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Not saying the same person but lets say a couple, roommates or family. Are they both allowed to have their separate accounts if they are under the same roof?
Just thought it would be good to ask this if I ever move in with my partner because
Not saying the same person but lets say a couple, roommates or family. Are they both allowed to have their separate accounts if they are under the same roof?
Just thought it would be good to ask this if I ever move in with my partner because I'm not personally a fan of couple accounts. =/
All I will say on this one is if you share a home or internet with ANYONE be prepared to explain WHY so many accounts are using the same IP address. While it has been stated that you shouldn't have any issues you could very well end up with MAJOR issues. Myself,my cousin,her husband all got locked out of our accounts a few weeks back because of "suspicious" activity. Needless to say we had to PROVE we were all DIFFERENT people right down to having to send in a photo of our ID's to prove this.
So I guess basically what I am saying is to be careful when having multiple accounts on one IP Address or even going to the same mailing address