#SexyYOU - Which of these people do you identify with?

Contributor: Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme) Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)

Related to: Sexy is a Journey

My last two articles have been about guys and their self-esteem. In the first, Being Ken is Just as Hard as Being Barbie: Why Body Image is a Male Problem, Too, I dicussed some of the issues that plague men and cause their insecurities. While some of the issues appear the same as women's issues on the surface, the reasons behind men's issues can be very different.

This week, in my article, Sexy is a Journey, I wrote about how to overcome those issues and be sexy for YOU.

And that's really the crux of it, isn't it. You gotta be sexy for YOU.

“Today, as I scan the pages of Facebook, I see my former bullies are still living in the little cattle town we grew up in; their lives little different to how they’d been when we were at school together. I realize now that they’d only said those mean things to me because they were a reflection of their own insecurity; and how my potential had highlighted it.

That realization was liberating; and confirmed that my journey towards “sexy” had only truly began when I stopped worrying about what other people thought of me, and started living my life for myself.

And that’s what “sexy” means to me – rejecting the labels other people place on you, and embracing your own identity. Hitting the gym and getting a promotion is great; but the only true secret to “sexy” is making the decision to believe that you are.”

So here's my question to you. Society's got its ideal, but when it comes right down to it, which of these people do you identify with? Leave the why in the comments.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
5  (6%)
1  (1%)
4  (5%)
16  (19%)
8  (10%)
Lois Lane
15  (18%)
Roseanne Conner
32  (38%)
Dan Conner
3  (4%)
Total votes: 84
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Serenesub Serenesub
As far as attitude and mentality I'm definitely in the Roseanne Conner camp. But, while I am still in my hometown I'm totally comfortable and happy here. I like the simplicity of it all. I love being able to walk by the river, and drive under an hour and be in the mountains. I'm not a city girl. I don't care what other people think..sexy is about confidence not body image or labels. It's about not always being able to afford to spoil yourself but when you do it means more and makes you feel like that $20 lotion was $500 cream from a boutique in LA. *shrugs* I like the simple things, and the simple things like a ring on my finger, or my attitude make me feel sexy.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
Well, none of these, really. I'm not all about my wardrobe and accessories like Barbie, I'm not pining over a man I can't have like Juliet or Lois Lane, and I'm not a housewife and mother like Roseanne.

Betty Boop is my hero. She's a girl who is comfortable in her own skin and knows how to use her sexuality to get what she wants.
Contributor: Destri Destri
I m in the Roseanne group. I don't give a flying rat's ass what other people think of my body, or my face for that matter. People see me the way they are going to see me and I can't do a thing about what they think. I only care about how my family sees me...

I did stay home and raise my kids, who are grown now. But that doesn't really have anything to do with how I see myself. Hey, I know I have a few extra pounds, but I think it makes me look more like a real woman, and I have wrinkles but that just shows that I managed to live this long. The gray hairs? Road maps of the trials and troubles I have overcome to get this far.
Contributor: Hibangel Hibangel
I'm a Romeo type, since I'm romantic and more masculine than feminine.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I really don't see myself like any of these, but the one I have the most in common with would be Roseanne.
Contributor: Various Various
Roseanne no doubt!
Contributor: dynasty123 dynasty123
As characters, OK--Dan and Roaseanne--and in "real life" the guy who played Dan O (can't think of his name now!) is a sexy and great guy (at least he appears that way) BUT Roaseanne (whoever's name she is using now) is an idiot. Have you seen her "reality" show? She is living in Hawaii with her latest hubbie and is still obnoxious and full of herself. I find her annoying and in no way sexy.
Contributor: oopsy oopsy
I still think of myself as fairly young and doe-eyed, so I think Juliet is the most fitting at the moment
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
I think I have the attitude of Roseanne.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Related to: Sexy is a Journey My last two articles have been about guys and their self-esteem. In the first, Being Ken is Just as Hard as Being Barbie: Why Body Image is a Male Problem, Too, I dicussed some of the issues that plague men and cause ... more
I don't really identify with any of them
Contributor: SimpleTeaser SimpleTeaser
If I HAD to choose one, I'd choose Roseanne. However, I do have self esteem issues so I'm not sure that she would be a good fit, either.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
I don't really identify with any of them. I'm not superficial, I'm not so romantic as to kill myself over some guy, I'm not in love with some superhero ideal or in need of rescue, and I'm not a housewife who would stay at home to care for a family instead of pursuing my own ambitions. None of those are me.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by SimpleTeaser
If I HAD to choose one, I'd choose Roseanne. However, I do have self esteem issues so I'm not sure that she would be a good fit, either.
Roseanne Connor was a bag of self esteem issues. She just expressed it in ways people weren't familiar with at the time, by being bossy, demanding and at times cruel.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
The love I have for my husband puts me in the Juliet category, my drive to succeed and be where I want to be in life puts me in the Roseanne category. I'm not anything like Barbie. I'm not materialistic and I don't strive for a career that makes 9 years of college tuition mandatory.

I'm just me. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside and willing to give you the shirt off my back if it'll help you succeed.
Contributor: Teacookie Teacookie
Lisa Simpson, cept school bored the crap out of me and I took any and all excuses to skip 80% or more of the school year. I had the idoit brother that was a combo of Bart and Jimbo Jones. No Dad and my mom..... needs a pysch evualuation. How many famous people or toons have the magic penis syndrom? Otherwise Bette Medler where she plays a mom with two girls, one that she is sure is going to be a star and deserts her mom and the other became a famous stripper. Yup my mom always had and has big dreams that never happen, career student etc. OH yeah and a bit of the abuse from Mommy Dearest.

Yup you need a Jerry springer option up there, best way to describe my childhood.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Oddly enough, I would have to choose Romeo. He was intelligent, passionate and wasn't afraid to buck against peoples expectations. He was true to himself, unfortunately it got people hurt in the process.
Contributor: tinadice tinadice
Originally posted by Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Related to: Sexy is a Journey My last two articles have been about guys and their self-esteem. In the first, Being Ken is Just as Hard as Being Barbie: Why Body Image is a Male Problem, Too, I dicussed some of the issues that plague men and cause ... more
Roseanne no doubt!
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
Roseanne cause i am like a house mother
Contributor: calliope calliope
Eh maybe Barbie. People would say I looked like a Barbie.
Contributor: Angel Baby Angel Baby
Juliet. She did everything for love till the end. She was all about love and her soul-mate.
Contributor: Loriandhubby Loriandhubby
Juliet, submisive, loyal, followed love, faithful... what more could you ask for.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by Champagne and Benzedrine (Roland Hulme)
Related to: Sexy is a Journey My last two articles have been about guys and their self-esteem. In the first, Being Ken is Just as Hard as Being Barbie: Why Body Image is a Male Problem, Too, I dicussed some of the issues that plague men and cause ... more
Roseanne all the way! She was down to earth and REAL. Im that kind of person. She told it how it was and her character also dealt with real life issues that everyone goes through.
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
probably more like DELTA BURKE!
Contributor: tom fay tom fay
being trans it like being a superhero
Contributor: Caus Caus
Lois Lane.
Contributor: tom fay tom fay
I dont think i could ever identify with a barbe