This box looks like a great storage choice, but it sure is expensive! What do you think? Would it still be worth the moo-lah?
Would you be interested in the Toi Bocks?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Your voting choices are very interesting. Maybe it's just me, but I feel choosing "Oh, yeah, money's just money!" seems to imply that purchasing a ToiBocks as "blowing" money and the value doesn't correlate.
Originally posted by
This box looks like a great storage choice, but it sure is expensive! What do you think? Would it still be worth the moo-lah?
If you really wanted to know what people think about the expense of ToiBocks, perhaps a better way to ask the question would be "Is having discreet storage that can sit right on your nightstand and discourage tampering at the same time worth saving up for?" With Yes, I think it's worth saving up for; No, I don't need something that fancy; Yes, but I'm going with something less expensive for now.
Just a thought...
I chose the first option cuz it was the only positive one there is but I agree with Dawn - it's a bit like saying "whatevs".
I own the ToiBocks and two Toi Tissue Boxes. I intend to buy another Toi Bocks very soon. I LOVE them. Seriously.
No more so than the fancy jewelry boxes you see all over at the holidays and these are better constructed.
They're secure and discreet and blend in - a huge deal for those with kids or family who may be snoopy. And they hold a ton for their size. I, quite literally, own the entire Lelo Femme line. My Toi Bocks holds a Mia, Nea, Lily, Siri, Iris, Liv, Gigi, Mona, Ina, Luna Balls, Ella, Elise, Bob AND a Form 2.
Worth the money?
If I'm willing to spend hundreds on the toys themselves, why wouldn't I want something as beautiful and luxurious to store the toys?
I'm quite determined to have another one to store my Njoy and other stainless and aluminum toys in.
I own the ToiBocks and two Toi Tissue Boxes. I intend to buy another Toi Bocks very soon. I LOVE them. Seriously.
No more so than the fancy jewelry boxes you see all over at the holidays and these are better constructed.
They're secure and discreet and blend in - a huge deal for those with kids or family who may be snoopy. And they hold a ton for their size. I, quite literally, own the entire Lelo Femme line. My Toi Bocks holds a Mia, Nea, Lily, Siri, Iris, Liv, Gigi, Mona, Ina, Luna Balls, Ella, Elise, Bob AND a Form 2.
Worth the money?
If I'm willing to spend hundreds on the toys themselves, why wouldn't I want something as beautiful and luxurious to store the toys?
I'm quite determined to have another one to store my Njoy and other stainless and aluminum toys in.
Agreed - the craftsmanship is beautiful, they are worth displaying proudly, and will last a long time. And quite honestly, you get what you pay for - and if you're looking for a plastic box with plastic hinges and latches, then Toi Bocks isn't for you. Why someone would spend hundreds of dollars on toys then gripe about the price of high quality storage? That does seem strange.
Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
I chose the first option cuz it was the only positive one there is but I agree with Dawn - it's a bit like saying "whatevs".
I own the ToiBocks and two Toi Tissue Boxes. I intend to buy another Toi Bocks very soon. I LOVE them. ... more
I own the ToiBocks and two Toi Tissue Boxes. I intend to buy another Toi Bocks very soon. I LOVE them. ... more
I chose the first option cuz it was the only positive one there is but I agree with Dawn - it's a bit like saying "whatevs".
I own the ToiBocks and two Toi Tissue Boxes. I intend to buy another Toi Bocks very soon. I LOVE them. Seriously.
No more so than the fancy jewelry boxes you see all over at the holidays and these are better constructed.
They're secure and discreet and blend in - a huge deal for those with kids or family who may be snoopy. And they hold a ton for their size. I, quite literally, own the entire Lelo Femme line. My Toi Bocks holds a Mia, Nea, Lily, Siri, Iris, Liv, Gigi, Mona, Ina, Luna Balls, Ella, Elise, Bob AND a Form 2.
Worth the money?
If I'm willing to spend hundreds on the toys themselves, why wouldn't I want something as beautiful and luxurious to store the toys?
I'm quite determined to have another one to store my Njoy and other stainless and aluminum toys in. less
I own the ToiBocks and two Toi Tissue Boxes. I intend to buy another Toi Bocks very soon. I LOVE them. Seriously.
No more so than the fancy jewelry boxes you see all over at the holidays and these are better constructed.
They're secure and discreet and blend in - a huge deal for those with kids or family who may be snoopy. And they hold a ton for their size. I, quite literally, own the entire Lelo Femme line. My Toi Bocks holds a Mia, Nea, Lily, Siri, Iris, Liv, Gigi, Mona, Ina, Luna Balls, Ella, Elise, Bob AND a Form 2.
Worth the money?
If I'm willing to spend hundreds on the toys themselves, why wouldn't I want something as beautiful and luxurious to store the toys?
I'm quite determined to have another one to store my Njoy and other stainless and aluminum toys in. less
I personally don't need one because I currently live alone and so my toys being somewhat visible is not an issue. When I move in with my boyfriend, however, and we have p/t custody of his kids, things will be different and I will definitely be looking into high end long lasting pieces like these. Why decorate the rest of the room well and then use something chintzy to hold my beloved toys in? That would stand out to me almost as much as the toys themselves.
These are a great investment, especially if you have kids.
It would make a great Christmas or Holiday present. I hope I get one.
It would make a great Christmas or Holiday present. I hope I get one.
P'Gell, are you hinting around to your man in case he ever decides to pop into the forums?
Originally posted by
These are a great investment, especially if you have kids.
It would make a great Christmas or Holiday present. I hope I get one.
It would make a great Christmas or Holiday present. I hope I get one.
I think those are some really nice looking boxes. They look like high quality jewelry boxes. And's not just money. It's more like you get what you pay for. I have my make up and nail polish collections in plastic, but I certainly would not keep my good jewelry in one of those.
These are gorgeous boxes and definitely worth paying for. You don't really include any positive options though in your poll.
Should be an other option....
I just buy and use standard home depot toolboxes.
I just buy and use standard home depot toolboxes.
Originally posted by
Tori Rebel
P'Gell, are you hinting around to your man in case he ever decides to pop into the forums?
They are pretty, they just don't match my decor.
I agree with everyone else who points out the high quality, jewelry-worthy construction of these boxes.
I wouldn't flippantly dismiss the cost as saying "money is just money," but I do believe that $100 is very, VERY reasonable for the quality of materials and the wonderful craftmanship that is poured into producing these beautiful boxes. Not only will the Toibocks look beautiful and completely inconspicuous sitting on your nightstand right next to your bed for perfectly convenient access, but it is also of heirloom quality, as it is so well-made that it could even be passed down to future generations provided that it is maintained with minimal care. It is also quite versatile, as it could be used to store any type of smaller objects that are of great value to the owner, such as high-end jewelry.
I wouldn't flippantly dismiss the cost as saying "money is just money," but I do believe that $100 is very, VERY reasonable for the quality of materials and the wonderful craftmanship that is poured into producing these beautiful boxes. Not only will the Toibocks look beautiful and completely inconspicuous sitting on your nightstand right next to your bed for perfectly convenient access, but it is also of heirloom quality, as it is so well-made that it could even be passed down to future generations provided that it is maintained with minimal care. It is also quite versatile, as it could be used to store any type of smaller objects that are of great value to the owner, such as high-end jewelry.
I hate the options you have listed. It isn't "money's just money" to me because I know when I want a higher quality product I'll need to pay more for, even if I have to budget or sacrifice to get it.
I really feel like I don't fit in any of the categories...
I really feel like I don't fit in any of the categories...
Based on the quality of my Toi Tissue, I would definitely save up for the Toi Box when I hit a point in time that I would actually use it. I'll definite be getting another Toi Tissue, probably a few more, because they can work to hold things like pens and such as well, and are also very classy looking.
I'm sure these are worth the money and I'd love to have one eventually but for now I just can't afford it no matter what the quality.
I had no idea there were boxes like that. I only have very few toys, but I think the box looks great and would definitely consider it. The only drawback is if someone robs us and thinks they're getting my wife's jewelry, and instead get all of our toys Take the jewelry but leave the toys!
I can't personally say I would pay that much for the Toibocks, but it is a really good quality box! I won one in a contest and I really love it! It's good quality, not cheaply made at all, and the locking feature is awesome and so secretive. I definitely recommend it in the future. Even if you save up gift cards from eden points or something towards part of the purchase price. It's definitely a nice thing to have!
The Toibocks is not for me. As someone else said, It doesn't match my decor. If it came in a few other color choices, then I think I would be much more interested. That being said, I have purchased a Devine Playchest. The price is the same. The problem is, your choices for the poll. You have "there are other boxes on Eden that I'd pick instead for now" The for now implies that I picked another box that is not as expensive.. and that is not the case.
I chose the first one, because I do feel the toibocks is worth the money and I hope to be ordering one soon. I don't however feel that money is just money, I just think that the toibocks is a well made storage option and is worth spending the money on. A makeup box most likely will not lock and it won't blend into most people's decor. If you just want storage then yes, a makeup case would work, but if you want locking storage that also looks nice then it will not suffice.
I didn't choose any of the options, because your wording is a bit on the snarky side. Or maybe that's just me.
With that said, I own a Toibocks, and I absolutely love it. Is it pricey? Yes. But you're paying for several fab features that the average lock box doesn't offer.
With that said, I own a Toibocks, and I absolutely love it. Is it pricey? Yes. But you're paying for several fab features that the average lock box doesn't offer.
Yes, I WOULD like the Toibox. But no, money ISN'T just money (this is coming from a self-proclaimed cheapo, too). It is well worth the price, definitely. Those boxes are extremely well made, and absolutely beautiful.
I just discovered Toibocks and their products and I love them! They are gorgeous. Eventually I'll have the money for one of my very own.
Just to show it's amazing ability to hold things...
I know it's a bad picture, it's a phone pic, but the Eleven fits in the ToiBocks.
As do mad Lelo toys.
I know it's a bad picture, it's a phone pic, but the Eleven fits in the ToiBocks.

