My very first article is published! I'm super excited about it. I already have my next topic idea in mind and hope to start it very soon. Check mine out and let me know what you think?
"Over my time, I've heard a lot of people talking about how sex and help when you are depressed. Being one who like sex and hates feeling depressed, this very much intrigued me and I wanted to find out more. How does depression affect one's sex life? How could sex possibly help one's depression? Is it all really that simple? So, I decided to start some research and find my answers." - Sex and Depression
"Over my time, I've heard a lot of people talking about how sex and help when you are depressed. Being one who like sex and hates feeling depressed, this very much intrigued me and I wanted to find out more. How does depression affect one's sex life? How could sex possibly help one's depression? Is it all really that simple? So, I decided to start some research and find my answers." - Sex and Depression