#SexIs - #SexFeed - One Man Branded, One Child Lost

Contributor: Ansley Ansley

Forget “All Men Are Potential Rapists.” How about “Child Molesters?” and United Airlines “loses” unaccompanied minor on connecting flight. Doesn’t care., by Roland Hulme!

Okay, there are two different things going on here. Both are relatively short articles, so if you'll head over to SexIs and give them a read and then come back for the discussion that would be awesome!

In the first story, a man is asked to switch seats with a woman because he was sitting next to an unaccompanied minor on a flight. This essentially labeled him as a pedophile or a potential pedophile; to say he was embarrassed might be an understatement.

In the second story, a child that was supposed to board a flight but never made it. When the parents were contacted by the summer camp she was supposed to attend, the parents called United to find out what happened. United was nonplussed and couldn't be bothered to tend to the child to make sure she arrived safely.

So we gotta ask you...
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
In the first story...where do you believe the child should have sat?
Up front with the attendants.
ghent529 , Kitka , js250 , Ansley , Dreamy Demon , - Kira - , kitty91 , Kindred , Sodom and Gomorrah , funluvinmama , Petite Valentine , goodeatz , Missmarc , Ryuson , freshbananas , Airen Wolf , Rawr4483 , wetone123 , sodapin , unfulfilled , Incendiaire , melissa1973 , Sohotdinosaur , KrissyNovacaine , Intrepid Niddering , Chelle Love , SoloJoe , satinlady550 , Sima-pusya , Gone (LD29) , Do emu , Sangsara , JackRaiden , GONE! , XxXxX , jryder3891 , Ninx Levits , sextoygeek , nolongerhere , Loriandhubby
Anywhere on the plane a seat was available, regardless of her aisle mates.
Between two female passengers.
Do you believe they would have asked the man to switch seats if it was a male child?
Yes, I think so.
Kitka , Dreamy Demon , - Kira - , Kindred , Petite Valentine , KrissyNovacaine , Intrepid Niddering , Chelle Love , Gone (LD29) , Nightstone , Loriandhubby
js250 , Ansley , kitty91 , Incendiaire , melissa1973 , Sohotdinosaur , JackRaiden , GONE! , Ninx Levits
Maybe, maybe not. I don't know much about their/those policies.
ghent529 , Sodom and Gomorrah , funluvinmama , goodeatz , Ryuson , Rawr4483 , wetone123 , sodapin , unfulfilled , SoloJoe , Do emu , Sangsara , XxXxX , sextoygeek , nolongerhere
Airen Wolf
Does the man have a right to be angry and outraged?
Sangsara , XxXxX
ghent529 , Kitka , js250 , Ansley , Dreamy Demon , - Kira - , kitty91 , Kindred , funluvinmama , Petite Valentine , goodeatz , Missmarc , Ryuson , freshbananas , Airen Wolf , Rawr4483 , sodapin , unfulfilled , Incendiaire , Sohotdinosaur , KrissyNovacaine , Intrepid Niddering , Chelle Love , SoloJoe , Gone (LD29) , JackRaiden , GONE! , Nightstone , Ninx Levits , sextoygeek , nolongerhere
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
I'm not sure, but I think this definitely could have been handled better.
Sodom and Gomorrah , wetone123 , Do emu , Sangsara , XxXxX
In the second story, do you feel that the airline was careless?
Sangsara , XxXxX
Yes, very much so!
ghent529 , Kitka , js250 , Ansley , Dreamy Demon , - Kira - , kitty91 , Kindred , Sodom and Gomorrah , funluvinmama , Petite Valentine , goodeatz , Missmarc , Ryuson , freshbananas , Airen Wolf , Rawr4483 , wetone123 , sodapin , unfulfilled , P'Gell , Incendiaire , melissa1973 , Sohotdinosaur , KrissyNovacaine , Intrepid Niddering , Chelle Love , SoloJoe , Gone (LD29) , LovelyLady24 , Do emu , Sangsara , JackRaiden , GONE! , Nightstone , XxXxX , Ninx Levits , sextoygeek , Loriandhubby
They should have let her call her parents, at least.
Dreamy Demon , funluvinmama , Ryuson , P'Gell , KrissyNovacaine , Gone (LD29) , sextoygeek
Undecided...there just are not enough facts.
Bottom line: Would you let your child travel by themselves?
Yes, sometimes it's necessary.
Sangsara , Nightstone
No, definitely not.
Kitka , js250 , Ansley , Dreamy Demon , - Kira - , kitty91 , unfulfilled , P'Gell , Sohotdinosaur , Chelle Love , XxXxX , Ninx Levits , sextoygeek
Maybe...I'd have to be in that situation to make that call.
ghent529 , Kindred , Sodom and Gomorrah , funluvinmama , Petite Valentine , goodeatz , Ryuson , freshbananas , Rawr4483 , wetone123 , sodapin , melissa1973 , Intrepid Niddering , SoloJoe , Gone (LD29) , Do emu , JackRaiden , GONE! , Nightstone , nolongerhere
Airen Wolf , Loriandhubby
Total votes: 204 (43 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Stories like these make me wonder why we leave the house some days. I never travel alone, ever and as such I would never let my child travel alone either. Call me overprotective if you want but in this day and age it seems like the right thing to be. Also, I feel terrible for that gentleman and really do think they should have seated the young girl up with the flight attendants somewhere. I'd have to say all children traveling alone like that should be accompanied as closely as possible by the flight attendants. It's outrageous that the airline didn't seem to care about the situation, ugh!
Contributor: Dreamy Demon Dreamy Demon
You asked if we think the airline would have made the man move if the child was a boy. Qantas' policy says any man seated next to any child, or so they're claiming.

