Howdy, y'all! It's the moment many of you have been waiting for. Today we open the polls and find out which of the many articles you submitted is the community's favorite!
It's the Community Choice Award poll for the SexIs Social Writing Contest. We want you, our community, to decide which of the submissions is the best!
Some Things to Consider Before Voting
• Does the author seem to understand what they wrote about?
• Is the article well written and easy to understand?
• Is the topic worth reading about?
• Did you learn anything from the article?
• Did you enjoy reading the article?
How to Get More Exposure
There's really only one way to ensure you win this contest. Promotion, promotion, promotion!
Got a blog? Post an excerpt to the article(s) you entered, with a link to the page, and let your friends know you're competing in a writing contest. On Twitter, Facebook, Google +, Tumblr, or any of the other various social media sites we're using these days? Post a link to your article there, too! Ask your friends to retweet, reblog, share or otherwise spread the love via social media; any platform is okay with us! And don't forget to link your friends and followers to this forum thread so they can vote!
You've got till Sunday, August 19, to get your votes in. Contestants, that means you've got nine days to get as many votes and pageviews as possible before the judging starts. Ready? Set, go!