Hi, you guys!
We've got a couple things we want to talk to you about today, so I figured I'd drop you a line. But first things first, go read the letter from the editor we published on SexIs today. I'll sum it up here in case you don't have time to read two places.
1) Tomorrow marks the third year SexIs has been in publication! Isn't that awesome? And to celebrate, we're giving you 25% off your purchase! Just enter 3YRSEXIS in the box marked "coupon code" at check out!
2) We're making some huge changes on SexIs! The biggest change, however, is the fact that we're opening it up to the community! It's not quite ready yet, but we'll let you know when it is. That means that very soon, you'll be able to add your voice to SexIs!
Which brings us to the crux of the reason I've started this thread!
As you know by now, I'm sure, EdenFantasys is working on a sitewide theme called "Sexy YOU." We've got our columnists and contributors over at SexIs working on their interpretation of this theme, but we'd love to have yours as well! Yes, that's right. We want YOU to write something for SexIs!
Here are some guidelines:
- Submissions should be emailed to rayne (at) edenfantasys [dot] com as an attached file (.doc, .rtf or .txt only please). Please include your EdenFantasys screen name and the email you provided when you signed up for your account.
- Articles should talk about what makes you feel sexy, what things are sexy to you, or some other translation of "Sexy YOU." If you're unsure or have any questions, feel free to email rayne (at) edenfantasys [dot] com with your idea and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
- Articles should be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1200 words.
- Articles should be in by no later than Friday, March 23rd. Anything submitted later than that will be returned to the contributor.
- One article per contributor for the "Sexy YOU" theme.
- Pay rate is as follows:
-- 500-800 words receives a $15 gift card to EdenFantasys!
-- 801-1200 words receives a $25 gift card to EdenFantasys!
So that's it! Can't wait to read what you guys have to say! Thanks!