#SexIs - Which topic would you most like to read about?

Contributor: Rayne Millaray Rayne Millaray

Wowwowwow! You guys really brought it! You weighed in with your topic ideas. Now it's time to vote! What do you want to read about on SexIs? Vote for the topics you's most like to see covered!

Contest Information
Similar topics were combined into one.
If a winning topic was suggested by more than one person, the first person who suggested the topic wins.
Each person can only win once. If you've suggested all 3 winning topics, you will receive only the 1st place gift card. 2nd and 3rd place cards will go to the runners up.
You've got until August 27th to vote. Winners will be announced on August 29th.
Winners announcement will be posted in the SexIs forum section on September 4th, so keep your eyes peeled!
Winners must email rayne[at]edenfantasys[dot]com to claim their prize.
The three topics with the most votes will be added to September's topic suggestions.

#1 suggestion: $30 gift card
#2 suggestion: $20 gift card
#3 suggestion: $10 gift card
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Keeping the spark alive in your relationship
Gangsx , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , bh253 , calliope , Augustxsins , Feisty , Rawr4483 , Zombirella , Lovely Jubblies , PassionCpl , P'Gell , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , goo , Supermansgirl , glasskitten , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , satinlady550 , icyqueen , LovelyLady24 , Lioncub , married with children , TheHardOne , Deeder , MaeGal , chikisses , Library Girl , jryder3891 , sodapin
How to feel sexier in and out of bed
Kindred , Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , bh253 , calliope , Girly Juice , freud13 , Augustxsins , edeneve , Feisty , SMichelle , kitty1949 , Lovely Jubblies , alamander , PassionCpl , P'Gell , bettle590 , Leather & Lace , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , Supermansgirl , XxXxX , glasskitten , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , icyqueen , Couponfreestuff Deals , insomniac9 , bdan , Ninx Levits , magicmaxx Mr.Mrs , Deeder , nolongerhere , eeep , chikisses , B0n3s0101 , goodeatz , jryder3891 , Autumn.Claire , sodapin , brian691986 , mjtheprincess , Mrs.Intensity
Defining LGBT terms
bh253 , freud13 , bettle590 , SmutGeek , pix , XxXxX , icyqueen , Incendiaire , Mika Way , bluekaren , Two Grand , sodapin
How to keep sex fun and exciting when you're going through fertility treatments.
glasskitten , LovelyLady24
Jealousy in any relationship and how to battle it in a mature manner.
Beck , Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , bh253 , freud13 , geekkink , Augustxsins , Breas , Feisty , Zombirella , kitty1949 , Lovely Jubblies , darthkitt3n , PassionCpl , JLGothos , Taylor , Ms. N , Love Perpetua , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , BiLikesSciFi42 , Do emu , Sangsara , bdan , Ninx Levits , SkylarrStarr , The Kitty , eeep , MaeGal , Voilet , sodapin
Facing the empty nest. How a couple's (or triple's) love life changes when the kids move out.
The transition from hot and sweaty summer sex to cooler and steamy autumn sex.
Scrawberry78 , amazon , bettle590 , Sexii Mermaid , SmutGeek , glasskitten , Lioncub , rosythorn
Fetishes defined
Beck , Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , calliope , Girly Juice , edeneve , Feisty , - Kira - , Nightfademusic , darthkitt3n , Taylor , Ms. N , bettle590 , Leather & Lace , SmutGeek , BiLikesSciFi42 , bluekaren , Sangsara , Katelyn , Voilet , pixylove101 , Kendrir , mjtheprincess , Mrs.Intensity
What to do when you seem to be in a sexual rut.
PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , bh253 , Girly Juice , Augustxsins , caseyb , Breas , Petite Valentine , Drifting , darthkitt3n , PassionCpl , P'Gell , JLGothos , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , glasskitten , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Lioncub , Deeder , jr2012 , Library Girl , amplified to rock , tortilla , sodapin , kapple , Mrs.Intensity
How to compromise with your partner(s)
Beck , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Breas , Rawr4483 , - Kira - , Ms. N , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , SmutGeek , Sangsara , Harlequin
Breaking down the communication barrier.
Kindred , Beck , Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Breas , Rawr4483 , - Kira - , HusbandandWife , darthkitt3n , PassionCpl , P'Gell , JLGothos , Ms. N , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , icyqueen , bluekaren , Sangsara , Deeder , joolie , Kendrir , sodapin
Dealing with Breakups
