Goodness me, December went fast. I can't believe the New Year is so close! Wth the New Year comes new topics!
Remember, these topics are merely suggestions to give you a jumping off point. You're more than welcome to submit articles on other topics, as well. You can even grab a topic that wasn't chosen from the closed topic suggestion contests if you see one you're interested in writing about. If you're not sure about a subject, feel free to drop me a line at rayne@edenfantasys.com .
For a description of each of the types of submissions and how to participate, check out this thread right here. And as always, please be sure to check the SexIs Social Submission Guidelines before submitting anything.
Monthly Theme
What sexy things are you hoping for this New Year? Are you trying to increase your libido? Getting creative in the bedroom? Hoping to try out some bondage? Maybe you're abstaining altogether. Whatever it is, come tell us about it!
Deadline: January 27th, 2013 @ 5pm
SexIs Subjective
Question: One of the reasons abortion is legal is because it's a woman's body and she should have the right to choose whether or not she wants to bear children. But what about the rights of the father? He helped create the baby. Should he have a choice in whether or not it's born?
Deadline: January 27th, 2013 @ 5pm
Editorial Calender - Focus: Dating
• 12/31 - 1/6 - Cyber
• 1/7 - 1/13 - Old fashioned
• 1/14 - 1/20 - Speed
• 1/21 - 1/27 - Blind
• 1/28 - 2/3 - Missed connections
Community Choice
#1 suggestion - Masturbation and/or porn watching within a relationship (married/co-habitating ) suggested by Trysexual!
#2 suggestion - Sex and aging: How has the aging process affected your sex life? suggested by AwesomeAmanda
#3 suggestion - We have a tie!
How to build confidence in the bedroom suggested by lovesexandmarriage
How to handle a relationship with mismatched libidos - whether partners want different amounts of sex, have incompatible kinks, etc. suggested by Silverdrop
Deadline: January 27th, 2013 @ 5pm
Can't wait to read what you've got to say! Ready? Set. Go!