#SexIs - Deprogramming and the EF Community

Contributor: Ansley Ansley

Recently, I’ve had a couple people from the EdenFantasys community message me, finding me on my blog and other websites wondering where I was. Wondering why I wasn’t writing. So I think first and foremost I want to thank those people. I had no idea my absence was not only noticed but also missed. Way to give a girl warm fuzzies!

The reason, however that I didn’t write for a long time was because my owner let me go. It was hard and writing was just not in the forefront of my mind.

- Serenesub Six Steps to Freedom - Click the link to read the full article.

In her article, Serenesub talks about how she was recently let go by her owner and she was having a difficult time letting it all go. How was she going to be able to get over being owned? What role did her owner play in deprogramming her after her release? Would she ever be able to get back into the scene again?

Our community noticed her absence and some reached out to her to see if she was okay. You just can't find that on a lot of internet forums - regardless of their content. Because of this, she was able to take a step back then make a post on the forum and find out how our community would handle her situation. Those who couldn't offer practical advice, offered support and hope. Can it really get any better than that when it comes to showing how interconnected we are and can continue to be?

So let's talk breakups. Let's talk about hope and support the community may have given to you in your time of personal need. And let's also talk about how the Eden contributors may have changed your hard and firm opinions on important matters. How do you think you've impacted the community on Edenfantasys?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Has the community ever helped you resolve an issue?
Yes, a few times!
Yes, once or twice!
No, I haven't posted about anything I needed help resolving.
Indirectly, I have been able to take away some really good advice.
How serious was the issue that was resolved?
Extremely serious, I really didn't know what I was going to do.
Kinda serious, but it wasn't life or death or anything.
Not serious at all, just needed help resolving a simple disagreement.
It was something related to an Eden program!
Did you take the advice you were given?
Yes, and it worked out swimmingly!
Yes, and it kind of backfired but still worked out in the end.
No, I decided to let the issue die or found my own way to cope.
Would you ask the community for advice again?
Maybe, depends on the issue at hand I guess.
No, I already told you I don't ask for advice on the forum, I just post cool stuff for people to look at.
Total votes: 169 (46 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Don't forget to share your experiences! The more we know about how things going on in the community affect you, the more ideas we can come up with to make things really awesome around here!
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
This post just gave me the warm and fuzzies. How cool is it to be surrounded by folks from all over the world that can take 5 minutes from their busy lives and simply care about the people around them?

I don't know about you, but it's cool to me. It's neat to belong in a place where people can talk casually and freely about the types of things that most people feel they can't share with anyone else around them. And even better, the folks here immediately rally behind others in need with love and support.

All while we gush and gab about our favorite naughty playthings and activities.

Way to go, Edenites. You guys make me proud to be a part of Eden.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
When I came to Edenfantasys - I was totally all "oh cool!!! free stuff and it's sex related, hells to the yeah". Then, I started clicking on every link on the site. Somehow, I landed on the forums.

The very first post I read was about "point farming". Man, do I loathe those words. They're so...harsh. If I commented, was I point farming? If I started a post about a toy, was that point farming? I was so confused. Scared, even. I wanted to participate and I wanted to be a part of everything but I didn't want anyone to hate me or dislike me and I know that I have a really strong personality.

I picked up a mentor (Alan & Michele) who were phenomenal and taught me what I needed to know about reviewing. After I felt that I gained their approval, I started working my way into the forums and they even made a comment in my graduation thread about how I had just jumped right in and seemed to be moving through nicely.

I'm not even going to lie - my marriage was in a bit of a rough spot and we were facing a crossroads. Here I sat all these years professing to be some sort of awesome in the bedroom - adventurous, willing to do anything and everything, but at the end of the day I let my hang ups and upbringing shape the way I showed my husband affection and limited my willingness to just let it all go.

When I got to the forums, I realized that I wasn't the only one. I felt like Eden was a safe place for me to express myself. And I did. Sometimes, a little too much. Sure, there are posts I've made that I would love to take down. But, in my heart of hearts I know that someone else could be in my situation and find my opinions helpful.