Either way, it's crap. It's wrong to stereotype black people as violent criminals. It's wrong to stereotype LGBT people as sexual deviants. It's wrong to stereotype women as idiots. And it is wrong to stereotype men as rapists...regardless the age or gender of the people we're trying to protect.

As for the United Airlines thing... I don't even have the words.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
How the hell do you tell a 10 year old kid s/he can't call his or her parents?! Not that I would EVER send a 10 year old on a plane alone. A fact which I'm even more sure of after reading that. Ugh.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
I remember changing planes alone in Atlanta and Chicago as a child, and nobody was ever particularly helpful, so once I learned not to ask for help, I did much better. The poor kid probably could have found her own connecting flight if she was armed with the confidence to try instead of being trained to ask the adults in charge for her next instruction, and wait for them when they were too busy.
Contributor: Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah
The flight attendants instead of asking the male passenger to move, they should have arranged the child to move, maybe closer to them.
Contributor: funluvinmama funluvinmama
I'm not sure what to think about all of this. I know when I was younger, I flew many times by myself. My first flight as a child was kindergarten age from oregon to maryland. I also flew to california when I was in second grade. Then there were many flights in my early teens to my fathers. I was always the first to be seated and was seated at the front of the plane and I was always the last to get off the plane and escorted off by a stewardess.

Have things changed so much that airlines really don't care about kids safety and peoples feelings when they fly.
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Originally posted by Ansley

Forget “All Men Are Potential Rapists.” How about “Child Molesters?” and United Airlines “loses” unaccompanied minor on connecting flight. Doesn’t care., by Roland Hulme!

Okay, there are two different things going on here. ... more
mind blown
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Making a man into a possible molester just because he's male is a travesty and he should be outraged. The sad fact is most men would have been happy to move seats and would have felt relieved. That's where our society has left them....but women molest children too. it's a HUMAN condition not related to XX or XY chromosomes.

I traveled alone when I was a child, with my sister in tow. However, my parents made sure I was with a flight attendant if I had to switch planes. If the child was unaccompanied then the airline should have objected and done the right thing, then again they flew an unaccompanied young child to a soviet country with a note pinned to his chest so maybe we parents should take note that airline security is a myth and meant only to look at your naked kids and harass disabled children and old folks.
After this I know I will not be sending my children on flights by themselves without a cellphone and some major phone tag.

What is up with people? We protect children from men who more than likely never even considered hurting them and let other children just wander off or refuse to help them. WOW
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Wow is all I can say on both stories. That is no way to treat "men" or "children" How do you lose a kid and then not allow them to use a phone. Tell them that they'd call camp, but don't. Not help her get to her flight, etc.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
These are both sad stories. I don't believe all men are "potential" rapists or child molesters. Plus, they were sitting on a plane! What would have happened?

