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AAP ignores appeals from “Intactavists.” Declare with circumcision “benefits outweigh risks.”, by Roland Hulme! - Click here to read Roland's article about the recent decision by the American Academy of
AAP ignores appeals from “Intactavists.” Declare with circumcision “benefits outweigh risks.”, by Roland Hulme! - Click here to read Roland's article about the recent decision by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
"Today, the AAP officially declared that “there are clear medical benefits to circumcision,” citing many of the previously debunked studies popular with those who promote the procedure. It comes as a major setback to those who’d been happy to see rates of infant circumcision drop from 80% in the 1980s to a nationwide low of 54.7% in 2010."
This is the follow-up article to the discussion we were having last week. The decision seems to only reinforce the idea that, in America, it's all about the Benjamins.
While we are already aware of your opinions on circumcision, whether for or against it, what do you think of the double-standard that it's okay to circumcise a male child, but removing the clitoris is consider genital mutilation?
OK, my feelings are strange. First off though, cutting of the clitoris is HORRIBLE, sickening, inhumane, barbaric, disgusting, insensitive and everything else that means HORRIBLE in the book. It's downright mind blowing that it's even thought of, let alone done!
I remember a few years ago promoting and signing petitions against female genital mutilation. The whole ordeal in Africa and other places where young girls (sometimes babies) were getting theirs cut off so that they would not enjoy pleasure. But it was a certainty that they would experience rape AT the least ONE time before age something. I don't know all the statistics and such, but I remember being so horrified when I first joined an activist group. We had millions of signatures on multiple petitions for this problem alone and yet it STILL happens. OK, that was about the female genital mutilation. They thing about circumcision being considered "mutilation" wasn't really heard of until recently (not by me or anyone else I know anyways.) So yes, it is somewhat new to me that circumcision is being considered "mutilation."
I discussed this with my partner once not long ago. I asked him if he had a choice right now to either be circumsized or not, what would he choose? He said he'd choose to be circumsized.
I understand men's decisions to BE circumsized as well as to NOT be circumsized. For one, cutting off the clitoris is not to prevent infections and such. Cutting the foreskin is. As a person who's worked in daycare and has been raising my own familie's children for longer than 10 years, I can say that I never seen a boy with NO foreskin (a circumsized male) come up with genital problems and infection. I have however, seen the uncircumsized show up with many problems one being serious infections. So I do understand that there is a difference in clitoris and foreskin and the reasons for clipping.
If men are suddenly opposed to this, of course they have that right. If you don't want your foreskin cut, you have every right to being the decision maker. I can see how it's tough though, when you're the parent with a baby and you simply want the best. All you may know is that there are more complications in boys with UN-circumsized genitals, and that is why you make the decision to have it cut. I don't think a parent is horrible because of that. And I do not think a parent is horrible for making the decision NOT to have their son circumized.
Do I think this whole ordeal is about money? I'm a smart girl. Hell yes I do! Lol.
I just don't think I can consider it a "double standard" because like I said, clitoris are cut off to prevent a woman/girl's pleasure whereas a piece of penis skin is cut to prevent infections and complications.
Having foreskin, can be more of an issue for some men than others. I know some who have to do "extra" to keep things under control than some of those who are circumsized. Still, it's up to the person and how they feel, but what if you got to be 21 years old and thought 'shit. My parents didn't have me circumsized, and I certainly don't wanna do it now, but what about this "smegma" and maybe other issues like infections.' That would be a hard, hard thing. Then again, what if you grew up to be 21 and thought 'WTF were my parents thinking cutting my foreskin off?!' I guess you can't ever know what your little boy will feel like in the future.
I want to know how many men who were circumsized wish that they were not. It'd be interesting to hear from the men -- whether or not they wish they were or were NOT circumsized and why? Just curious. My partner says he's happy to be circumsized. I don't know how I would feel though, I do not have a penis. I'd be pissed if my clitoris was cut off period though, I mean unless my clitoris was going to cause me to die or something. Lol. Otherwise, the clitoris is the ONLY part of the body that was created with no real purpose -- besides pleasure and I'd like to keep my pleasure pearl thank you.