LadyDarknezz , freud13 , Breas , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , SmutGeek , Sangsara , Ninx Levits , sextoygeek , eeep , sodapin
The Monster Mother-In-Law
Beck , PeachCandy , Breas , Zombirella , Supermansgirl
When does flirting cross the line of being harmless to harmful?
PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Billie Bones , edeneve , Breas , - Kira - , darthkitt3n , PassionCpl , Ms. N , J. Nguyen , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , YvetteJeannine , pix , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Sangsara , eeep , rosythorn , sodapin , mjtheprincess
How to let go of inhibitions without the use of alcohol or drugs.
Girly Juice , Breas , kitty1949 , Drifting , HusbandandWife , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , BiLikesSciFi42 , glasskitten , Sangsara , Deeder , sextoygeek , eeep , sodapin
The Pheromone Effect- Fact or Fiction?
Augustxsins , Breas , Rawr4483 , kitty1949 , P'Gell , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Deeder , joolie , eeep , Voilet , sodapin
How to introduce new things to your lover - sex toys, bdsm, fetishes, role play, etc.
Beck , Sera26 , bh253 , calliope , edeneve , Feisty , - Kira - , Petite Valentine , unfulfilled , HusbandandWife , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Ms. N , raven pixie , Love Perpetua , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , YvetteJeannine , Supermansgirl , pix , suitsdrew , glasskitten , Do emu , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , magicmaxx Mr.Mrs , joolie , sextoygeek , eeep , MaeGal , chikisses , amplified to rock , Miaever , konicaguy , Mrs.Intensity
Regaining independence after a breakup
Beck , LadyDarknezz , Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , Breas , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , glasskitten , Sangsara , sodapin
Communicating with your partner about responsibilities like finances, child-rearing, etc.
PropertyOfPotter , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , rosythorn
How to deal with lying
PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , bh253 , edeneve , Breas , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , sextoygeek , HouseWench , sodapin , Mrs.Intensity
How you or your partner's health issues can affect your sex life and your whole relationship.
js250 , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Augustxsins , Nightfademusic , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Ms. N , raven pixie , glasskitten , bluekaren , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Deeder , joolie , The Kitty , lesglitter , Library Girl , Mrs.Intensity
Sex and technology: what will they come up with next?
Scrawberry78 , bh253 , edeneve , Taylor , Ms. N , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , SmutGeek , Katie , glasskitten , ToyGeek , Katelyn , sextoygeek , eeep , Mrs.Intensity
What to do when your or your partner's job is detrimental to your sex life and your relationship.
Beck , Drifting , PassionCpl , Sexii Mermaid , glasskitten , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Deeder , tortilla
How to make sex work with a chronically ill person (Cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc.) and the affects the illness has on the relationship. Does it strain the relationship? Is counseling necessary?
Beck , LadyDarknezz , PropertyOfPotter , Augustxsins , P'Gell , Taylor , Ms. N , YvetteJeannine , SmutGeek , glasskitten , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Deeder , lesglitter , HouseWench , Library Girl , amplified to rock
Your Sex Toy Collection - introducing them to a relationship, What to do with them after a break up, using them to enhance your sex life/relationship
Scrawberry78 , bh253 , Girly Juice , edeneve , Breas , Nightfademusic , HusbandandWife , Ms. N , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , YvetteJeannine , XxXxX , glasskitten , icyqueen , Do emu , TheHardOne , Sangsara , Katelyn , Deeder , eeep , MaeGal , Miaever
Dealing with sexual stereotypes
Breas , Nightstone , Chelle Love , bettle590 , icyqueen , bluekaren , Sangsara , sextoygeek , The Kitty
Balancing your 'Good Girl' side with your 'Bad Girl' side.
js250 , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , bh253 , edeneve , Feisty , Rawr4483 , - Kira - , Freckles , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , XxXxX , glasskitten , icyqueen , Sangsara , Deeder , joolie , eeep , patcol62 , Mrs.Intensity
How to deal with the problems that arise if you and the person you love don't have similar sexual interests.