As do mad Lelo toys.

I'm very jealous of your collection and I'm so very glad you love your ToiBocks so much!
Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
Just to show it's amazing ability to hold things...
I know it's a bad picture, it's a phone pic, but the Eleven fits in the ToiBocks.
As do mad Lelo toys.
... more
I know it's a bad picture, it's a phone pic, but the Eleven fits in the ToiBocks.
As do mad Lelo toys.
... more
Just to show it's amazing ability to hold things...
I know it's a bad picture, it's a phone pic, but the Eleven fits in the ToiBocks.
As do mad Lelo toys.
I know it's a bad picture, it's a phone pic, but the Eleven fits in the ToiBocks.
As do mad Lelo toys.
I would rather had a bigger chest that I could also fit my bondage cuffs, Lube, Blind folds, lingerie etc. into. Though it is very pretty.
I really like them. They're very nice and discreet and that's what I need.

I would like to know where you got this picture? I just registered on this site and someone is using my name and diva that I paid to have made!!
Originally posted by
They are pretty, they just don't match my decor.
I would absolutely love to get one of their boxes, but when it comes to hiding/storing things, I tend to be a wee bit cheaper on my spending.
My gf just got it and I thought the locking feature was pretty cool. The design is unisex enough, but I with there was a more masculine one, maybe in a black or a leather. I don't really have a need for it, but I think guys might want that for dorms etc.