Unselfish Hands, written by Teagan Shepherd, is a fun and light read on some of the amazing benefits of using your hands to tell your partner you love them.
A single touch can say a thousand words, revealing our moods and intentions in an instant. Sometimes it's really easy to become geared and forget that soft touches mean just as much as the passionate grabs and slaps on the behind as you race to the bedroom.
Some of Teagan's suggestions are no-brainers, like drawing a bath for your partner when the day has been long (if they dig that kind of thing), a good massage (read: lasts longer than five seconds without the intention of getting sex), or just lightly tracing parts of your lover's body with your fingers are all great ways to express love.
What are some other ways that you can express love for one another through touch? On the flip side of that, what are some ways that you don't like to be touched?