The second story is pathetic. Who loses a kid?

I would never let my children travel by themselves. If a parent can't be bothered to accompany the child, WTF? It's insane to put a child on a an airplane alone.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Making a man into a possible molester just because he's male is a travesty and he should be outraged. The sad fact is most men would have been happy to move seats and would have felt relieved. That's where our society has left them....but ... more
Yay! I was hoping someone would bring this up. As I was writing this, I was like wow...and in all the stories in the news right now about teachers having sex with underage students all of the accused are female. There is the occasional story of the priest molesting the young boy or the huge case like Sandusky.

Besides, pedophiles are not opportunists. It takes careful planning and winning of the child's trust before they make a move. It's the people who are closest to your children whom you should be watching the most, not strangers. Not that strangers don't need to be assessed, but they are less of an immediate danger.

I think the children should be made to sit up front or in the very back where attendants can keep a close eye on them and they should even dedicate specific seats.

Fortunately, this is not the policy of United States commercial flyers, but of Australia's. Several airlines were contacted and they said they have no such policy but they do intentionally neglect to announce unaccompanied minors to avoid singling the child out and marking them as a potential victim.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
This is something that bugs the hubs and I both. There have been times where he accompanied me to doctor appointments and ultrasounds while I was pregnant and was treated as an intruder because he was a man, while the staff moved to protect me from...what, exactly? At one ultrasound the staff told him flat out that he was not allowed in the room. At a different one we both had to beg for him to be let in and was told as long as he stood against the wall and was silent. I understand, statistically speaking, that men are more likely to to x,y, and z, but that does not mean that all men should be treated as a potential hazard.

It reminds me of a story from a few years ago. There was a man driving along when a young teen stepped out in front of his car. He missed her, got out of the car, grabbed her arm and lectured her on the dangerous thing she had done. He is now a registered sex offender because he touched her arm. I don't think a woman would have been registered for the same offense.

As for traveling, my mother put my sisters and I on a plane, unaccompanied, to go visit our grandparents. Now as a parent myself, I doubt I would agree to such a thing unless they were going together, were at least 12 or 13, and were accompanied by someone who ACTUALLY WORKS FOR THE AIRLINE. Even then, I doubt I would agree.
Contributor: The Giveaway Diva The Giveaway Diva
wow so sickened by the fact that United didn't care at all for the child! You would have thought that for sure there would be someone who has a child themselves that would hate the thought of their own child let alone any child being lost and not being cared for. So sick that they could care less!
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
I can understand the desire to be cautious, especially in this litigious day and age that we live in, but asking that man to move just makes me think that society has gone mad.
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
I felt that it was totally wrong for them to approach the man and have him move- oh and to set the record straight on one thing- they do it for boys as well- Should men sit next to kids on Flights It's not right and the kids should have been with the flight attendants.
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
The article about making a man move from a seat next to a child pissed me off. I hate the assumption that a man will be a predator.
Contributor: Intrepid Niddering Intrepid Niddering
I was reading in the comments about the girl lost in Chicago that they couldn't believe the parents would let the girl travel on a layover flight. There was also mention here that if the girl had been taught to take matters into her own hands instead of waiting for the attendants to tell her what to do, maybe she'd have made it to her destination.

Whilst that's all good and fine, sometimes a straight-through flight or even a flight with a stop, but no plane-change is just unavoidable. Given that belief, the parents had to put their trust into the airline to take care of her, and they failed in that aspect.

As for the girl finding her own way, Chicago's airport is -huge-. When I had a layover there a couple years ago on my way to Vermont, I landed on one side of the airport and it took me a good fifteen to twenty minutes to find the gate I was to leave from all the way on the other side, and I was twenty. So imagine a ten-year-old who's never traveled alone before trying to traverse through that mess on their own when their attendants aren't being very attending. I don't see that ending well.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Intrepid Niddering
I was reading in the comments about the girl lost in Chicago that they couldn't believe the parents would let the girl travel on a layover flight. There was also mention here that if the girl had been taught to take matters into her own hands ... more
O'Hare is a MESS! I've gotten lost there, and I've been there more than a dozen times. The parents expecting a child to get herself around O'Hare on her own, find her own plane OR simply trust that air line workers are ersatz day care workers is ridiculous!

