So i have added a product to my cart,loged in using fb connect, but the toy doesnt pop up free in my cart. I also tried adding it to the cart and its charging me 12. How do I fix this?
how does the free toy work for fb friends
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In your cart, it should come up with 'Some of these products may have EdenFriends Special discount for Facebook friends' underneath your list of items.
Originally posted by
So i have added a product to my cart,loged in using fb connect, but the toy doesnt pop up free in my cart. I also tried adding it to the cart and its charging me 12. How do I fix this?
Click the button and it will take it to zero cost on the fb toy.
I know there have been times where that button hasn't shown up for me. I just had to keep trying - adding it to my fb and then to the cart. Perhaps sign out and back in again.
I never sign in through fb and it shows up for me.
Hope that works
Shellz offered good advice. Another thing you can do is clear out your cache. This has worked for a few people.
Yup! Just listen to Shellz. It was confusing for me at first and I missed it but after that I figured it out. If it doesn't work sign out and sign back in or try a ittle later.
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