And for the longest time, I thought that my voice was going unheard. I reached out to an admin and asked if I was being paid attention to. I was told that yes, every contributors opinion is taken into account and that if it can happen, they'll do their best to make it so. I was pacified, but I didn't feel placated, you know?

Then one day, I got a message from someone telling me how my comments in a thread about the "7 year Itch" (or maybe it was the 3 Year Itch?) had helped someone change their mind about how they were approaching their relationship issues. And my comments had been made after a painful period of growth in my own relationship. I wasn't saying it was "the" way, I was saying this is what I did and this is what happened. From what I understand, as of today, this person is doing rather well.

It made me feel good, it made me feel like all of that hell I had gone through was worth something to someone else and that somehow made it worth it on a completely different level. That's what life is about right? Sharing experiences and hoping it helps someone else avoid the nasty ones.

Over the course of a year, my life completely changed. I went from being a prude to doing things I'd never considered before. I have a mountain of toys and because of the review program, I have been able to figure out what I like and don't like. I was able to open up to many of the fantasies I had denied myself the pleasure of experiencing for many years. So much so, that I feel like I wasted fourteen years of my life by not experiencing those things. *sigh* Only YOU can prevent bad sex. hehehehe

I'm sure that many of you see me as an "administrator", someone who enforces the rules and keeps things in line. You're not wrong, but you're not completely correct either. I am still just as invested in Eden and all of you as I was the day I was asked to join the team. I will not let you down. I will not let this community fail. I am here for each and every one of you.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Ansley
When I came to Edenfantasys - I was totally all "oh cool!!! free stuff and it's sex related, hells to the yeah". Then, I started clicking on every link on the site. Somehow, I landed on the forums.

The very first post I read was ... more
Stormy darling... I flag your post as being amazing!!!

Your line of "Only YOU can prevent bad sex" talk about sex positivity right there!!!

I think everyone is in the same boat. We feel like our comments and thoughts aren't being heard, but those of us who read every comment in a thread we choose to read... we get to see so much of the people around us.

You might be an "administrator" but you are a person too!!!

For me, I don't really share my "problems", as my problems well I am kind of selfish and like to keep them where they are. But I love hearing other people's problems as they make me realise that I am not alone and that maybe one day I'll have the ability to talk about my problems rather than turning my problems into stories.

Thanks for this post!!! Carry on with the warm fuzzies!
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
I have never needed much in the way of support for personal issues but there have been times when the community sent me virtual hugs and good wishes. Like the time I lost my Cock. That folks would care so much about a pet was a tear jerker for me.

One of the big learning topics I have gathered from EF is about the LGBT community. Being raised in a eastern Baptist home, that was a subject I really new little about. I knew the basics and the "God does not like that" mentality and all but not the 'Other side' of the coin. Same can be said for the BDSM community.

I think the best part for me though is the forum, when I joined we had just moved to a new state and city. I knew some folks around here but they were old family friends, certainly nobody my age or into the same types of activities like sex and toys. I have made great friends, not only that but EF is a place to talk openly about anything. Never in my life have I found a group of folks that I can chat openly about pretty much any topic I want or even some I don't want to talk about.

All the time I learn something new around here, which is part of the appeal too. I came looking for a simple P-spot massager and found out that prostate orgasms could be had. I have been wearing cock rings for 25 years but never knew that they should be only worn for short times. Materials? Ya, I had not clue about proper cleaning or lube compatibility. Silicone lube? Never heard of it before Eden. Ya, learn something new every day.

As mentioned in the original post I too had a time of little activity around here. So many folks sent me messages and posted to my wall asking if all was well. I even got a few emails too. On top of that I come back and promptly not only get nom'd for COTM but win! Ya know, that brought a tear to my eye, even right now as I think of it the tears are welling up.

There are no words that I know to properly describe how much I love the community and EF. Well, there is one that comes to mind, if fact it was right here in the forums where I seen it first;

Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I love the EF community...hard.

I've had a rough year or so and turning to friends here has really helped me. I would list "especially", but it's not needed - they know who they are. I was in a rough relationship that ended badly and abruptly. I'm very grateful for all the help and support I've gotten.

