Would you choose to not have kids to save the planet?

Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
What are your thoughts on the Gink Manifesto?

Last week on SexIs magazine, Modern Love Muse talked about choosing to not have children for ecological reasons.

She says, "On paper, the idea is sustainably sexy and smart. In lieu of the impact of unfettered population growth on our home, it’s a no-brainer that informed and committed planetary citizens who consciously opt to NOT have children would garner undisputed support from eco-sexuals, right?"

But it seems not all "Greenies" agree, and actually some are down right opposed to this idea.

What about you? Would you consider not having kids to save the planet?
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Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
This is a really tough one for me to answer to be honest. I'm all for doing whatever I can to try and help save the environment, but for as long as I can remember I've wanted to have kids. I'd try to limit the number of children I'd have, but I do still want children.
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
Er, I'd hope having kids would help keep the planet going; I could raise them to take care of the environment... I wouldn't avoid having kids JUST to be eco-friendly, though; isn't protecting future generations a big reason for saving the planet?

Edit: I'm not against people doing this, though. It's just that I've always wanted kids, and that's one thing I wouldn't give up solely for the environment
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I can think of at least one member who will disagree with my view point, so I'll try not to stand on a soap box...

One of my biggest worries on the planet is over-population. We're over capacity now (how close to 7 billion people are we now?) and, historically speaking, when a population of ANYTHING gets too large there are mass die-offs. I'd rather see people being realistic and responsible with regards to reproducing than having kids just because they want to.
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I can think of at least one member who will disagree with my view point, so I'll try not to stand on a soap box...

One of my biggest worries on the planet is over-population. We're over capacity now (how close to 7 billion people are ... more
That is a very true trend. I just want people to have, like, one or two kids max... that would balance out/help lower the population, if the number of people not having kids was factored in...
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by MaryExy
That is a very true trend. I just want people to have, like, one or two kids max... that would balance out/help lower the population, if the number of people not having kids was factored in...
and adoption is ALWAYS an option!
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
Originally posted by El-Jaro
and adoption is ALWAYS an option!
I have always kept that option open
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
I want to possibly adopt to prevent adding to the already overpopulated human population. I am a strong environmentalist, so I don't know if I could live with myself knowing the damage I would cause my having a child of my own when I could just adopt.
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
I would have just one kid or I would adopt, but I've always wanted to be a mother so I'd want to take care of a child in some form
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
I am aware that there are a lot of consequences from having children, and I am prepared to accept them if/when I have children. I'd like to have only one or two, though. I completely support people who choose to not have any children for whatever reason. It's their choice.
Contributor: Wondermom Wondermom
No, ever since I was a little girl I have only wanted to be a mom, that choice was nearly taken from me when I was diagnosed with endometriosis. So having my son is a dream come true and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
That wouldn't be my choice at all.
Contributor: lovemuscle n cookie lovemuscle n cookie
It shouldn't come down to choosing whether or not to have kids, it should come down to not having 15+ kids lol.
Contributor: [Red] [Red]
I've already chosen not to have children; if that means I contribute to keeping the population down and mankind from killing itself, cool.

I like the idea of limiting the number of children people can have in principle, but I don't agree that it's an applicable idea in practice. It just won't work. Look at China.
Contributor: Intrinsic1gr Intrinsic1gr
Originally posted by removedacnt
What are your thoughts on the Gink Manifesto? Last week on SexIs magazine, Modern Love Muse talked about choosing to not have children for ecological reasons. She says, "On paper, the idea is sustainably sexy and smart. In lieu of the impact of ... more
If it was a guarantee to save the planet; yes.

With no guarantee; I'm still not opposed to adopting in my future to love someone who never had to know a family, but still put on this earth.
Contributor: married with children married with children
we are over populated, that is a known fact. I have a problem with people who keep having kids. I think that each person should stick to one kid each. And those who do not want kids, so be it. But how can you put a law like that on the books? And would a law like that work.
Contributor: PunkyB PunkyB
I already have my kiddo. I do like having kids and I would have one more if the option was open to me.

That being said I dont relly have an opinion If someone else wants to abstain for the sake of the planet. Thats their business.

Im not going to start on the parents that should never have been allowed to have kids. There are some crazy sick people in this world that should be sterilized. That is an awesome idea, but there would never be a way to put somthing like that in place.
Contributor: Tinamarie Bernard Tinamarie Bernard
Love these comments! Thanks Liz for starting this discussion. I hope the overall message that came through in the blog is that we can be more conscious about the kids we have and the kids already here. Given a choice, most people (women) don't want more and more kids - they want more for the kids they already have. My hope is that those who want children of their own do so, and raise them to be the most outstanding citizens of the next generation. Those who don't shouldn't be made to feel like lesser-than women. And those on the fence may consider population explosion when they decide.

Fewer kids, more love, better sharing, less crowding. It's provocative, but we've got to consider it for our children's sakes.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
Originally posted by lovemuscle n cookie
It shouldn't come down to choosing whether or not to have kids, it should come down to not having 15+ kids lol.
^ This. And not having kids if you don't have the means & good sense to raise them.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
Choosing to not have kids in order to protect the environment is one of the most asinine things I've come across in a while.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
For those who really want kids, making the choice to not have them because of the environment would be almost impossible.

I won't be having kids, but even if I did, I wouldn't want any more than 2 max.
Contributor: JessicaBurde JessicaBurde
I never intended to have lots of kids, but I am very fertile, get pregnant when taking birth control *right* and for health reasons can't get my tubes tied (so fertile Dr says I'll end up with ectopic pregnancies.) I'm looking into uterine implants now, but without health insurance, isn't very feasible.

Not have kids to save the planet sounds good, but doesn't work for everyone.

And if all the people who care about the planet don't have kids, that means the entire next generation will be raised by people who don't worry about saving the planet, and then where would we be?
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by UnknownGirl
Choosing to not have kids in order to protect the environment is one of the most asinine things I've come across in a while.
I disagree.

Have you ever seen a landfill in real life? Seen how much waste a single person creates?

I think it's an important thing to consider if a person is going to make offspring. I also think it's irresponsible for the prospective parents to NOT consider it.

Think global, act local.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Cool - yet another contribution to the environmental movement I'm already making.

Child-Free is Green!
Contributor: Wyo Daisy Wyo Daisy
I have several kids, so no I would not choose the option of not having them. In fact if I had not had some health/fertility issues I would have had more. I do try to keep the environment in mind (we breastfeed - practice child led weaning, cloth diaper, recycle etc) as I raise them. In our homeschool we also teach our children about sustainable agriculture practices (we live in an agriculture community), how to raise healthy animals humanely etc. We grow much of our own food and sell extras.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
i'm not a kids person so i hope not to have kids in the future. it really is such a waste of resources when there are so many kids in africa, central/ south america, asia, etc. that would do anything to have a mom and dad. if i had children, i would adopt for sure
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Cool - yet another contribution to the environmental movement I'm already making.

Child-Free is Green!
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
I've already decided not to have kids ever...ever ever ever! I have no desire to be a mom. "If" I ever did, I would totally adopt.