Submissions for these topics open January 27th, 2013 at 5pm ET. Final deadline for all February topics is February 27th @ 5pm ET.
Hi folks!
Ready to see what we're getting up to in February? Check out next month's Editorial Calendar!
Make sure and pop over to February's Community Choice Topic Suggestion Contest and vote on what you want to read about. It's right here on the forum!
And remember, all of these topics are merely suggestions to give you a jumping off point. You're more than welcome to submit articles on other topics, as well. You can even grab a topic that wasn't chosen from the closed topic suggestion contests if you see one you're interested in writing about. If you're not sure about a subject, feel free to drop me a line at rayne@edenfantasys.com .
For a description of our current writing projects and how to participate, check out this thread right here. And as always, please be sure to check the SexIs Social Submission Guidelines before submitting anything.
Monthly Theme - Valentine Thoughts
What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day? How do you celebrate? If you don't, why not? Do you have a funny story? A sad one? A wild and crazy one? Maybe you know a little known fact? Saw a Valentine's Day promotion at a store you patron that made you laugh, offended you, warmed your heart? Tell us all about it.
Deadline: February 27th, 2012 @ 5pm
SexIs Subjective
Question: Should prostitution be legal in your country? What do you think that would do (has done - can be negative if that's your opinion) for your country? Do you think it would make sex work safer or more dangerous? Why do you feel the way you do?
Deadline: February 27th, 2012 @ 5pm
Editorial Calendar - Focus: Romance
• 2/4 - 2/10 - Physical
• 2/11 - 2/17 - Mental/Emotional
• 2/18 - 2/24 - Cliché
• 2/25 - 3/3 - Failures and Funny Stuff
Community Choice
#1 suggestion - How to feel beautiful in your own skin suggested by PropertyofPotter!
#2 suggestion - How to take good boudoir photos yourself suggested by Trysexual
#3 suggestion - Talking to teens: what advice you wish your parents had (or hadnt!) given you as a teenager suggested by AwesomeAmanda
Can't wait to read what you've got to say! Ready? Set. Go!