I was in the same place as TTT when I came here. I really didn't have a lot of personal experience with non-binary/hetero/cis language. I admit to not knowing, but I'm open-minded to learn.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
EF has been through it all with me since my sexuality was awaken by my FWB the night after I kicked my celibate ex-husband out the door. They offered comfort and advice when the FWB dumped me, they offered positivity when I was caught flatfooted when my tenth wedding anniversary came around, they celebrated with me when my divorce came through, they encouraged me when I found Master ... and then offered their love and support when Master let me go, too.

Edenites are special people. EF was the first place I went to to seek understanding when my first D/s relationship fell through and I had no idea why I was feeling like a dog abandoned at the side of the road (and as serenesub had written in her article, it's normal to feel that way). I am grateful for the wisdom and experience of Eden in helping me understand a facet of my life that I hadn't been allowed to explore while married. Being able to express my concerns that others in my real life consider a deviation or anti-feminist, I am glad Edenites are able to cut to the heart of the matter without letting prejudices get in the way.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Originally posted by Jaimes
This post just gave me the warm and fuzzies. How cool is it to be surrounded by folks from all over the world that can take 5 minutes from their busy lives and simply care about the people around them?

I don't know about you, but it's ... more
Well said Jaimes!
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Stormy: First of all, I must say, unless I've actually needed to contact you in regards to something Eden-admin-related, I've never seen you as just an admin and by the way, I must add, I am glad that after having posted on the 3 year itch poll, that something wonderful came of it not only for you, but clearly at least one other person. That gives me the warm fuzzies!

I must say, I had a very similar experience.

First joining Eden, my hubby told me about this site during a conversation about getting free items to review. I'd mentioned "hey it would be so cool if you could do this but for sex toys!" and he goes "oh, go to edenfantasys" and tells me about how he knew someone who got free things to review! So, I joined, and read up on how to become a reviewer!

I ran to my toy box and dragged out the two that Eden carried and I felt like reviewing. My first two reviews, I'll admit, were missing a bit of information! I submitted them, and was proud nonetheless! There were some comments, asking for information I hadn't thought to put in, and I realized what all needed to be done!

I ended up getting a great mentor, who was then there to answer questions and help me in case I forgot something! By then, I'd read enough reviews to have most of it down, but I enjoyed the extra help and collaboration, and she was great! After Darthkitt3n graduated me, I felt ready to go from the kiddie pool to the deep end!

I jumped right in and began ordering one box after another! I discovered the forums, though I can't quite tell you how, as I kinda just stumbled onto it!

I know I was spamming (though not for points, that story comes later!) because it was all new to me, and in my excitement, I just kept posting. I did post legitimate questions, but they were questions that had already been asked. Multiple times. Someone then kindly pointed out how to search the forums to see if topics had already been posted, and I also discovered that there was a thing called "point farming". I had seen it in a post and was very confused.

Points? What are these "points" these people speak of?

Upon joining, there was this really ANNOYING box that kept popping up every time I posted or clicked certain things! It drove me nuts, so I hid the box for a good while, not knowing what it really was. After reading up on it, holy cow! I can convert those points into GIFT CARDS and make PURCHASES WITH THEM! HOW COOL IS THAT?!

So, at that point, I realized "oh man...I bet everyone is sooo mad about those posts now thinking I was point farming!" and I was a bit concerned for a while, but no one said anything, no one was rude or mean about it and no one complained to me. Whew! I was in the clear!

So, I'd had my reviews down to EU ratings only (for the most part, because we all get a Useful every now and then!) and my posts were all original topics now!

Then, I became a mentor! I've had some really cool students, some of them are returning for more than one class with me, which is really awesome! I enjoy helping them out and explaining the site, mentioning what info should go in their reviews just like my mentor did for me, and of course, getting the spoilers by reading it before anybody else!

I got to host the rumble, and joined the editor program for a rotation (which I'd love to do again!).

I have almost 100 reviews up now, and my sex life has never been better! Several of my friends have made accounts, my mom made an account, and now my husband has an account! We all share thoughts on toys, read each other's reviews, and have fun!

