To the end

Contributor: jzzrzz jzzrzz
It's hard to even think about this, but realistically I would probably move on. I'm only 20. I've got a lot of time to do it in.
Contributor: REDRUM REDRUM
If I fell in love again. I would possibly marry them. You don't have to get married to be happy again though. I would continue to live out my life to the fullest. That's what they would have wanted anyways.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I have been in love with my husband since I was 16. I would/could never fall in love again.

But I'm not exactly sure I would be totally alone. I would probably play the field a bit. Heh.
Contributor: ac0313 ac0313
Wow, this is a difficult one to answer. I (we) think getting on with life will happen...eventually, but only after a long period of mourning. Although our relationship is still new - known each other just over 4 months - we have already gone through so much together. We feel that we are so compatible, with enough in common and also enough differences that we find common ground and compliment each other all the time. Although not easy to think about, this is a great question that brought the same reaction to both of us and really made us think...thanks!
Contributor: melianofvalinor9 melianofvalinor9
At this point in time I would only be able to have the memories of my hubby. I couldn't see loving any one else.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I've been with Hubby since I was sixteen. I've never known anyone one else intimately. I would naturally get on with my life because my children would need me too but I really doubt I could ever connect with another man the way I do with Hubby. I wouldn't limit myself to say I wouldn't have a relationship but part of me will always be only for my Hubby.
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
I have no idea and hope that i never have to find out.
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by markeagleone
How many of you are so deeply in love that if something should happen to your partner, you, at this given time, believe that you would remain alone with only the memories of the one you lost until you pass on?
As it stands right now I am still very young at 23 (will be on the 27th! woot!), and though I am in a relationship I don't feel that we have been together long enough or developed such deep feelings that would affect us that much... yet. Ask again in a couple years and my answer would probably change!

I do have to say, however, that I would be completely devastated and it would take me a while to get back in the game if anything ever happened that tore us apart.
Contributor: tokensgirl tokensgirl
I love him, but I think I could love again
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by markeagleone
How many of you are so deeply in love that if something should happen to your partner, you, at this given time, believe that you would remain alone with only the memories of the one you lost until you pass on?
My husband and I both need love and sex too much to end these if something were to happen to the other one. We've made it clear to each other, that we want the other one to go on, if something were to happen to one of us. We've been together for over 20 years, and I was only 16 when I started dating him. I don't know if I would love anyone else as much, but, I do know I don't do well alone.

It has nothing to do with how much "in love" you are, IMO. Some people are better when paired, both My Man and I happen to be these people. I don't know if I would ever love anyone as much as I love him, but I can't do without a partner, so we'd move on.
Contributor: Linga Linga
I could never love anyone again, not like I love my man. I know it sounds like something cheesy but it's true
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
Get on with my own life
Contributor: Judas Iscars Judas Iscars
I would remain alone.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I love my man, but I'm young and life's long. I would love again.
Contributor: K101 K101
Absolutely could not ever do it. I honestly don't think I could ever love anyone else. I would be happy alone, I;d be devastated if he died, but I don't think I would feel the need for anyone else besides lots of friends and family. I wouldn't ever think as highly of anyone else and I don't think I could stand to do it. I wouldn't be able to stop loving him as much as I do now. My grandmother lost her husband about 2 years ago and the other day she told me she could never be with another man. She said people try to set her up with men all the time and she loves her husband still so much that she will never have love for another man. I think I would be the same. It just couldn't happen.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I'm in love with my fiancee, and I know it wouldn't be possible for me to fall in love with anyone else! I would remain alone.
Contributor: emilia emilia
I go on with my life but that does not mean I meet someone that I could love
Contributor: Sapphire Pet Sapphire Pet
Originally posted by markeagleone
How many of you are so deeply in love that if something should happen to your partner, you, at this given time, believe that you would remain alone with only the memories of the one you lost until you pass on?
OK being a young widow this poll hit home for me. My husband died 2 years ago October 4th. I am dating someone now but it took awhile for me to even think about dating again. I'm lucky that my guy understands my heart still isn't fully mine to give yet and he's a very patient person. So yes I'm getting on with my life but it's a very slow, and difficult process.
Contributor: kitty377 kitty377
I'm not sure, I've never actually fallen in love although I think I'm in the process of doing so right now but I'm only 19, if something happened now I'm sure I would move on to some extent, I wouldn't want to be lonely the rest of my life
Contributor: PeachieClean PeachieClean
I'm still young, so I'm sure I'd have a chance to heal and what not, but I don't think I'd fall for someone the same way I have him. I do know that I get deeply depressed without physical contact, but that doesn't have to be love or even sex. A hug or cuddling is enough. And with my experience between the sheets, I honestly don't think I'd be able to have sex with another man if he were to die. Everyone else has given me nothing but pain. But, in a way, I'd move on.
Contributor: mizzmilla mizzmilla
There should be an other option. I can't imagine being with anyone else, and I don't see how I could ever move on. But after another 60 years, who knows. That sounds terrible. But you never know. We've talked about it and would want the other to move on after long enough, if they could.
Contributor: Snozzberries Snozzberries
I would likely have other relationships, but none would be the same as the one I have with my husband. I doubt I would ever remarry. I can't even think about this subject without tearing up.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
It would take a year or two, but I'd eventually move on.
Contributor: Sunsetmystic Sunsetmystic
Originally posted by markeagleone
How many of you are so deeply in love that if something should happen to your partner, you, at this given time, believe that you would remain alone with only the memories of the one you lost until you pass on?
Of cousre i would be hurt and morn my losses, but eventually i would have to move on to stay healthy and no it the rut that i close up again and let no one get with in my inner circle again.
Contributor: LoveTies LoveTies
Originally posted by markeagleone
How many of you are so deeply in love that if something should happen to your partner, you, at this given time, believe that you would remain alone with only the memories of the one you lost until you pass on?
I don't think I would be able to fall in love with another person. What my husband and I have had is different than anything else.. I wouldn't be able to go on with another person in that way afterwards.
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
After losing The Love of My Life. I found E.F. and my memories will be enough.
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
I had many loves and relationships before I met the love of my life and something was always missing, and I just lost the love of my life last year. There will never be anyone to take his place.
Contributor: tigertiger tigertiger
Originally posted by markeagleone
How many of you are so deeply in love that if something should happen to your partner, you, at this given time, believe that you would remain alone with only the memories of the one you lost until you pass on?
sounds a bit melodramatic tbh
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
If my anything happened to my wife, I'd choose to be alone. And I can't imagine how confusing it would be for our children if I did anything but, at least until they were much, much that point, why bother? I'd have the memories of better times, and I'd do nothing but judge future partners against the relationship my wife and I have, which would be totally unfair, but that's just the way I'm wired.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I would move on.

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