Submissions for these topics open April 1st, 2013. Final deadline for all April topics is April 26th @ 5pm ET.
Hey Edenites!
April is the month to Refresh, Revive and Renew and we've got a pretty full and exciting calendar of topic prompts and suggestions for those of you who are interested in writing for SexIs.
Monthly Theme: Refresh, Revive, Renew
It's time for spring cleaning! How are you renewing your sex life this spring? Do you have hints, tips, techniques that you know can help shed the winter doldrums and get the libido cranked now that we're coming out of hibernation? Are you single? Does spring signal an increase in dating? Are you partnered? How do the seasons shape your relationship? How about our non sexual health? Are you cleaning up your diet and your attitude and getting ready to be a healthier you? How does the season affect your body image? Got ways to renew your faith in your self? Share with us!
SexIs Subjective. Every month, we ask a question, and we want your honest opinion in 500-700 words.
April's Question -- Sex education: Whose responsibility is it? The school's? The parents'? How does the present compare in this regard to your experience with sex education? How would you improve things?
Editorial Calendar: The Editorial Calender has a specific focus for the entire month, and smaller related topics week to week.
Focus: Earth Day
Let's talk about ways to be green, take care of our earth and how we can easily bring green living into our daily lives. From eating organic and shopping local, spreading the word and maintaining a green lifestyle long term, let's hear what you have to say.
Week One: Green Health.
Week Two: Green Shopping.
Week Three: Spreading the Green
Week Four: Beyond Earth Day. Living Green
Don't forget you can always submit Open Topic, Define This, SexFeed, Guides, and Community Commentary articles,too! Please see Terms of Service, Guidelines, FAQS and How-Tos for more information.