As far as issues, I've submitted some support tickets for site-related issues or questions, which were all resolved in a super-timely manner, and I am of course in close contact with JR, sending him my long-winded emails with questions and such

I typically prefer to post my questions on the forums, so that others with the same issue may be able to have it resolved the same way, but any time I message, email or just generally contact an admin on here, they are quick to fix my problem.

I've never had any "life or death" situations to report, but I know if I ever do, the Eden team and probably some of the contributors will be quick to my aid with virtual CPR to fix the issue!

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Woman China
Stormy darling... I flag your post as being amazing!!!

Your line of "Only YOU can prevent bad sex" talk about sex positivity right there!!!

I think everyone is in the same boat. We feel like our comments and thoughts ... more
Right, I feel like I know each of you on a certain level and it makes me smile...a lot. I'm so glad all of you are here!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
I have never needed much in the way of support for personal issues but there have been times when the community sent me virtual hugs and good wishes. Like the time I lost my Cock. That folks would care so much about a pet was a tear jerker for me. ... more
We're dripping in it....mmmm tastes like bacon!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I love the EF community...hard.

I've had a rough year or so and turning to friends here has really helped me. I would list "especially", but it's not needed - they know who they are. I was in a rough relationship that ended ... more
Yeah, I was in the same boat as far as the transgender community is concerned. I've learned so much!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Chilipepper
EF has been through it all with me since my sexuality was awaken by my FWB the night after I kicked my celibate ex-husband out the door. They offered comfort and advice when the FWB dumped me, they offered positivity when I was caught flatfooted when ... more
I promise it gets better! It feels so good to see how we rally around our members when times get tough, I'm glad people were there for you!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Peggi
Stormy: First of all, I must say, unless I've actually needed to contact you in regards to something Eden-admin-related, I've never seen you as just an admin and by the way, I must add, I am glad that after having posted on the 3 year itch ... more
That's awesome!!! And yes, definitely ever ready to dole out some virtual CPR. It's important what we're going through, you know? We aren't just words on a screen. We're real people with real feelings and a real sense of purpose around here. And I'm glad that you don't see me as just an admin. That really, really makes me feel good!
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Ansley
Don't forget to share your experiences! The more we know about how things going on in the community affect you, the more ideas we can come up with to make things really awesome around here!
this is one of the first places i go after calling my best friends for advice. you guys are wonderful and always there with some wisdom or constructive criticism. i totally enjoy the honesty and support i've found here, it's unlike any other place i've encountered.
Contributor: js250 js250
I stumbled on EF when I was searching for an adult toy store other than A&E. I needed a new Pocket Rocket--all I had used up to that point...Oh and for a couple of years, I was in a toy rut.

My husband and I were thinking that the points and free assignments were some kind of scam, but I signed up anyway, wrote my two reviews on KY lube and a Pocket Rocket and was upgraded to an advanced reviewer. I ordered my first monthly assignment and have never looked back!! By the way---sorry about thinking the review program was a scam...forgive me??? Please!!!

When we realized there was no catch, the points were used same as cash and the monthly assignments really were free my husband finally said he was glad I had signed up. I then spent so much time reading everything on the site I could about all the policies, the points, navigation, forums and other people's reviews. Then I got my mentor and was graduated immediately.

I was pretty leery of the forums. I have been on many other adult sites that have forums and found the people on them were pretty cold, rude, nitpicky and unfriendly. I also noticed a lot of spam on them. After awhile, when I realized you get 10 points per post, I checked into them and was seriously impressed.

EF has such a diverse group of members that the forums should read like a war zone. However, it is the friendliest, most understanding, caring and helpful forum I have seen on the internet. The respect shown for other's opinions and ideas, the helpfulness for those needing to learn, the tolerance for other people's sexuality and gender & heartfelt friendship and support for those going through difficult times and situations is absolutely amazing!! How can this be?

I have actually been thinking about this for quite awhile. What makes EF so different from other sites and the forums so friendly? Lets step back and take a look.

It all boils down to the example set by the staff and the business. Eden is a retail adult toy store and review site. Most other review sites only accept reviews for items you have pre-purchased. There is no acknowledgement of your services and there is no support system--you are on your own. NOT at Eden!!!

