How much did music - and questionable lyrics - affect your sexual choices?

Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Relating to: Rhythm of Sin: The War on Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll

I suppose we have no idea what effect music may have had on us subconsciously -- it's quite possible Madonna did, indeed, make me fuck as a teenager. But, consciously? I'm not seeing it as such. Music is awesome. Music is sexy. But music and the lyrics in my music of choice really didn't influence my decision to have sex. You?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Yes, without a doubt song lyrics inspired me to have sex sooner than I would have if I hadn't listened to questionable music
3  (3%)
No, song lyrics did not inspire me to do anything I wouldn't have done without them
90  (93%)
Other/What are you on?
4  (4%)
Total votes: 97
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Contributor: Nashville Nashville
Absolutely great article.

As far as music goes, just listening to CD's did nothing for me. However, being in bands and doing live shows with other musicians, you really start to see the sexual sides of life. I have so many stories (that I'd rather not tell) about what goes on behind the scenes of your favorite local rock bands.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
I gave the What are you on vote because.. seriously.. Are people affected by that? I just don't buy into the "media made me do it" BS. Sure, some music is sexual and I may enjoy it. Some music may make me feel sexual but I am my own woman, as it were and make my own decisions. Besides, I can't even think of a time when music ever made me think "I'd like to do that" sexually.
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
I gave the What are you on vote because.. seriously.. Are people affected by that? I just don't buy into the "media made me do it" BS. Sure, some music is sexual and I may enjoy it. Some music may make me feel sexual but I am my own ... more
I loved the article too. I have never, ever understood the fear of sexual images or words. Of course, if sex were not so "bad" and "obscene" we probably wouldn't have nearly as much fun doing it. lol
Contributor: J's Alley J's Alley
While lyrics and music in general affect no real part of my life...sorry I have a tendency to think for myself...I can see how music in some ways can affect people sexually.

As Sleeping Dreamer stated bands and being in them can open doors that won't be closed. I had a friend who dated a drummer and was a virgin (uh, well until he came along). So you see, as the actual music may not generally affect people, the lifestyle of rock and roll and any other industry does have a cause and reaction affect.

Does that make sense to anyone besides me?
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by J's Alley
While lyrics and music in general affect no real part of my life...sorry I have a tendency to think for myself...I can see how music in some ways can affect people sexually.

As Sleeping Dreamer stated bands and being in them can open doors ... more
Having sex because of some music? Meh. Having sex with a *musician*...totally different story!!! Right, hubs?
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Relating to: Rhythm of Sin: The War on Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll

I suppose we have no idea what effect music may have had on us subconsciously -- it's quite possible Madonna did, indeed, make me fuck as a teenager. But, consciously? ... more
I think this discussion misses them point. There are two things to consider;

1. Well rounded strong individuals are not going to be influenced by sex or violence in music, movies or games. However, those with mental problems can easily be influenced by the potentially negative aspects of 'media'.

2. The exposure of adolescents and pre-adolescents to messages and images that they are not prepared to handle. The world is not just inhabited by mature consenting adults - there are other considerations that societies need to balance when deciding what to allow in open public places & on public air waves.

Balance & common sense are rare but necessary. We should also be willing to be courteous to those among us who are sensitive to or take offense to these issues.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Not at all. I would think other media influences made more of an impact though. Things like music videos and tv.

This is an interesting question since I am in Sociology of Media right now lol.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
The only music that had any impact on my sex life was Prince's symbol album (maybe Diamonds and Pearls...maybe) and U2 (Achtung Baby was on when I cut up my V-card).

Other than than...nah. It's effected (affected?) me in other areas, but not that way...except for maybe Wham! and George Micheal...but that's totally different.
Contributor: joja joja
Well, considering a lot of my first (we're talking 12-13 years old) crushes were on musicians, I'd say there has to be some reason music is so sexual to me...
Contributor: KnK KnK
...I think the only influence I can think of is that I learned about things I had never before heard of....but with my generation we just as easily found the same things with pop-up ads and accidental google search results.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by El-Jaro
The only music that had any impact on my sex life was Prince's symbol album (maybe Diamonds and Pearls...maybe) and U2 (Achtung Baby was on when I cut up my V-card).

