Welcome to this week's featured SexIs article:
Feminish: Sex Pozzies, by Livia Drew!

Livia self-identifies as a feminist, but it wasn't always this way. After becoming exposed to the many facets of feminist ideas she learned there was a lot more to the movement than man-hating and divisions between career women and women who wanted to be homemakers. You can read the full article to see how her ideas and beliefs changed over time and how she discovered that feminism wasn't anti-sex, on the contrary the movement is quite sex-positive.
While reading her article my mind consulted its data banks and remembered a conversation I once had many years ago. The basis of the convo was this: birth control was invented for the sole purpose of women taking control over their sex lives and reproduction schedules while simultaneously opening the door for very productive careers. That's how I left the conversation and that's how I felt up until the very moment I read Livia's article. I was shocked to be confronted with a possibility that sex became a bad thing in the feminist world. I'm still shaking my head on how that is possible and will probably end up doing additional research on the matter. So I gotta ask...
Did Livia's article shatter any misconceptions about feminism that you may have had?