Eden supplies you with one monthly assignment, a hefty discount for purchasing review items, push assignments, DR's and Manufacture Sponsored assignments. The sales are constant and significant and the affiliate program is amazing! They have mentors and editors for the new reviewers, & you earn a significant amount of points for all tasks performed on the site. They also give you an opportunity to earn gift cards. The points and gift cards are the same as cash at Eden.

The staff is always available for any reason. They are friendly, very supportive and offer an amazing amount of encouragement. The staff has been selected from the member pool, not from an outside source, therefore, they all understand the frustrations, questions and issues the members may have. There is a zero tolerance policy for harassment, racist treatment, sexual or personal prejudice and fighting or stalking in the forums or anywhere on the site. The staff is also impartial and non-judgmental towards the members and any problems that may arise. They will give credit where credit is due. With the generosity and kindness of the company and staff, this sets the bar high as an example for the members. The members are also expected and rewarded generously for also acting in that manner.

All the above is transferred to the forums. You will lose the privilege you have earned as a member if you abuse any of the rules or another person. Us members value our privileges and therein lies the basis for all of us to get along and be the best people we can be on the site and forum. This is what has made Eden into such a warm and friendly community and extended family. When I log on---I feel that I have come home.

I have had a couple of seriously difficult times since becoming a member. I was ready to call it quits with my marriage and wrote a post on the forum. I had more responses and friendly messages than I knew what to do with!! I was overwhelmed at the love and caring of the people who responded to my post. I made many friends and they saved my marriage. I am also losing my Dad due to illness and really needed some support and advice. Again, I posted on the forum and the response was heartwarming, caring, supportive and made me cry with relief that I was not alone. My inbox has been flooded with messages from members offering support, friendship and their thoughts. Again, I could not have pulled through all this without the community. The staff and members at Eden are my extended family, my friends and my heroes. Thank you all!!

I have learned so much about sexuality, gender and other difficult to talk or learn about issues from other members. My ignorance has been replaced with tolerance and knowledge.

I write reviews as a self-imposed treatment and therapy for brain damage sustained in a car accident a couple years ago, and to help with my impact related ADD. I lost a lot of memories, word recognition, and cognitive skills with the brain damage. I gained short circuits, partial dyslexia and ADD. The reviews allow me to set steps up to follow through on, goals to meet and works as an aid to jarring my recognitive areas for words that are just...........gone. The steps for writing a review has helped my ADD by giving me concrete goals, a map to get here and for the exercise my brain would not normally be getting.

My confidence level has risen greatly, not only here on Eden, but in my daily life as well. I have risen from a newbie to having the third highest ranking on the site, I have published over 300 reviews, I was an editor last rotation, I am a mentor and have been one for quite awhile now. And I have accomplished all this in one year. June 1st is my one year anniversary for becoming a member.

My contributions to the site? That is a difficult topic for me to bring up or discuss--I do not like to talk about what I do for others. I honestly prefer to contribute quietly and without other people's knowledge. But I will try to answer this as best I can.

I have helped to teach other members the policies, site navigation and have answered questions about Eden. I am a mentor and help newcomers learn the review process. I have mentored people off site with their reviews, Been supportive and a friend to those who need it, just as others have done for me. Welcomed newbies to the community, given advice to those who ask and am always willing to do what I can to help out anyone who needs it. I am going to do my best to be a productive member and to set an example for newcomers in the future.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by Ansley

Recently, I’ve had a couple people from the EdenFantasys community message me, finding me on my blog and other websites wondering where I was. Wondering why I wasn’t writing. So I think first and foremost I want to thank those people. I had ... more
I personally really appreciate different uses and experiences for toys. That's something that is so valuable and almost every toy I'm interested in getting has a detailed review about it. Where else can you get that?
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
I'm one of those people who doesn't like to ask for help, but loves to give advice. Even if I haven't explicitly asked for help on Eden, I have found loads of advice and information that have helped me with my own problems.