The airline should have been more on the ball. But, the parents are completely brainless. The least they should have done was to get the child a cell phone, so she could call if she got lost. But, assuming a layover flight with plane switching would go easily at O'Hare is simply stupid of these parents.

I hope they enjoyed their two week vacation while their traumatized child was at camp more than half the country away.
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
This is something that bugs the hubs and I both. There have been times where he accompanied me to doctor appointments and ultrasounds while I was pregnant and was treated as an intruder because he was a man, while the staff moved to protect me ... more
"a young teen stepped out in front of his car. He missed her, got out of the car, grabbed her arm and lectured her on the dangerous thing she had done. He is now a registered sex offender because he touched her arm."

Are you kidding me?
Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
both are just plain sad
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
"a young teen stepped out in front of his car. He missed her, got out of the car, grabbed her arm and lectured her on the dangerous thing she had done. He is now a registered sex offender because he touched her arm."

Are you kidding ... more
Urinating in public can land someone with a sex offender registration. It's ridiculous!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Ansley
Urinating in public can land someone with a sex offender registration. It's ridiculous!
It's very rare that this would happen and in most states it won't. In Chicago urination in public will get you a ticket, the same kind of ticket having an open beer in the park gets you.... not a big deal.

I think the whole "he got on the sex offender registry for peeing in public" is mostly hyperbole as it rarely happens, BUT some people who are on the Registry for real reasons will say it was because they were caught urinating in public.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by P'Gell
It's very rare that this would happen and in most states it won't. In Chicago urination in public will get you a ticket, the same kind of ticket having an open beer in the park gets you.... not a big deal.

I think the whole "he ... more
That's Chicago...

It is not mostly hyperbole, there are registered sex offenders in the state of Georgia who have no business being on that list and it's for the dumbest of reasons. (We also have a number of individuals who deserve to be under the jail for their sex crimes, but are out walking the streets. I pulled up our offender registry the other day, within a stone's throw there are 45 individuals who have at least one charge of a sexual crime resulting in a misdemeanor and out of those 45 half have felony charges against them.)

Chicago is extremely liberal (we've had this conversation, haven't we? ) When you live in a conservative state, things are a lot different.
Contributor: LovelyLady24 LovelyLady24
Originally posted by Ansley

Forget “All Men Are Potential Rapists.” How about “Child Molesters?” and United Airlines “loses” unaccompanied minor on connecting flight. Doesn’t care., by Roland Hulme!

Okay, there are two different things going on here. ... more
Contributor: jryder3891 jryder3891
Originally posted by Ansley

Forget “All Men Are Potential Rapists.” How about “Child Molesters?” and United Airlines “loses” unaccompanied minor on connecting flight. Doesn’t care., by Roland Hulme!

Okay, there are two different things going on here. ... more
This is a great story and a great read
Contributor: jryder3891 jryder3891
Originally posted by Ansley
Urinating in public can land someone with a sex offender registration. It's ridiculous!
Contributor: jryder3891 jryder3891
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
"a young teen stepped out in front of his car. He missed her, got out of the car, grabbed her arm and lectured her on the dangerous thing she had done. He is now a registered sex offender because he touched her arm."

Are you kidding ... more
That is stupid
Contributor: jryder3891 jryder3891
Originally posted by unfulfilled
Wow is all I can say on both stories. That is no way to treat "men" or "children" How do you lose a kid and then not allow them to use a phone. Tell them that they'd call camp, but don't. Not help her get to her flight, etc.
Contributor: sextoygeek sextoygeek
Originally posted by Ansley

Forget “All Men Are Potential Rapists.” How about “Child Molesters?” and United Airlines “loses” unaccompanied minor on connecting flight. Doesn’t care., by Roland Hulme!

Okay, there are two different things going on here. ... more
I really think if minors are going to travel, they should have an airline personal person assigned to sit with them through their entire thing. That way they have one person that stays with them the entire journey. However, I don't think parents should let young kids fly by themselves. Maybe once they are 15 or so and can handle it themselves, but anything younger than that, no.