Welcome to this week's featured SexIs article:
Feminists Don't Deserve Chivalry?, by kendra30752!

My partner, M, and I are friends with this older gentleman who is quite a bit eccentric. He's very nice, responsible to a fault, takes care of his aging mother all by himself...in short, I don't just call him a gentleman. He lives up to the term.
Occasionally, our conversations turn to feminist behaviors that really stick in our craw. When they do, he always tells the same story.
The story goes:
One day, R was heading into one of the local malls, and he fell into step with a woman around his age, which, at the time, was somewhere around 40. R, always the gentleman, took a step back, grabbing the door handle at the same time, and held it open for her.
The woman (who, he'll usually tell us at this point, was beautiful until she opened her mouth) snapped at him, "What do you think, because I'm a woman, I can't open the door for myself? How dare you?"
R, not one to pay a kindness to someone against their wishes, smiled devilishly as he let the door slam shut and replied, "Woman? I didn't even realize you were human. Have a nice day." and walked away.
Kendra's article asks a question I've been considering for most of my life. What's with (some) feminists and antifeminists and their belief that because you believe in equality and choice, you should never want or accept assistance or "chivalry" from men?
What do you think?
If you're feminist do you give up your right to enjoy chivalry?