I found Eden through a female health forum, so it was a natural evolution. The sense of community is awesome here, and even though there's a diverse group, everyone is so level-headed with their opinions. I never thought I'd find a progressive site with such a sense of harmony.

Eden is awesome!
Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
Originally posted by Ansley

Recently, I’ve had a couple people from the EdenFantasys community message me, finding me on my blog and other websites wondering where I was. Wondering why I wasn’t writing. So I think first and foremost I want to thank those people. I had ... more
I love how we all come together to help each other big or small!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Woman China
Stormy darling... I flag your post as being amazing!!!

Your line of "Only YOU can prevent bad sex" talk about sex positivity right there!!!

I think everyone is in the same boat. We feel like our comments and thoughts ... more
We should make that a slogan complete with Jack the Bunny as our mascot (who fucks better than rabbits? I ask you!)

Stormy from the beginning you were a fresh breeze of air and I am so sorry for all the people who discover the negative side of our community first. Luckily that is such a small side of the whole cosmos that is EdenFantasys.
Thanks for sticking it out and picking up the flogger of justice when it was offered.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
I have never needed much in the way of support for personal issues but there have been times when the community sent me virtual hugs and good wishes. Like the time I lost my Cock. That folks would care so much about a pet was a tear jerker for me. ... more
When a guy loses his cock it can be super traumatic especially when it is a family pet. I'm just glad you found him and he's alright...what has your cock been getting up to these days? Damn that would be a great forum post, jus' sayin'.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Ansley

Recently, I’ve had a couple people from the EdenFantasys community message me, finding me on my blog and other websites wondering where I was. Wondering why I wasn’t writing. So I think first and foremost I want to thank those people. I had ... more
When I arrived here I was scared, very lonely, and I had just made some important and sweeping changes in my life. I had opened my marriage after years of struggling against what was expected of a wife and mother and what my husband NEEDED. I struggled against parental expectations and the demands of being a stay-at-home Mom in a world that doesn't seem to value that anymore. To be honest I felt I had no value and had done so for most of my life. I was a human doing rather than a human being. I still struggle with that today.
I was so scared, excited and lost that when I wrote my first review I just knew it would be rejected...well objectively I knew it was as good as some of the ones I had read and I did pattern it off of the highest level reviewers I could find. The site was vastly different back then! Still I was timid but determined not to be a rabbit but to be the wolf.
I got a few replies asking for odd details that I thought were intrusive but gamely I answered whatever question was asked of me, something I still do!
When I got an email from Victoria answering my request to be upgraded to advanced reviewer I nearly peed myself. I so love her and I think more because she represents the feel of the community to me. She was warm, friendly, accepting, and she actually appreciated how hard it was for me to turn in those first reviews. Then, I got pregnant with my life partner's child. I was feeling all sorts of guilt about having decided not to have my parents in our lives. It was this community that reached out to me and let me know that blood gives a person no rights when it comes to interference in your life. I was hugged, verbally, and my ambivalence and pain was understood and validated.
I write, I have always written, I have not always been appreciated for my writing. I have been told I have the creativity of a slug and have a warped way of explaining everything. I have been told I write childishly and have horrible syntax. Do you know the only place I have NEVER been told this? Right! Here on EdenFantasys.
Now to give them credit my guys have always told me I am talented, beautiful and all that but they are easy to dismiss, aren't they? They are, after all, biased. But when the community begins to respond to my words, ask for my advice and actually look for me to answer questions it soothed that abused little girl inside me and more started to pour out. More than I ever thought I was capable of. So much more that I actually tossed my hat in the ring and entered a writing contest for the first time since High School! If I win or if I lose I have already won because EF gave me the courage to think I might have a shot. Can you put a price on that?

I have a house full of products, I look like a walking billboard and I am a rabid supporter of all things EF. I run a club, review like a rabid little squirrel, mentor...and I've even mentored a few mentors! I try out everything tossed my way and will tell everyone all about it if they even look interested. I have learned that I can indeed still work a real camera and I am here for whatever anyone needs.

I no longer feel like the lonely little puppy in the room waiting to be kicked for just being there. I can raise my tail and greet newcomers with a smile. I do not, however, sniff crotches unless invited.