With Thanksgiving just next week, and only 39 days till Christmas, I thought it would be nice to get this up a little earlier for those of you who will be too busy once the holiday ball gets rolling to do much writing.
Keep your eyes peeled for the next Community Choice Topic Suggestion Contest. It'll be on the forum very soon!
And remember, these topics are merely suggestions to give you a jumping off point. You're more than welcome to submit articles on other relevant topics, as well. You can even grab one that wasn't chosen from the closed topic suggestion contests if you see one you're interested in writing about. If you're not sure about a subject, feel free to drop me a line at rayne@edenfantasys.com .
For a description of each of the types of submissions, check out this thread right here. And as always, please be sure to check the SexIs Social Submission Guidelines before submitting anything.
Monthly Theme - Holiday Connection
With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, what are you doing to make sure your sex life isn't feeling left out? How do you stay connected to your partner with Aunt Agnes, Grampa Joe and all the nieces and nephews (not to mention your own kids) vying for your time? If you're staying with family, are you still being naughty? How are you accomplishing that?
Deadline: December 27th, 2012 @ 5pm
SexIs Subjective
Question: Are sex toys appropriate gifts? Does it depend on who the receiver is?
Deadline: December 27th, 2012 @ 5pm
Editorial Calender - Focus: Wishlists
• 12/3 - 12/9 Fantasy - Your go to; why are you drawn to it? What do others think of it? What role does it play in your life?
• 12/10 - 12/16 Desire - Is there a particular something that you or someone you care about is lusting after this season? A toy? A new Mr/Ms Right? A sexual experiment? Tell us what it is, what you think it will achieve, how you or they are going to get it, etc.
• 12/17 - 12/23 Inner circle - Do you discuss your fantasies (or theirs) with those closest to you? Are their fantasies different from yours? What kinds of fantasies do they have? (If you're worried about exposing your friends/family, keep names and relationship to you secret!)
• 12/24 - 12/30 The Infamous "They" - Are you a people watcher, or do you talk to strangers? What has observing society taught you about its sexual fantasies and desires? Does it mesh with the media's portrayal, or are they different? If they're different, how? Because this is often relative to your area, we'd love to have a general location in these articles. This can be just the name of your country, or you can list the city or state/province/territo ry.
Community Choice
#1 suggestion - New Years Resolutions ~ Sexually Speaking suggested by Lillie Lovely!
#2 suggestion - How to introduce your kinks to your partner suggested by wrangling
#3 suggestion - Secrets to keeping your marriage full of fun, creative, satisfying sex. shorejen9
Can't wait to read what you've got to say! Ready? Set. Go!