So bummed, I had been saving points for a WeVibe 2 or 3, had enough to get the 2 with some other things during Black Friday. Haven't had a chance to use it yet. Opened it and plugged it in the evening of the 23rd so we've have it to use on Christmas Eve, it never charged. I've tried different outlets, a different charger cord all to no avail. Can't even return it as it is past the 30 days and my husband threw the box out with other Christmas boxes. I was so excited to get this and try it out
My WeVibe II is DOA
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Returns are 60 days, so you should still be able to get a replacement.
Even without the box though? Thank you I thought it was 30 days, never had to return anything I've gotten from here before.
Go ahead and send in a support ticket. I feel pretty sure they'll be willing to help you!
I'll try it thank you.
Oh no, send it back!!
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