Welcome to this week's featured SexIs article:
War on Abortion Opens New Front Line in North Dakota, by Roland Hulme!

Have you heard the news? North Dakota's state senate passed a bill that will make abortion and many forms of birth control illegal! Now we're just waiting to see if it'll pass the House.
Problem is, this bill causes some complications with regard to high-risk pregnancies.
In a statement released Tuesday, Siri Fiebiger, a physician from Fargo who practices obstetrics and gynecology, said, “SB 2303 will restrict a doctor’s ability to treat doomed pregnancies, putting women’s lives at risk. Ectopic pregnancies are, and miscarriages can be, life-threatening if not treated in a timely fashion. Complications during pregnancy should be managed by physicians according to the patient’s needs and values, without involvement by politicians.”
What do you think?
Should an embryo have civil rights?