How do you promote your affiliate codes?

Contributor: lilly555 lilly555
I've noticed that a lot of contributors list their affiliate codes on their profile pages. I was wondering if there was any other way you go about promoting your code. Do you put it on your blog? Give it to your friends? Or maybe you have a creative approach that I haven't mentioned. Care to share?
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Contributor: Drakoni Drakoni
So far, I've just posted mine on my Eden profile and handed coupon packets to a few friends to pass out. I don't think anyone has actually placed an order with my code yet, though.
Contributor: oopsy oopsy
You can order flyers through the site, they're very cute, about the size of a business card and bright yes discreet! I've posted mind as a 'signature' along with with a few other discussion based websites, so far not much, but it worked twice!
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
I have mine up on my blog, and then a few of the people on Tumblr that follow me asked about products that I reviewed and I let 'em know about my affiliate code because you can't go wrong with getting a discount.

I mostly use my code on my own orders right now.
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
I have it on my profile, and I hand out fliers to friends. Not much else yet.
Contributor: bluekaren bluekaren
I have my code on my website along with a few banners. I have a banner with "get 15% off with code SYM" on my website. I get alot of my stuff from eden. I make sure to link my code in links to products on my blog posts. I am consistently making money on the side from my commissions. I have also made stickers with my code saying "Get 15% with code SYM" and put them on the back of the catalogs. I get a catalog with each new order so I hand the catalogs out and people, (hopefully), use my code that way too. Also, whenever I do contests on my website with eden giftcards the entry requires going to the site, you guessed it, using an hyperlink with my code. I like the flyers too. I hand them out when we meet new people at clubs...I don't know if that has produced anything. I won't stop giving them never know.
Contributor: lilly555 lilly555
Originally posted by Vanille
I have mine up on my blog, and then a few of the people on Tumblr that follow me asked about products that I reviewed and I let 'em know about my affiliate code because you can't go wrong with getting a discount.

I mostly use my code ... more
I know that the discount applies to our own orders as well but do you get the 5% credit for that? I've had it tell me before that since the person signed up for the reviewer program I wouldn't get credit.
Contributor: lilly555 lilly555
Originally posted by bluekaren
I have my code on my website along with a few banners. I have a banner with "get 15% off with code SYM" on my website. I get alot of my stuff from eden. I make sure to link my code in links to products on my blog posts. I am consistently ... more
Wow you're really on top of it that's impressive!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Posting your code on your blog and other off-Eden sites is probably your best bet.

It really doesn't do too much good to post your code on site. The discount from affiliate codes doesn't apply on sale products and it seems we always have a sale or seven going. It's kinda like preaching to the choir.

Ordering flyers is good. Get a following on your blog/tumblr/blogger/et c, do your own Eden Personal Store, or any other off-site platform and you'll really see some growth.
Contributor: iLashe iLashe
i also posted my affiliate code on a couple coupon sites i visit, there were already different posts with other affiliate codes, but i figured it couldn't hurt. I also mention in the coupon code description thingy that E.F. also has massive sales usually going on, and that one can get their own affiliate code etc. also, on my blog.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I have actually seen some impressive growth using the flyers as that's the only way I have circulated my code recently. With a code like B69 you just HAVE to tell everyone about it! LOL
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I have actually seen some impressive growth using the flyers as that's the only way I have circulated my code recently. With a code like B69 you just HAVE to tell everyone about it! LOL
Yeah, mine's B4U.
Contributor: Penguin Penguin
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I have actually seen some impressive growth using the flyers as that's the only way I have circulated my code recently. With a code like B69 you just HAVE to tell everyone about it! LOL
That's awesome!
Contributor: iLashe iLashe
those are really awesome you guys! mines T75, and i like tea a lot, and 3/4 is one of my favorite intervals
Contributor: lilly555 lilly555
Originally posted by iLashe
i also posted my affiliate code on a couple coupon sites i visit, there were already different posts with other affiliate codes, but i figured it couldn't hurt. I also mention in the coupon code description thingy that E.F. also has massive sales ... more
I use mine on coupon sites as well and it's been useful although there tend to be a lot on there already so it's luck of the draw in those cases.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I only have mine on my profile page. I want some flyers, but overseas are denied them for whatever reason.
Contributor: Snozzberries Snozzberries
I think I need to get some of those business cards.
Contributor: Misfit Momma Misfit Momma
I give it to people with the flyers, but the majority of my affiliate sales come from people clicking on my link which gives me 20% instead of just 5% so I don't advertise my code online as often when it's just as easy to spread word about whatever code happens to be current with my link.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I have a few of the fliers that I give to people. I have it on my Eden profile. And I'm planning on having a little toy party sometime where I'll be giving away my code.
Contributor: Short Cake Short Cake
These are all great ideas, the only thing I do right now is link through social networking sites! And do random chats with people just spreading the word, I'm new so I haven't seen any results from these yet but I'm positive that it will happen soon enough!
Contributor: srval69 srval69
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by lilly555
I've noticed that a lot of contributors list their affiliate codes on their profile pages. I was wondering if there was any other way you go about promoting your code. Do you put it on your blog? Give it to your friends? Or maybe you have a ... more
I have it on my Eden profile. I do not promote my code on my blog much at all, because if someone uses code, you only get 5% if they use your banner you get 20% commissions. I use my own banners if my order is over $100, so i get decent commission amount plus whatever others order using it. I do have flyers but dunno where to put them because my family/friends wouldn't appreciate it too well b/c they don't do "sex shops", other than my sister.

