How do you know when you're really in love?

Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
This may be a hard one to spit out an answer and might bring some reflective thought. I am wondering what brings you to the point of knowing for sure inside your heart.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
My mate just has to be the right one
45  (48%)
I feel comfortable in the relationship
23  (24%)
I'm not in love, but just passing the time
2  (2%)
other-please explain
24  (26%)
Total votes: 94
Poll is closed
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Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
Originally posted by markeagleone
This may be a hard one to spit out an answer and might bring some reflective thought. I am wondering what brings you to the point of knowing for sure inside your heart.
Please take the time to search your feelings. Include all aspects of your relationship before you post!!!
Contributor: SapphirexIce SapphirexIce
Originally posted by markeagleone
This may be a hard one to spit out an answer and might bring some reflective thought. I am wondering what brings you to the point of knowing for sure inside your heart.
I would say if your know they're trust and loyalty then that's how you know.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
I think it's when you've start thinking about your future and they are there. It's when you've been through some real challenges and stuck it out and still supported each other. I think it's a deep feeling of peace when you are with them. You want to tell them first when something good or bad happens. I think it's so many little things that you finally realize they are it for you.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
It's just a physical feeling for me. It can't be explained...I just know.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I've been thinking about this all day and i really don't have a concrete answer for you. For me, I just sort of knew. I couldn't explain why, but I did.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I'm surprised to see such a simplistic set of choices from someone old enough to know the complexities of men, women and relationships. I was married briefly in my early 20s then dated for 10 years before finding my love - you just can't explain all that experience in a bullet point or two.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I'm surprised to see such a simplistic set of choices from someone old enough to know the complexities of men, women and relationships. I was married briefly in my early 20s then dated for 10 years before finding my love - you just can't ... more
"you just can't explain all that experience in a bullet point or two"

Agreed! It would take three or four screens to just touch on how I knew I was in love. There are too many facets that intersect; I could probably write a novel.

I always knew my husband was "the one" since the first day I met him. We've been together 18 years. I always felt I was "in love" with him. Honestly though, it was not until recent years that I really understood what love was.

The love I have for my husband grows deeper and evolves everyday.
Contributor: wolf's lil red temptation wolf's lil red temptation
As cheesy as it sounds, I knew my fiance was the one when I could picture our future together and I couldn't really see my life without him. I know it sounds a bit obsessive to other people but it is true even he has said the same thing. However we have been dating for over 7 years. But like everyone has said, there is no clear and simple answer, I think you just feel it and know it when it is right.
Contributor: Blooddragon Blooddragon
Originally posted by markeagleone
This may be a hard one to spit out an answer and might bring some reflective thought. I am wondering what brings you to the point of knowing for sure inside your heart.
There are no words to describe...
Contributor: RammaJamma RammaJamma
It's just one of those things, when you are, you know it.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
When you connect with someone on a certain level that you've never connected with anyone before... yea, that's how you know. I know my husband is my soul mate. I've known it from the first time he kissed me that we were meant to be together.
Contributor: sexyk515 sexyk515
you just know
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
Everyone seems to say you just know. I've never felt that way about anyone, hopefully I will one day.
Contributor: Vaccinium Vaccinium
I've been thinking about this one for two months now, and I'm no closer to an answer than I was then. It's becoming an increasingly important question for me too.
Contributor: barrettbn2 barrettbn2
you just know
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
You just kinda know.. and you feel super comfy with your mate
Contributor: melianofvalinor9 melianofvalinor9
I am completely comfortable with my hubby and he knows everything about me. I just know.
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
Originally posted by barrettbn2
you just know
agreed. i cant explain it.
Contributor: Dizzykakes Dizzykakes
It really can't be explained.. You just feel it and you know.
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
When not shit else matters & that person makes you feel ultimately whole & happy.
Contributor: js250 js250
Originally posted by markeagleone
This may be a hard one to spit out an answer and might bring some reflective thought. I am wondering what brings you to the point of knowing for sure inside your heart.
I have never been able to experiment sexually or masturbate comfortably in front of anyone else. We are so open sexually it adds security and confidence into the relationship.My heart flutters after 14 years and I still get turned on and butterflies in my stomach when I unexpectedly see him. Silly but true!
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
For me it was always a feeling that I just "knew". And there are different kinds of love as well. I knew I was in love with the woman who would become my wife when we had a date planned, and she called and said she couldn't make it and my insides got all twisted up in knots because I wouldn't get the chance to see her. I also have a very dear friend with whom I am not romantically involved, but she "gets" me so much more than anyone I have ever known. When we met for the first time in person we were both so nervous we were almost sick to our stomach, but as soon as we hugged it just felt so natural. I think of her as a "soul mate" in that there is nothing we can't talk about and right from the beginning we could tell what the other was going to say in our conversations. It was just so nice having someone who was just as geeky/nerdy/kinky/etc. that thought the same ways.
Contributor: K101 K101
always say love is something that isn't taken as seriously as it is. I think it's a word that's almost been thrown around so much that it's lost it's meaning. I've been IN love, where I had butterflies, got excited to see the person I liked and wanted to be with them all the time, think about them all the time, etc. Lusting, really. But I've only really loved one person, my current partner. I knew for sure I loved him after we'd been together every single day after about 6 months into the relationship. He'd met my family within the first month and I met his. We both grew up on the same mountain less than 5 minutes from each other so our families are very alike and we both fit in well. That was a plus since my parents have NEVER liked any of my choices (and rightly so! They weren't nice to me.) I've also never been liked by many of their families. But I was sure of it when I finally got comfortable enough to eat and go to the restroom while he was around. I never, ever ate or went to the restroom (even to pee!)while I was with a boyfriend, even one I was with a year. I just have always had a really weird thing about getting comfortable around men. Finally after about 4 months of us being together and seeing each other every day, I was starved! I was losing weight too and just had to eat. I ate a Krystal burger in front of him and soon after that was comfortable a little with other things like going to my own restroom! Lol. Really short into our relationship, about 9 months, I started getting extremely ill and ended up in the hospital and sick until about a year ago when I got surgery. We were always in the hospital or some dr office and I got to where I couldn't eat and developed anorexia, not where I chose to starve though. I couldn't eat a french fry without getting sick. I was 70 pounds, couldn't leave my own house hardly & I thought I would die. I was only 16 too. So for those first few years, I stayed sick a lot, learned to manage and still was no good. I knew he'd leave me. He didn't. He went with me to every single hospital visit and never left my side! He took me to the dr. he took care of me. It was bad. He had to feed me! So much for feeling embarrassed to eat in front of him! Lol. There was times where he even had to give me a shower.

