , OhMy! , Peggi , - Kira - , Beck , Rin (aka Nire) , DeliciousSurprise , darthkitt3n , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Kitt Katt , LAndJ , SexyStuff , November , Jul!a , rom323 , shinypinkstars , Selective Sensualist , loveshocks , LoveDove , magicmac , catgirl9 , Kate , Nazaress , Gracie , Teacookie , null , Woman China , joja , lilly555 , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , Fun with Dick & Jane , biancajames , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ghent529 , sunkissedJess , Kitka , skeeterlynn , LadyDarknezz , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Lildrummrgurl7 , unfulfilled , JennSenn , lovebites , amenti , invisiblehat , No-nita , lilacviolet
No underwires
Silverdrop , mpfm , Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , wrecklesswords , Aberrant , js250 , (k)InkyIvy , Ms. N , Beck , Moein , Rin (aka Nire) , DeliciousSurprise , Love Perpetua , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , Kitt Katt , Princess-Kayla ♥ , deltalima , GONE! , Jul!a , amandaco2011 , Selective Sensualist , loveshocks , idunshire , spiceboy , catgirl9 , Nazaress , NicNat , Jessica Elizabeth , Daemonin , Ansley , voenne , Teacookie , Woman China , joja , lilly555 , wrmbreze , biancajames , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ghent529 , gloomybear , sunkissedJess , Kitka , , Fleurs Violettes , Synthete , Intrepid Niddering , LadyDarknezz , Rossie , unfulfilled , JennSenn , lovebites , AliMc , amenti , invisiblehat , TheHardOne , roskat , lilacviolet
Button up nightshirts (like a men's shirt, but stylized to be sexy)
Silverdrop , Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , wrecklesswords , Aberrant , Ryuson , OhMy! , Beck , Moein , Rin (aka Nire) , DeliciousSurprise , Love Perpetua , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Kitt Katt , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Katelyn , SexyStuff , November , deltalima , GONE! , Jul!a , rom323 , amandaco2011 , loveshocks , GonetoLovehoney , LoveDove , spiceboy , magicmac , NicNat , Daemonin , Ansley , voenne , Teacookie , null , joja , lilly555 , wrmbreze , RTC , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ghent529 , gloomybear , sunkissedJess , Kitka , , Fleurs Violettes , Synthete , skeeterlynn , Intrepid Niddering , LadyDarknezz , Rossie , JennSenn , lovebites , Noelle , No-nita , TheHardOne , lilacviolet
Mid-thigh length gowns / nightshirts
Silverdrop , Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , lacybutton , wrecklesswords , Ryuson , OhMy! , (k)InkyIvy , Ms. N , - Kira - , Beck , Rin (aka Nire) , darthkitt3n , Love Perpetua , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Kitt Katt , Princess-Kayla ♥ , SexyStuff , November , deltalima , Jul!a , Selective Sensualist , GonetoLovehoney , LoveDove , spiceboy , K101 , Nazaress , NicNat , Gracie , Jessica Elizabeth , Ansley , voenne , Teacookie , Woman China , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , RTC , Fun with Dick & Jane , GirlOnGirl , curious kitten , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , ghent529 , gloomybear , sunkissedJess , Kitka , Synthete , Petite Valentine , skeeterlynn , Intrepid Niddering , Rossie , travelnurse , JennSenn , lovebites , Noelle , No-nita , TheHardOne , roskat , lilacviolet
Knee length gowns / nightshirts
Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , wrecklesswords , Ryuson , Peggi , (k)InkyIvy , Beck , Moein , Rin (aka Nire) , darthkitt3n , Love Perpetua , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Katelyn , SexyStuff , November , Selective Sensualist , loveshocks , GonetoLovehoney , LoveDove , Nazaress , Gracie , Teacookie , lemony , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , curious kitten , ghent529 , sunkissedJess , Kitka , skeeterlynn , LadyDarknezz , JennSenn , lovebites , jr2012 , AliMc , amenti , invisiblehat , No-nita , lilacviolet
Full length gowns / nightshirts
Peggi , Beck , Rin (aka Nire) , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Selective Sensualist , Gracie , Teacookie , Woman China , joja , curious kitten , ghent529 , sunkissedJess , Fleurs Violettes , skeeterlynn , LadyDarknezz , lovebites , amenti , invisiblehat , TheHardOne , lilacviolet
Nightgowns that aren't totally revealing - the kind of thing you can walk around the house in when you have family / housemates
Silverdrop , mpfm , Chilipepper , Cookie Monster Mike , wrecklesswords , Ryuson , OhMy! , js250 , Peggi , Ms. N , Beck , DeliciousSurprise , Do-Re-Mi , Eva Schwaltz , eeep , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Greenleaf , SexyStuff , Jul!a , rom323 , shinypinkstars , Selective Sensualist , loveshocks , GonetoLovehoney , LoveDove , idunshire , spiceboy , Kate , Nazaress , Gracie , Daemonin , Ansley , voenne , Teacookie , null , Woman China , joja , FemmeFlo , wrmbreze , biancajames , CaliGirl , ghent529 , gloomybear , sunkissedJess , Kitka , skeeterlynn , Intrepid Niddering , LadyDarknezz , rosythorn , JennSenn , lovebites , AliMc , amenti , invisiblehat , No-nita , TheHardOne , KinkyNicki92 , lilacviolet
Nora , Ms. N , LoveDove , NicNat , Jessica Elizabeth , ~LaUr3n~ , Teacookie , pizzahut , lovebites
Total votes: 721 (146 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Breas Breas
I voted "maybe" just because I am indifferent. If they carried it, that'd be cool, but it's not one of the things on top of the list that I'd really push for..