Beck , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Augustxsins , Breas , - Kira - , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Ms. N , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , icyqueen , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Deeder , joolie , eeep , chikisses , Noelle
How do you handle a situation where you've been walked in on while being intimate with your partner?
HusbandandWife , Sexii Mermaid , XxXxX , icyqueen
Friends with Benefits
kitty1949 , unfulfilled , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , Katie , icyqueen , Sangsara , sextoygeek , eeep , patcol62
XxXxX , BiLikesSciFi42 , patcol62
sexual fantasies - Do you have them? What kinds? How far is too far?
PropertyOfPotter , bh253 , edeneve , Feisty , - Kira - , unfulfilled , HusbandandWife , PassionCpl , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Katie , icyqueen , Sangsara , eeep , Noelle , Mrs.Intensity
learning sex
HusbandandWife , Sexii Mermaid , Deeder
How should masturbation be approached with children?
PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , - Kira - , Chelle Love , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , winterseve , Do emu , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Sangsara , SkylarrStarr , eeep , Mrs.Intensity
Overcoming pain and mistrust in a relationship
Beck , Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , BiLikesSciFi42
Sexuality and religion
Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , pix , glasskitten , Deeder , patcol62
How to deal with sexual starvation
Serenesub , PropertyOfPotter , edeneve , PassionCpl , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , winterseve , Deeder , Noelle
Temptation, how far is too far?
PropertyOfPotter , edeneve , - Kira - , Anna Nymph , bluekaren , Do emu , Sangsara
Is friendly flirting really okay?
PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Breas , - Kira - , kitty1949 , PassionCpl , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , Do emu , Sangsara , SkylarrStarr , nolongerhere , eeep , Noelle , sodapin
Foreplay, is it really that important?
Beck , PropertyOfPotter , bh253 , Girly Juice , Sexii Mermaid , Sangsara , sodapin
Pornography in marriage, a tool or a vice?
PeachCandy , Augustxsins , - Kira - , PassionCpl , Anna Nymph , pix , XxXxX , Do emu , SkylarrStarr , Noelle , Mrs.Intensity
LGTB News stories.
freud13 , HusbandandWife , XxXxX , Incendiaire , bluekaren , Miaever , sodapin
BDSM on a budget
Serenesub , Augustxsins , Freckles , raven pixie , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , Do emu , eeep
How to feel sexy
bh253 , Breas , Feisty , Zombirella , kitty1949 , HusbandandWife , PassionCpl , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , XxXxX , icyqueen , eeep , sodapin
Sex, relationships and sexuality after baby
PropertyOfPotter , - Kira - , Chelle Love , unfulfilled , P'Gell , BiLikesSciFi42 , winterseve , Deeder
How to keep stress out of the bed room
PropertyOfPotter , Feisty , - Kira - , Zombirella , Drifting , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , Deeder
Sexy getaways
Kindred , PeachCandy , Scrawberry78 , Petite Valentine , Drifting , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid
How to cope when sex is painful
Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , SmutGeek , Deeder
Dealing with a distant partner
Drifting , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sangsara
Anal play doesn't make you gay
Beck , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , bh253 , Augustxsins , Drifting , HusbandandWife , P'Gell , magicmaxx Mr.Mrs , Mrs.Intensity
overcoming ED
Getting your partner into BDSM
Scrawberry78 , - Kira - , HusbandandWife , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , bluekaren
Chelle Love , HusbandandWife , PassionCpl , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , pix , Sangsara
Becoming more sexy not only for your loved one but for yourself?
PropertyOfPotter , Breas , Zombirella , unfulfilled , PassionCpl , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , icyqueen , Deeder , joolie , eeep , chikisses , sodapin , Mrs.Intensity
sex after cheating
Chelle Love , unfulfilled , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , XxXxX , Sangsara
when is it time to end a relationship
Scrawberry78 , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , XxXxX , Sangsara
making your own lingerie
edeneve , Petite Valentine , Drifting , Taylor , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , SmutGeek , pix , XxXxX , glasskitten , Deeder , eeep , Miaever
personal biases vs personal preferences
edeneve , P'Gell , bettle590 , Sangsara
Public/Outdoor Sex
Scrawberry78 , amazon , Freckles , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , glasskitten , Sangsara , Miaever
