nope thankfully
Featured by EdenFantasys
Has anyone ever "discovered" your toys?
I don't think so!
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I don't have a toy box and just keep them in a drawer in the bathroom. I just had guests over and they found my stash! It was a little funny and I am glad it wasn't anyone I didn't want to know : )
Although, when I moved away to college, I did accidentally leave my vibrator under my dresser. When I came back, it was still there, but my mom had swept under the dresser. Whether she found it or not, I don't know.
Not yet and I hope to keep it that way!
I keep them in my armoire. No one has found it... yet!
Originally posted by
I don't have a toy box and just keep them in a drawer in the bathroom. I just had guests over and they found my stash! It was a little funny and I am glad it wasn't anyone I didn't want to know : )
gosh i hope no one in my family finds them, that would be terrifying
Originally posted by
I don't have a toy box and just keep them in a drawer in the bathroom. I just had guests over and they found my stash! It was a little funny and I am glad it wasn't anyone I didn't want to know : )
Nobody has found mine. I keep it in a locked box, but I went to take it to my boyfriends house and all of a sudden it turned on and started vibrating inside the locked box. I had to find the key, get the box out of my overnight bag.. which was buried, finally turned it off. Longest 30 seconds of my life.
I don't really have a stash, but I did find my mom's when we were moving once. That was not cool. XD
My ex bought me my first vibrator, and when we broke up, and he moved out of my house, I switched rooms, and my sister had found it. I told her I had never seen it, and it must had belongs to my ex. Now, I have a stacked organizer bin next to my bed, which is clear, and you can easily see them if you walked in my room. I really don't care anymore. What's a single girl to do?
Originally posted by
I don't have a toy box and just keep them in a drawer in the bathroom. I just had guests over and they found my stash! It was a little funny and I am glad it wasn't anyone I didn't want to know : )
No can't say anyone has I mean my mom found one in my drawer when I had her looking for some important paperwork. I mean I didn't even know it was in there and forgot about it so in the end I thanked her for finding it. But no most of my toys are out in the open so everyone who comes to my house knows I have them
I keep thinking someone will discover them, but lucky so far. I really should get a new storage system, though.. the collection outgrew the old one :/
Ugh, yes ex-husband who wasn't happy about it. He was really missing out. Current husband loves to watch me play with them, play with them with me, or just imagine me playing with them alone.
Yes my Father-in-Law found them in a box when he was "helping" unpack they were in a box labeled "bathroom"
Nope never. What I have is my business, but my husband is aware and he plays along so to speak. LOL
I was on a first date recently and we came back to my place. I'm super short so a taller person might have noticed the HUGE vibrator on my bed, unluckily my date was super tall. Or maybe it was luck, because R says it was sexy at the time.
I've had this issue a few times. Not necessarily from lack of putting them away safe, but just because people happened to stop over at random times. Some family members would things its funny, but when its your brother and your NEW step-dad it can be kinda awkward....
That's how it should be! My husband loves the fact that I can be uninhibited with them even when he is around.
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Ugh, yes ex-husband who wasn't happy about it. He was really missing out. Current husband loves to watch me play with them, play with them with me, or just imagine me playing with them alone.
When I first bought my Share and Share XL I kept them in their boxes, and stored them facing toward each other (so you couldn't see any product description really) and stuck them beside my bookshelf. I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure my little brother saw them. He had been visiting during the day while I was at work (I was living at our oldest brother's house), and he went in my room to get a dvd he had lent me. When I came home one of the boxes was at an angle. He's never brought it up and neither have I, hahaha.
Fortunately, I live alone and keep my toys in a place where guests would be unlikely to look.
Mine were discovered by my mother-in-law.. Lets just say it led to a talk about my fiance and I's sex life. And how I should please him and throw out my toys. It became a long weekend.
Originally posted by
I don't have a toy box and just keep them in a drawer in the bathroom. I just had guests over and they found my stash! It was a little funny and I am glad it wasn't anyone I didn't want to know : )
Lmao, probaly yes.. But not that I know of.
Mine are in my bedroom in a drawer but no one ever goes in my room
Not that I'm aware of.
I used to keep mine in a shoe box under my bed when I lived with my parents; my stepfather actually found them. I was so embarrassed because who wants their parents to find their toys?! Now I stash my toys in my underwear drawer. No one goes in there but me and sometimes my boyfriend.
Nope. If my mom ever found them I think I'd just die.
I think if anybody noses into a shoebox under a bed they known damn well what was going to be inside. That being said, if anybody HAS found my stash, they sure haven't told me as much.
My hubby and I kept the plastic casing of a very large dong he bought for me. We kept the packaging because it is the shape of the dong and we wanted to use it as a jello mold. We had to move and an older friend of ours (he is in his 60's) helped us pack and move. After the move while I was unpacking and reorganizing I realized he was the one who packed our "jello mold" and I was so embarrassed! Imagine running into and empty dong package in someones kitchen! WTF? He has never mentioned it but just imagining the look on his face when he saw it would have been priceless!
I don't have a stash yet, but it will all come in the mail tomorrow. If none of them have their own pouches, I plan on buying each one a individual pouch, putting them inside, then finding a nice, big enough wooden box to store the pouches in, and then place them in the back of my closet.
Initially when I first started using toys, I took great care to hide them.
Fast forward: After hurried sweeps when someone was coming over, I now keep most of my toys in plastic covered shoe boxes from Walmart, under the bed.
But I don't try to hide my toys, lube is on the nightstand, so is my Hitachi. There is always a toy in the bathroom drying and frequently, I have a harness or lingerie hanging from my shower rod.
Sometimes a comment will be made, but so what?
Fast forward: After hurried sweeps when someone was coming over, I now keep most of my toys in plastic covered shoe boxes from Walmart, under the bed.
But I don't try to hide my toys, lube is on the nightstand, so is my Hitachi. There is always a toy in the bathroom drying and frequently, I have a harness or lingerie hanging from my shower rod.
Sometimes a comment will be made, but so what?
I was housesitting for my grandmother a couple of years ago and brought my toys with me. When I left, I did not take a thorough inventory. My grandmother called me a few weeks later to tell me that she had found my Ace of Spades plug under the bed. Needless to say I was mortified.
I'm pretty sure my mom's walked into my bedroom at some point and seen some packaging, but she hasn't said anything to me. I hope I'm wrong!
Originally posted by
I don't have a toy box and just keep them in a drawer in the bathroom. I just had guests over and they found my stash! It was a little funny and I am glad it wasn't anyone I didn't want to know : )