Other than than...nah. It's effected (affected?) me in other areas, ... more
I would have to admit that Prince had a major effect even as far back as the Revolution days. Erotic City is probably my favorite song and Darling Nikki I tormented my Mother with...long story.

I decided to have sex in the same manner I still live by, I made a carefully thought out choice and then jumped in with both feet. I don't think music infleuenced me all that much since it was the lat 80s and everyone was all like 'we don't have to get naked to have a good time' it happens I didn't believe that and still don't...
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
The only thing that influenced my sex life was my body, aka hormones. I was 26 when I figured out that "pocket full of horses, some of them used" in Prince's Little Red Corvette was a euphemism for Trojan condoms.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I think this discussion misses them point. There are two things to consider;

1. Well rounded strong individuals are not going to be influenced by sex or violence in music, movies or games. However, those with mental problems can easily be ... more
Balance & common sense are rare but necessary. We should also be willing to be courteous to those among us who are sensitive to or take offense to these issues.

Or maybe those people should learn how to change the channel. *wicked grin* I think people LIKE to be offended. It makes them special. It makes people bow to their sensibilities. That to me, is ludicrous. If you don't want your child to see sexual images, don't let a television babysit them.
Contributor: RosesThorns RosesThorns
While I do believe that some people can some times be susceptible to subliminal messaging from music... I am not one of those folks.
Contributor: Hockeytown9 Hockeytown9
No, no, no, although Lords of Acid can get us in the mood.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Music doesn't make me want sex. It can be for setting a mood but the choices are all mine. No blaming it on the Boogie lol
Contributor: SapphirexIce SapphirexIce
I agree with the person above me that music can indeed set the mood.
Contributor: TumorCrunch TumorCrunch
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Relating to: Rhythm of Sin: The War on Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll

I suppose we have no idea what effect music may have had on us subconsciously -- it's quite possible Madonna did, indeed, make me fuck as a teenager. But, consciously? ... more
if i did the things my music talks about...well....i'd be doing some CRAZY SHIT. i don't listen to normal music, lol.
Contributor: *Huxley* *Huxley*
Originally posted by SexyTabby
Music doesn't make me want sex. It can be for setting a mood but the choices are all mine. No blaming it on the Boogie lol
I agree.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
Lyrics do not mean much when it comes to sexual, all about the beat.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
Not at all. Music didn't impact my sexual decisions.
Contributor: teeny <3 teeny <3
Yes and No

I voted for "other." I think music did affect my sexual development indirectly. I was not permitted to listen to most popular music growing up. Until I moved out of may parents' house, my mother would look up the lyrics to every song on the cds I owned. If they conflicted with her idea of Christianity, she threw them away. This seemed unreasonable and I began to question the moral standards I was brought up around, including abstinence.
Contributor: charcat charcat
I don't think you can isolate the one factor. It's complicated.
Contributor: The Mother of a SiNner The Mother of a SiNner
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Relating to: Rhythm of Sin: The War on Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll

I suppose we have no idea what effect music may have had on us subconsciously -- it's quite possible Madonna did, indeed, make me fuck as a teenager. But, consciously? ... more
honetsly none relaly effected meany which way butsomemake good mood music
Contributor: Rain. Rain.
No not at all.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Music made me horny, but I don't think I was paying much attention to the lyrics. The innuendo was mostly lost on my 5-15 year old self.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
Music had no effect on my sexuality growing up.
Contributor: systematicweasel systematicweasel
I love music, but I dont' think it really effected me sexually lol
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Relating to: Rhythm of Sin: The War on Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll

I suppose we have no idea what effect music may have had on us subconsciously -- it's quite possible Madonna did, indeed, make me fuck as a teenager. But, consciously? ... more
Certain songs turn me I can hear someone singing "I want to fuck you like an animal. I want to feel you from the inside," without fantasizing.

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