How mental illness affects your love/sex life.
LadyDarknezz , PropertyOfPotter , bh253 , Augustxsins , - Kira - , P'Gell , raven pixie , bettle590 , SmutGeek , XxXxX , glasskitten , Sangsara , Deeder , SkylarrStarr , joolie , lesglitter , Noelle , sodapin
Exploring boundaries
edeneve , Nightfademusic , Freckles , HusbandandWife , P'Gell , Ms. N , Anna Nymph , goo , glasskitten , Sangsara , Deeder
Bondage for pregnant women
Chelle Love , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , Deeder
Sex and Disabilities-How to have a healthy sex life while coping with a mental/physical disability.
LadyDarknezz , PropertyOfPotter , Augustxsins , - Kira - , kitty1949 , Taylor , raven pixie , XxXxX , glasskitten , Sangsara , Deeder , lesglitter , HouseWench
Healthy Sexual Relationships vs. Sexual Addiction--where is the line drawn?
PropertyOfPotter , bh253 , Nightfademusic , Drifting , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , Sangsara , Ninx Levits , Noelle
Masturbation in a Relationship--Solo, mutual & exhibitionism; incorporating masturbation into your current relationship/lifestyle .
js250 , PropertyOfPotter , PeachCandy , bh253 , Girly Juice , Augustxsins , edeneve , Rawr4483 , PassionCpl , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , glasskitten , icyqueen , bluekaren , Sangsara , Deeder , eeep , Miaever , Kendrir , Mrs.Intensity
Overcoming the stigma of rape, incest and other sexual abuse.
Beck , LadyDarknezz , PropertyOfPotter , freud13 , Augustxsins , Freckles , P'Gell , SmutGeek , XxXxX , Sangsara
Sex as a Weapon--withholding, threatening and potential consequences.
- Kira - , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , Mrs.Intensity
Seduction, Couple play and solo encounters--how to get what you need out of sex.
edeneve , Petite Valentine , unfulfilled , XxXxX , Deeder , joolie , Noelle
Different orgasms--facts, fantasy and technique.Personal experiences.
PeachCandy , bh253 , Girly Juice , Breas , Rawr4483 , Nightfademusic , unfulfilled , P'Gell , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , SoloJoe , SmutGeek , pix , XxXxX , glasskitten , Sangsara , ToyGeek , Deeder , eeep , Miaever , sodapin , Mrs.Intensity
Sex after a hysterectomy.
P'Gell , Library Girl
sexual sayings and cliches and what they mean to you. example, how might the community interpret "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"
bh253 , unfulfilled , P'Gell , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , Sangsara
How would you teach sex ed if you could? either to schools or just to your kids.
Chelle Love , unfulfilled , P'Gell , bettle590 , XxXxX , BiLikesSciFi42 , Sangsara , SkylarrStarr
What level of involvement do you have/have you had/will you have in the sex professions/trades/industry.
Augustxsins , Ms. N , SmutGeek , XxXxX , Sangsara , Noelle
Maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual lifestyle/relationship .
edeneve , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , bluekaren , Deeder , patcol62 , Noelle
How to handle it when your sexual practices and out-of-bedroom identity don't match up.
edeneve , Breas , - Kira - , unfulfilled , HusbandandWife , PassionCpl , Ms. N , XxXxX , glasskitten , joolie , eeep , patcol62
Coming out as kinky: how to tell your family and friends when you’re in a non-traditional relationship (Ex. poly, D/s, etc.)
LadyDarknezz , Augustxsins , - Kira - , Ms. N , SmutGeek , XxXxX , BiLikesSciFi42 , bluekaren
Raising sexually aware young adults: in a world full of rampant sexuality, how do you balance protecting children with educating them and encouraging them to love themselves/their burgeoning sexuality?
Kindred , PropertyOfPotter , Scrawberry78 , Augustxsins , - Kira - , unfulfilled , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , Katie , BiLikesSciFi42 , SkylarrStarr , eeep , HouseWench , tortilla
Sex and History
Girly Juice , freshbananas , Feisty , Freckles , P'Gell , Ms. N , LoveYouLikeThat , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , XxXxX , BiLikesSciFi42 , winterseve , bluekaren , Deeder , eeep , Noelle
Funny Sexual trivia
Scrawberry78 , freshbananas , edeneve , Feisty , Nightfademusic , Zombirella , kitty1949 , Drifting , HusbandandWife , darthkitt3n , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Ms. N , Morganpie , LoveYouLikeThat , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , SmutGeek , pix , Katie , XxXxX , Do emu , Sangsara , ToyGeek , Deeder , eeep , Noelle , Mrs.Intensity
Strange sexual disorders
Scrawberry78 , Girly Juice , freshbananas , Augustxsins , Feisty , Rawr4483 , Zombirella , HusbandandWife , P'Gell , Ms. N , Morganpie , LoveYouLikeThat , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , Sangsara , Deeder , eeep , Kendrir , sodapin
