Carrot Top?

Contributor: Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme) Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Coming from England, where people tend to be retarded about this sort of thing, I'd just like clarification from the Bloggess - the reason you wouldn't sleep with Carrot Top is because he's an annoying twat, right? Not because he's ginger.

Because, believe it or not, I found a LOT of problem being single when I was back in the UK. I'm tall and fairly good looking, but I have red hair and the stigma of sleeping with a 'ginga' actually left me out in the cold! I had one girl who kept our relationship a secret because her friends would make fun of her - and described my hair as 'reddish brown' or 'auburn' to her parents so they wouldn't know I was the dreaded 'ginger.'

American girls are FAR more evolved, I'm pleased to report (except the jury's out on the Bloggess until she answers the question!) I had no problem dating when I moved to America and girls said my ginger hair was cute and made me look boyish.

When I moved back to England, I was featured in a British TV show called 'F**k off, I'm Ginger' and it showed pictures of my American wife - and in TV forums, they mentioned that she was ridiculously hot and, apparently, far more attractive than a 'ginger' like me deserved.

And gosh, look, unsurprisingly we would up back in America.

First off, gingers rock. Secondly, that you America for being considerably more evolved than many Brits.
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Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Coming from England, where people tend to be retarded about this sort of thing, I'd just like clarification from the Bloggess - the reason you wouldn't sleep with Carrot Top is because he's an annoying twat, right? Not because he's ... more
I think the anti-redhead sentiment is unique to the UK. In my experience, redheads are sometimes considered the hottest over here but, most of the time, aren't considered any more or less attractive than the other species.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
I think the anti-redhead sentiment is unique to the UK. In my experience, redheads are sometimes considered the hottest over here but, most of the time, aren't considered any more or less attractive than the other species.
So yes, I would assume she meant because Carrot Top is just lame in general. And also has a horse face.
Contributor: sry sry

Just googled ginger hair BC I didn't know what it was... Brits are retarded that color IS HOTTTTT!!!!!
Contributor: Nickisonehere Nickisonehere
I went out with a ginger for a while in high school.

Still gives me nightmares
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
I'd assume Carrot Top because he's, you know, Carrot Top. Not because of the color of his hair.
Contributor: sry sry
I saw carrot top, I went to his house he was taking out the trash... hehehe
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
So yes, I would assume she meant because Carrot Top is just lame in general. And also has a horse face.
Horse face? That dude has a plastic face - he's one too many tucks and slices. Ewwww.
Contributor: bodymodboy bodymodboy
I just would like to make a point, not be a stick in the mud, but can we not use the word "retarded"? We do have a disability section here on Eden Forums, and I think it'd be a respectful thing. Calling them dumb, moronic, douche bags, etc, but please, that word is a bit demeaning to some.
Contributor: ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~
Carrot Top may be the bane of my very esistence... I find red hair quite attractive, but as the other girls have pointed out...

donkey/horse face + nip & tuck + annoying personality + nauseating dress style + more nip & tuck + bad sense of humor + goofy expressions + enormous unkempt white boy 'fro = massive turn off.

Actually, even though he's known as "Carrot Top" I think the redness of his hair is about the last of his qualities that comes to mind for me. His overall repulsiveness rears its ugly head in my mind first, heh. o_O;
Contributor: sry sry
My bad

I'm mentally ill my self with more than enough conditions to fill 1 hand and counting so I understand how it could be bad or viewed as bad.. I don't get pissed when people start talking about psychotic people in fact it doesn't bother me at all.. probably why I'm such as ass sometimes.. I brush it off so easily I guess I get accustomed to brushing it off that I expect other people to do the same.. which I see is not the case, so I will do my best to not use that word.. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. won't happen again
Contributor: Spicy Sunday Spicy Sunday
I googled around and I can't figure out if there's any reason *why* Brits have that thing against gingers (or redheads, I would say). The best explanation I saw was that it was just deemed a socially acceptable group to bully based on community agreement, or maybe something to do with Irish vs. English. I'm American and when I started watching BBC shows I was totally perplexed by the whole ginger thing. Anyway, I have dark "strawberry blonde" hair so I guess I could be considered ginger...maybe? No one hassled me when I was vacationing in London, though. It's all very confusing to me!
Contributor: sry sry
Does my last post sound harsh? Don't mean for it to...
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
One of my best friends has always preferred "ginger" guys. Some of my favorite books, like "The Hero and the Crown" by Robin McKinley and the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce, featured female protagonists with fiery red hair... so really, I've always associated that hair color with courage and plain awesomeness.
Contributor: sry sry
Yeah I thought ginger hair would be good for role playing in a fantasy land and your hair is fire, because your a bright wizard or something that uses fire to fight
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by Nickisonehere
I went out with a ginger for a while in high school.

Still gives me nightmares
Is that supposed to be a joke? Cause I ain't laughing.
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Coming from England, where people tend to be retarded about this sort of thing, I'd just like clarification from the Bloggess - the reason you wouldn't sleep with Carrot Top is because he's an annoying twat, right? Not because he's ... more
LOL I have noticed that, actually, but didn't realize it was a brits versus americas thing. Red hair is a strange thing - over the years I have noticed that to some red hair is an insane turn on on a level that I've never noticed with any other hair color. BUT maybe that's because I have red hair so its something I'm more apt to notice. So I suppose it could also be an insane turn off to some too. *shrug*

I do get a little annoyed with ginger jokes. They're usually funny, but sometimes... For example, when the 12th (or so) person made a comment to me about how (jokingly of course) it was "kick a ginger day" it stopped being even remotely funny. It's also annoying that it's one of the first things that get noticed about me, and one of the first descriptors used on me. It's not that big of a deal, and most of the time I am proud to wear my ginger pride. But sometimes, it just gets a bit tiring - like, cause, it's just freaking hair, ya know?

