#SexIsSocial - War on Abortion Opens New Front Line in North Dakota

Contributor: Rayne Millaray Rayne Millaray

Welcome to this week's featured SexIs article:

War on Abortion Opens New Front Line in North Dakota, by Roland Hulme!

Have you heard the news? North Dakota's state senate passed a bill that will make abortion and many forms of birth control illegal! Now we're just waiting to see if it'll pass the House.

Problem is, this bill causes some complications with regard to high-risk pregnancies.

In a statement released Tuesday, Siri Fiebiger, a physician from Fargo who practices obstetrics and gynecology, said, “SB 2303 will restrict a doctor’s ability to treat doomed pregnancies, putting women’s lives at risk. Ectopic pregnancies are, and miscarriages can be, life-threatening if not treated in a timely fashion. Complications during pregnancy should be managed by physicians according to the patient’s needs and values, without involvement by politicians.”

What do you think?

Should an embryo have civil rights?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Are you prolife or prochoice?
Other. (leave a comment)
How do you feel about the personhood laws popping up all over the country?
They're great! Life begins at conception.
They're vile. A woman should have the right to choose what to do with her body.
It depends on the bill. For example... (leave a comment)
Do you feel birth control - disrupting fertilization - should be included in personhood laws?
Yes. It's preventing life.
No. Preventing life is not the same as terminating it.
Other (leave a comment)
On what do you base your opinion?
My religion.
My personal morals.
Other (explain in a comment)
Total votes: 169 (41 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I believe that life begins at conception because the embryo has a different genetic makeup than the mother, and thus is a different life form.

At the same time, I believe that the mothers life is more important than the growing embryo. I also don't feel that women should be forced to carry to term children who were conceived by rape, incest, or are going to be born with their heart in their skull and die on the operating table.

I also don't think that birth control is a form of abortion unless, you know, you're using abortion as a birth control method. Preventing an egg from implanting happens ALL the time in nature, and I feel like an IUD or morning after pill kind of helps that natural process that the body has of rejecting eggs.

In short, I feel that abortions are a very important part of health care, but shouldn't be taken lightly. In the UK they hospitalize you for at least a day at a real hospital to keep an eye on infection and bleeding. This also means that you have to tell your loved ones where you are (which would help prevent the incest arguments) and would help people feel like it wasn't just a quick fix, but an actual medical procedure that was dangerous.

Most people agree that killing a criminal is taking life, but there are for sure circumstances when it can't be helped like if they're taking hostages. It shouldn't be done willy-nilly, but it does have a place in society.
Contributor: amazon amazon
I don't mind how someone's personal values, morals, or religious views direct their behavior or actions, but stay the fuck out of everyone else's lives.
Contributor: Amber Sweet Amber Sweet
I believe every person should be allowed to decide what is right for their body. I bet that these were some of the same government persons that were against Obamacare because they didn't want the government in their healthcare decisions. I'd just like the government to think outside my box.

I also think that if a woman decides to use abortion as a form of "birth control" then that's her business. As someone who never wants to have children but is too young to get their tubes tied, if I found myself suddenly pregnant I would choose to get an abortion because I have no desire to have children. That's just my choice and no one should force me to endure a pregnancy just because they have some personal issue with abortions. I've always asked anti-choice people how does a woman having an abortion impact their daily lives, and none could ever think of an appropriate answer and I think that says a lot.

Heck I hate bananas, I hate they way they look, the smell and the taste of them. But I don't picket outside of grocery stores and go around smacking bananas out others' hands; another person eating a banana does not affect my life in the least bit.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
I am prolife with certain caveats. For example, there is no reason that ANY law should prevent a doctor from treating an ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy most times does not result in a viable pregnancy and is a serious threat to the life of the mother. Any law that does not allow for such circumstances shows ignorance on the part of the lawmakers. And, if they are ignorant of potential pitfalls, then they should not speak.

However, I don't believe that birth control that prevents implantation is necessarily abortion, either. And any birth control that simply prevents conception is perfectly fine with me. Can I just say I'm good with birth control in general?

(Oh, and just because I'm prolife, don't expect me to be yelling my values at you. Your life is yours, my life is mine.)
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I am prolife, and have some of the same thinking as Ryuson about it in regards to rape and incest those should be the only extenuating circumstances that would change my opinion. I don't think birth control is the same as abortion, because its just another form of caution used to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

I don't think there should be laws should be passed that could potentially put a mothers life in danger.
Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
Originally posted by Rayne Millaray

Welcome to this week's featured SexIs article:

War on Abortion Opens New Front Line in North Dakota, by Roland Hulme!

Have you heard the news? North Dakota's state senate passed a bill that will make ... more
I am prochoice-
BUT I think there are some circumstances such as women who sleep around unprotected and don't care about the consequences.. Honestly I think everyone should protect themselves which would solve the problem for the most part for unplanned pregnancy...
Contributor: Pete's Princess Pete's Princess
What to do in the case of an unwanted pregnancy is a difficult choice that has long-lasting consequences no matter what the decision that is ultimately made.

Making abortion legal only in cases of rape or incest would lead to a number of false rape claims from desperate women. Also how do you "prove" rape for woman to be allowed an abortion? Do you wait until someone is convicted, which would be too late for an abortion? Do women have to report the rape right away (before she knows she is pregnant)? Great in theory, as almost no one is in support of a rape victim being forced to carry her rapist's child. Practically, I just do not see it working.

Perhaps if as much time, money and energy was put into preventing unwanted pregnancies as we spend debating abortion this wouldn't be a problem.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
In my opinion it's far better to have an abortion take place than have an unwanted kid shuffling around in the foster care system or, even worse, stuck with a parent that doesn't really give a crap about them. I've met so many people who were abused as children, I can't stand the thought of people who are unfit to be parents being forced to become them just because they were sexually active.
Contributor: LuckyLady LuckyLady
I support a woman's RIGHT to have an abortion.
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
Originally posted by Amber Sweet
I believe every person should be allowed to decide what is right for their body. I bet that these were some of the same government persons that were against Obamacare because they didn't want the government in their healthcare decisions. I'd ... more
This says it all.
Contributor: Sbmsvschoolgirl Sbmsvschoolgirl
Originally posted by amazon
I don't mind how someone's personal values, morals, or religious views direct their behavior or actions, but stay the fuck out of everyone else's lives.

Every woman deserves the right to make her own decisions about her own body, every woman deserves the rights to operate under her OWN morals and beliefs, not forced to cave to someone elses.
Contributor: gothicwhispers gothicwhispers
Originally posted by amazon
I don't mind how someone's personal values, morals, or religious views direct their behavior or actions, but stay the fuck out of everyone else's lives.
This. I am honestly sickened and hope this bill doesn't pass. You think this is going to stop abortions? People will cross state lines, or seek out less safe alternatives.

IMO if life can't be sustained ON ITS OWN, without being attached to the mother, then it is not a human- it is a parasite.

And I have 3 children.
Contributor: karenm karenm
I am pro-choice. A child's lifetime is a long time to have to support a mistake, rape or your birth control failing. So I don't think that prohibiting abortions is fair. How can you make that kind of judgment about someone else's life?