Position of the week, how to and how to be careful
edeneve , Feisty , Nightfademusic , Zombirella , unfulfilled , PassionCpl , Ms. N , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , XxXxX , glasskitten , eeep , Mrs.Intensity
busting sexual myths
Girly Juice , freshbananas , Breas , Feisty , Nightfademusic , unfulfilled , darthkitt3n , P'Gell , LoveYouLikeThat , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , pix , XxXxX , Sangsara , Deeder , eeep , Miaever
What's "normal" but most women/men might not realize it
edeneve , Breas , Nightfademusic , HusbandandWife , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Ms. N , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , pix , XxXxX , Sangsara , Deeder , joolie , eeep , patcol62 , tortilla , Kendrir , sodapin
sexier diets
Drifting , P'Gell , Sexii Mermaid , Mrs.Intensity
Feeling comfortable with yourself
Serenesub , Breas , kitty1949 , unfulfilled , HusbandandWife , P'Gell , Ms. N , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , icyqueen , Sangsara , Deeder , eeep , patcol62 , Noelle , Mrs.Intensity
labels...gender, orientation, relationship status, relationship style (poly, mono, swinger,etc.)
Chelle Love , Ms. N , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , XxXxX , icyqueen , bluekaren , Sangsara , patcol62 , sodapin
long-distance relationships
Ms. N , Anna Nymph , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , eeep , patcol62 , Library Girl , Mrs.Intensity
Online relationships that don't evolve to RL
Chelle Love , Ms. N , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , XxXxX
herbal remedies (sexual and physical health)
Augustxsins , Drifting , unfulfilled , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , XxXxX , Miaever , Noelle
a day in the life of a sex toy reviewer
Scrawberry78 , bh253 , Girly Juice , edeneve , - Kira - , ChuChii , Drifting , unfulfilled , P'Gell , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , XxXxX , glasskitten , icyqueen , bluekaren , PeaceToTheMiddleEast
body dysmorphic disorder
Freckles , kitty1949 , glasskitten , Deeder , sodapin , Lemonhearts
member interviews...perhaps one contributor interviewing another
edeneve , Breas , - Kira - , unfulfilled , P'Gell , SmutGeek , XxXxX , eeep
what happens when your partner's conception of beauty doesn't match how you see yourself as beautiful. Or rather, what happens if your partner has a type and you're not in it.
Breas , bettle590 , Anna Nymph , SmutGeek , icyqueen , nolongerhere , eeep , Noelle
juggling family life, work, and school and still keeping excitement and fun in sex life.
Scrawberry78 , PassionCpl , P'Gell , Anna Nymph , Sexii Mermaid , Supermansgirl , bluekaren , Deeder
Total votes: 1124 (121 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: PeachCandy PeachCandy
They're all good topics
Contributor: Rayne Millaray Rayne Millaray
Originally posted by PeachCandy
They're all good topics
Aren't they? I'm impressed. You guys rock.
Contributor: bh253 bh253
Do the ones that don't get chosen get recycled, or are they up for grabs as an open topic next month?
Contributor: freud13 freud13
So many great choices.
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Goodness gracious! So many amazing topic suggestions! Good job, everybody!
Contributor: caseyb caseyb
Originally posted by Augustxsins
Goodness gracious! So many amazing topic suggestions! Good job, everybody!
I concur! A ton of good ideas there! For me, spark alive is most relevant!
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
The topics look great! I chose a lot of topics - maybe I'll even be asked to write something - that would be fun.
Contributor: Breas Breas
I chose a zillion topics. They are all very excellent ideas and I'd actually read most of those topics. A few don't really interest me just because a few don't apply to my situation but I still think they'd make excellent articles!
Contributor: Rawr4483 Rawr4483
I chose a bunch of different topic myself! Too many good ones to pick from!
Contributor: amazon amazon
So much variety... I love it!
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
Wow, great topics!!
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I chose a ton id like to read or write about.
Contributor: aryce aryce
I choose many of the topics, they all are very good!
Contributor: PassionCpl PassionCpl
So many great choices there!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
These are good topics. I really think I have to get on the ball and start writing again. I kind of dried up and am having some writer's block.