But seriously now - anyone have sunscreen? I think I'm burning...
Contributor: Red Red
Also just to throw it out there - I would fuck Carrot Top is he were wearing a hood, or I a blindfold, as I am sure he would be a lot of fun.
Contributor: Perish Perish
Love that fire crotch on a chick lol.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Red
LOL I have noticed that, actually, but didn't realize it was a brits versus americas thing. Red hair is a strange thing - over the years I have noticed that to some red hair is an insane turn on on a level that I've never noticed with any ... more
I have honestly never heard someone refer to a redhead as a ginger except in the context of talking about this. (Did that even make sense?) Needless to say, I've never heard of "kick a ginger" day but I have to agree.. who the hells takes it so seriously?

I wonder where it got started?
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
On a semi-related thought.. I guess that redheads being nymphos isn't a universal stereotype?
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Originally posted by Red
LOL I have noticed that, actually, but didn't realize it was a brits versus americas thing. Red hair is a strange thing - over the years I have noticed that to some red hair is an insane turn on on a level that I've never noticed with any ... more
Lol - try blonde jokes - they get really old
Contributor: Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady
I think red hair is super HAWT and it is almost always an immediate turn on for me. To me it is an exotic beauty.

I've heard the term "ginger" used, but I tend to avoid all terms that identify people by their physical appearance. In this particular instance, I know one red-headed lady (my best female friend) who doesn't care about the word "ginger", but I have another red-headed male friend who finds it insulting.

I also think it's interesting that Americans are generally accepting of red hair, but as a general population are so not accepting of people who aren't many of us - while most of the people I've met from the other side of the Atlantic are extremely indifferent to my rainbow sherbertness.
Contributor: ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~ ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~
Things like this make me love the Seattle area. You could be a 7 foot tall, pale-skinned, lesbian transgender with rainbow hair and 19,425,876 piercings and purple hair walking your pet duck on a leash and while you'll likely get a second glance or two, people aren't gonna give you shit for being unique. If anything you're more likely to find people admiring your sense of individuality and comfort in being YOU. I could see the odd tourist wanting a picture with you too... but point is there's enough flamboyant uniqueness out in the open here that most people are used to the unusual and are more than happy to embrace it. It's truly part of what makes Seattle, Seattle, and the people here really feel that way.

I mean really, if you've attending the Seattle's World Naked Bike Ride or the Annual Gay Pride Parade, you know what I'm talking about. Here's an awesome link to a short video of the parade if you like: link I find it quite uplifting. That crowd goes on for a looooooong ways too, haha. If you're ever in this area around June I highly suggest attending it. To be honest, it's quite hard to miss.

It certainly makes being a bisexual feel mainstream-ish and nonconfining - although I should probably add that the farther you venture away from the lovely city, the more likely it becomes that people will frown upon your "weirdness". At least the frowners are still frowned upon by the majority here though!

The people here (for the most part) are highly accepting of all cultures. It's refreshing having lived in the South for a good chunk of my life.

...and with all this, really, nobody gives a rat's ass what color your flippin' hair is!
Contributor: Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme) Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Originally posted by Not Here Anymore f/k/a Happy Lady
I think red hair is super HAWT and it is almost always an immediate turn on for me. To me it is an exotic beauty.

I've heard the term "ginger" used, but I tend to avoid all terms that identify people by their physical ... more
I love the term 'rainbow sherbertness'!!

You're absolutely right, though. As a European, I find it amazing that some of the things I take for granted - like legal protection against being prejudiced against because of your sexuality - is still being fought for here. That being said, I applaud the states that have approved gay marriage - in England we copped out with the compromise 'civil partnerships.'
Contributor: Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme) Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Originally posted by bodymodboy
I just would like to make a point, not be a stick in the mud, but can we not use the word "retarded"? We do have a disability section here on Eden Forums, and I think it'd be a respectful thing. Calling them dumb, moronic, douche bags, ... more
Quite right - my apologies.

I'm ashamed that I even got into using that term since I came to America - it's so prevalent. In the UK, it's considered VERY off color (likewise, when I was a kid we'd call people 'spazs' if they were idiots, short for spastics, but that quickly became politically incorrect.

I know I always looked shiftily left and right before guiltily saying 'retarded' when I first arrived in America, as I felt it was 'wrong' (which it is) but now I've become desensitized to it - it's used on TV, the radio - EVERYWHERE and seemingly with no stigma attached to it at all.

Which is kind of funny, as the US has generally struck me as quite a 'politically correct' place.
Contributor: Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme) Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Originally posted by Red
LOL I have noticed that, actually, but didn't realize it was a brits versus americas thing. Red hair is a strange thing - over the years I have noticed that to some red hair is an insane turn on on a level that I've never noticed with any ... more
I officially heart you. I think I have a crush on your brain.
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
I have honestly never heard someone refer to a redhead as a ginger except in the context of talking about this. (Did that even make sense?) Needless to say, I've never heard of "kick a ginger" day but I have to agree.. who the hells ... more
I first heard of it from the south park episode "ginger kids". Which was really funny, by the way...
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by Adriana Ravenlust
On a semi-related thought.. I guess that redheads being nymphos isn't a universal stereotype?
LOL It's one I have been told by a few guys in some sort of strange pick up attempt. No joke.
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by ~*SurrealisticFantasy*~
Things like this make me love the Seattle area. You could be a 7 foot tall, pale-skinned, lesbian transgender with rainbow hair and 19,425,876 piercings and purple hair walking your pet duck on a leash and while you'll likely get a second glance ... more
I'm in Vancouver, which is Seattle, except Canadian - which basically means pot is more "legal" and same sex couples can wed