I use to hand it out 24 7 til i found you get a lot more with banners.
Contributor: Experiment Experiment
Originally posted by mama2007
I have it on my Eden profile. I do not promote my code on my blog much at all, because if someone uses code, you only get 5% if they use your banner you get 20% commissions. I use my own banners if my order is over $100, so i get decent commission ... more
Wow, you are a genius.

How exactly does one go about doing this banner business? Because I'm always looking to get more commission.

And when you're doing the banner for your own order, do you still get the 15% discount, or do you just do it because you figure 20% commission is better than 15% discount and 5% commission?
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Experiment
Wow, you are a genius.

How exactly does one go about doing this banner business? Because I'm always looking to get more commission.

And when you're doing the banner for your own order, do you still get the 15% discount, or do ... more
You can find the link to the Affiliate Program here.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
LJ has these things called "kink memes" where people anonymously write erotica, and I often use toys as prompts, with widgets containing my code.
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
So it's ok to use your own code when you check out or click on your own link/banners? Seems kinda wrong in a way if you know what I mean. But if it's not against the rules or anything...
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by El-Jaro
You can find the link to the Affiliate Program here.
Thanks! i couldn't find the link
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by Experiment
Wow, you are a genius.

How exactly does one go about doing this banner business? Because I'm always looking to get more commission.

And when you're doing the banner for your own order, do you still get the 15% discount, or do ... more
You have to be an affiliate and have a code. Then you click on Affiliate on top of the page here instead of contributor. then click on banners. and then copy/paste a banner onto main page of your blog. To get more "business" of code, i usually do a decent few of my reviews of things I order on my blog as off-site review, so the review is on my blog where the banner is. It helps others know you as a reviewer/blogger.

And no, if you use your own banner, you get 20% commission if you use banner to order OR you use the code and get 5% commission which gives u 15% off. I never use my code for 15% off anymore. To me, the 20% commission is better because i save enough in points and gift cards that a % off my order isn't needed, i'd prefer that $ in a check to help me out with kids' bdays and whatever else. i just got a check yesterday i need to deposit, and will get another in october.
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
I think i'm one of the few that doesn't put mine on profile or blog. my reasoning is that on my blog I would prefer to get the 20% from aff links. instead i list current coupons that are usually better anyways. like the one eden just had for 20% off.

The code i just hand out to friends that i don't send to my blog for privacy issues.

Also i dont' understand why anyone would encourage another eden member to use someone elses code. everybody should have their own cuz it's a better deal. save ur aff code for friends of affiliate sign ups.

Is it really worth 5% comm to not give the best advice/deal to new members? I've seen people feel upset for that being done to them thru the mentor program, tho i;m sure thats rare
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
I pimp it on my fetlife profile once in a while.