HEY. That could be a topic, dealing with writer's block.

As well as healthy parenting.

How about Keeping Healthy Boundaries with Your Friends and Family?
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
wow lots of great topics.
Contributor: bettle590 bettle590
These are really great and important topics. I like the ones about communication with a partner, and the ones that deal with social issues like religion, gender identity, etc.
Contributor: Leather & Lace Leather & Lace
All of them!
Contributor: js250 js250
I missed a bunch I wanted to choose...dang it!! These are wonderful topics and most of them would make really interesting and useful reading!! Too bad we can't choose three every month--or four-- or.......
Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
most of them
Contributor: goo goo
Didn't realize there were so many, I will check the topics out right now
Contributor: SmutGeek SmutGeek
Sooo many to choose from.

I picked a bunch but have to say that some of the ones i didn't pick weren't that they were bad topics, just stuff that I feel I don't fall into like sex and disabilities or raising children and what not.

All good topics, just some relate to me more than others.
Contributor: Supermansgirl Supermansgirl
Originally posted by Rayne Millaray

Wowwowwow! You guys really brought it! You weighed in with your topic ideas. Now it's time to vote! What do you want to read about on SexIs? Vote for the topics you's most like to see covered!

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Wow, really good topics! So many to choose from but all real life issues, I could relate with many of them
Contributor: XxXxX XxXxX
Originally posted by Rayne Millaray

Wowwowwow! You guys really brought it! You weighed in with your topic ideas. Now it's time to vote! What do you want to read about on SexIs? Vote for the topics you's most like to see covered!

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Awesome topics. I found it hard not to click them all lol
Contributor: AHubbyof2SexualMinds AHubbyof2SexualMinds
Wow what a great bunch of topics, excited to write about any of them next month.
Contributor: satinlady550 satinlady550
Originally posted by Rayne Millaray

Wowwowwow! You guys really brought it! You weighed in with your topic ideas. Now it's time to vote! What do you want to read about on SexIs? Vote for the topics you's most like to see covered!

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All of the topics listed would be great to have covered on here. There are so many people out there who are looking for new ideas and don't know how to go about executing them.
Contributor: LovelyLady24 LovelyLady24
Originally posted by Rayne Millaray

Wowwowwow! You guys really brought it! You weighed in with your topic ideas. Now it's time to vote! What do you want to read about on SexIs? Vote for the topics you's most like to see covered!

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Sounds Exciting
Contributor: bluekaren bluekaren
I picked a lot of great topics. There are some really great writing ideas there...
Contributor: Sangsara Sangsara
wow- theres enough there for a whole year of sexis! at least enough for the rest of this year. im so excited- so much writing in store!