Sex Positive Stalemate: Is our activism setting the mood for failure?
The existence of Patriarchy.
Rape culture.
Slut shaming.
Gender as a social construct.
What do those ideas mean to you? Do you consider them established truths? Undeniable reality?
If you do, I’ve got news for you. You’re part of a minority.
Because outside of our close-knit community of sex positivity, ideas like the ones I’ve listed above are considered theories by most, and kooky liberal nonsense by many.
Roland is at it again! Challenging us to really think about the things we're doing in life - this time it's all about how we handle people who challenge our open-mindedness. As much as I am loathe to bring it up, there was one such example of this on this very forum this week. A contributor challenged the idea that gay marriage should be legalized and the community descended upon them like it was the most abhorrent thing to ever have been uttered.
Why are we so intolerant of allowing other people to have opposing view points that all sex is good and it doesn't matter what parts go where so long as it is safe, sane and consensual? Have we taken ourselves to a level of political correctness that stops us from having open and honest dialogue about these topics?
Before you answer, read the entire article for the context of the questions. This just might be the most important topic we could be discussing right now as a community. How do we further our positions without alienating our audience?