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Contributor: Cookie Monster Mike Cookie Monster Mike
This is a really cool idea. Personally for me I love nice soft feeling cotton pj pants. Usually the material is somewhat stretchy also. I often lounge around all day in comfortable nice looking pj's. I would absolutely jump all over this if EF were to carry these for men and women. Whether naughty or nice ones that is fine, I mostly just wear pj pants and then a regular shirt with them. But I wouldn't mind matching pj's if they felt good and looked good. As long as the price is not too outrageous I would probably try get 3-5 sets or pants!
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
I would buy the EFF outta that stuff. Well, when I have the money/points anyway.
Contributor: Nora Nora
I have a drawer full of pajamas that I don't use already. I love buying pajamas, but don't actually wear them!
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
This would be super cool!
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Are there any particular brands you think of?
Contributor: js250 js250
That would be great as a sexy, pretty alternative to t-shirts I currently wear.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I said maybe. I don't think it's something I would buy, but I wouldn't have a problem with it being carried. I don't really weal pajamas
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I would love, love, love this! I don't have anything nice to sleep in. I just sleep in white t-shits and boxers. So un-cool. I would love some shirt and short combos, shirt and pant combos, and little chemise style dresses. I would actually like some with underwire as well, since I have to sleep with a bra on.
Contributor: Ms. N Ms. N
I have a lot of nighties that I have bought at various places (VS, Frederick's, department stores, etc.) that are sexy without being totally revealing or uncomfortable. You don't have to give up comfort to be sexy, and you don't have to show everything you have. Guys will tell you - sometimes what is not revealed is sexier than what is.
Contributor: Beck Beck
All of the above! I want something that is comfortable and cute to sleep in.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
All of the above!
Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
I would get all of them, considering it gets very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter here.
Contributor: eeep eeep
Originally posted by Eva Schwaltz
I would get all of them, considering it gets very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter here.
Same here. I'd also like some cute things that I can wear around the house, since I have a son.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Count me in! I already buy a ton of lingerie here, but most of it is "special occasion" type stuff, not something I can just comfortably hang out in around the house. I'd love to see more items that are both sexy and comfy, as well as being covered-up enough to wear around family/roommates! Somewhere between totally see-through scandalous and sleeping in an old t-shirt.
Contributor: Kitt Katt Kitt Katt
Sounds like a great idea.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I would love to get attractive night clothes from here. Right now I sleep naked, but if I had a cute nightie or some sexy pj's, I'd wear those.
Contributor: Greenleaf Greenleaf
I would love to see some comfy but cute sleepwear! Whether or not I'd buy it would depend on the quality of craftsmanship and materials though. (And sizing, can't forget the sizing)
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
I'd love more comfy but cute!
Contributor: jedent jedent
i am much more inclined to buy jammies than lingerie. i don't really do the lingerie thing because i don't care enough (he's just gonna rip it off) but jammies? i am all over it.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Meh. I have tons of plain, non-sexy, functional sleepwear so I'm not terribly interested, personally.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by Silverdrop
In the 'Eden should Carry' thread, I brought up lingerie that's appropriate for sleeping in, and it seems to have gotten a lot of agreement. I thought a separate poll might be interesting.

To me, sleepwear is something that's ... more
Would be awesome!
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
Contributor: SMichelle SMichelle
Yes! All of the above.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Great idea!
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Originally posted by geliebt
Meh. I have tons of plain, non-sexy, functional sleepwear so I'm not terribly interested, personally.
So do I. What I want is sexy, functional sleepwear. I believe it can be done!
Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
Originally posted by Silverdrop
In the 'Eden should Carry' thread, I brought up lingerie that's appropriate for sleeping in, and it seems to have gotten a lot of agreement. I thought a separate poll might be interesting.

To me, sleepwear is something that's ... more
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I would love more stuff that can be slept in because honestly, most of it can also be worn out then and that's what I do the most with my lingerie.