I finally got to turn into a normal person a year ago and am back to great health, but after we'd went through all that and he stayed, never ever showed a single sign of frustration, and said he would marry me no matter what I looked like I knew for sure. He also went through a lot of very awful crap from my past. When we first got together, I had just started to deal with a really traumatic incident from earlier and I know I was miserable and just a mess. I hated my own self and he stated with my crazy behind! He just insisted on getting me better. Thats all he cared about. He said whatever it takes. We had to deal with the issue or I wouldn't have been able to move past it. I finally did though and it's amazing! Then almost 2 years ago I was pregnant before I'd been diagnosed with endometriosis and lost it. It was devastating and we went though heck for a while. In the same year I was pregnant again. Lost it too! Anyways, we got through that as well and it's awful and sad and I we'll never be able to have our own children, but we have 3 that aren't biologically ours. After all those things happened and he still loved me I told him I finally believed he HAD to love me. I knew I loved him as soon as I realized he was still there when all those things happened. We've been together for 5 years and I am very sure we were meant for each other.

Enough of my life story! Lol. I think for different people it varies. But when you're past that stage of the butterflies and all and things get serious, you see the person they are when they can't put on a front and you've seen each other at the worst and best and still love them the same. To me, that's when you know for sure. After you've decided you love the person even when they're down and out. After truly knowing them and everything they do, even the things that irritate you, then you'll more than likely know you love them or just can't stand them. For me, I got really lucky. I don't think anyone would've loved me after all the mess I was in, but I certainly found one who did.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I'd love to post something long and meaningful, but I really just can't describe it. I love my fiancee and I always will!
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Originally posted by Redboxbaby
"you just can't explain all that experience in a bullet point or two"

Agreed! It would take three or four screens to just touch on how I knew I was in love. There are too many facets that intersect; I could probably write a ... more
Aw. That's wonderful.

But I agree. You just...know. It can't really be summed up in a sentence or two, not for me.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
When all the other relationships in your life fall away and crumble to dust. It's a feeling unlike any other the human heart can experience. There is a depth of the mind and soul and body interacting in such subtle ways that it feels like a favorite old movie that you still enjoy or an old song that can still get a reaction from you. It's that combination of comfort and excitement, when you know that you're entwined with that person in mutual love, respect, and trust. You know where you end and they begin, and you want to share your lives, but also are able to be secure with having experiences without the other (so you can share later).

I never experienced it until now, at the age of 34. It feels so much stronger and deeper than what I had ever felt with anyone, even my ex-husband. I am grateful that my Master had been brought into my life.
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
I don't know how to explain how I knew I loved him, how I know I love him, but here's how I know we fit with each other:

He's my best friend, my confidante, and my lover, and I'm the same to him. We can talk about anything without fear of being judged by each other. We can see our other friends and do our own things without the other being jealous or insecure. Sometimes we don't really want to be around each other, and that's okay, because we don't have to spend every waking moment together to be in love, but when we want to be together and can't, we miss each other so much it hurts. I trust him more than anyone I've ever met, and I at least hope he feels the same about me. I'd throw away my pride just to see him smile, and he's done the same for me. We don't expect each other to change anything about ourselves, but we've grown and matured together in the time we've been lovers. We revel in each new thing we learn about each other, and we make plans for the future. And... I love him.
Contributor: kadytheredpanda kadytheredpanda
Originally posted by markeagleone
This may be a hard one to spit out an answer and might bring some reflective thought. I am wondering what brings you to the point of knowing for sure inside your heart.
If they make me happy, I can trust them, and they respect me for who I am, it's perfect. I have a guy that matches all of those characteristics and I really want to hook up with him.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I realized I was really in love when I began to trust him. I am not a very trusting person with certain things. I am incredibly open about things a lot of people wouldn't be open about, but there are just some things I don't like to say! I began to trust him, put him first, view him as my best friend and confidant, and thinking of everything I do as affecting both of us.