I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
Do you refer friends to Eden regularly?
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Never, nobody else's business that I'm on here!
You left out other, well, I have mentioned it to a few people, closer friends or other folks where it was ok in the brought up topics, but generally I am mighty private when it comes to such things... ^^
Originally posted by
Master DarkWolf
Never, nobody else's business that I'm on here!
really! everytime i get the chance
LOL I said "never, I'm not sharing!" But that's not the reason. I actually didn't see the option above it before clicking. I don't want to share such... well, personal details with ANYBODY my age or really anybody from my area. When you have people who watch your every move and love to catch you doing something as ugly as pissing in a paper cup and posting it on FB, you want to keep those assholes as far away from your personal life as possible. OK, that's just a personal bitch I have at the moment honestly, the whole pissing in a cup and having your life documented unwillingly on FB. I guess that spilled over here. Mostly, there's nobody around here that's my age or even close to my age that would read me say something so light as "I own sex toys" and not say "OH MY GOD YOU ARE DISGUSTING!" Yea. I have one very close girlfriend and an older sister who knows a little about my stuff. My older sis has seen a little of my collection even and thinks it's neat, but she just hasn't had a big interest in writing reviews at all. Other people, no I don't need them getting involved here just because I referred them. I just... they just aren't very educated in this kind of department and still deep down, would think it somewhat dirty I guess. Sure they do all kinds of wild things, but they still would more than likely turn their noses up and who needs that? I don't want to invite someone here who wouldn't understand. No big deal, but people I know are still tend to look at sex as "eeew!" Not bad, but if it came down to this site and talking about using a sex toy, most people I know would say something like "OMG! I NEVER touch myself! EW!"
Originally posted by
I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
So no. I just keep it on the DL.
I have referred about 10 people to EF usually they are close friends or people who are always bugging me about where I get all these awesome things for free or for reviewing purposes. I have no problem sharing my love for lingerie and sex toys! If they don't like it then oh well!! To each their own I guess, my friends are pretty open about sex so this isn't anything out of the norm for us.
Whenever I can work it into conversation if I know they are open to it.
i've brought a few people over to EF.... i got no problem sharing that information... most my friends think of me as the kinky one anyways lol so why not
Most of my friends are as sexually open as me, so of course I refer them. As for family... lol... that's a different story.
Originally posted by
I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
I only mention it around people that bring up their own sex lives. There are the people you know that won't be offended or think negative things, and then there are the ones you know you just shouldn't bring it up with.
I am so proud to be a part of the Eden community and I have referred many friends here, and two of them ended up joining. Just last night I got my sister-in-law hooked on the site and she loved everything Eden offers.
I have only been with EF for a week or so, but have already told 2 friends and I plan on telling more. Only those that would appreciate it.
Originally posted by
I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
every chance I get.
Sorry, I always forget to inclue 'other' lol. But I love Eden, I will tell anyone I come into contact with that I feel is open to receiving such info, as for the ones who are more reserved.. sometimes I throw it out just to make them wiggle, and sometimes I keep it quiet. lol
No, I only have one friend, really, and it isn't something I could talk about.
Whenever it comes up in conversation.
i told my close friends
Usually only close friends or someone who brings up sex in conversation.
Only to close friends and it comes up in conversation.
It never comes up in conversation really
Only if it comes up in conversation.
Originally posted by
I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
I wouldn't feel comfortable talking about it with anyone other than close friends.
I would but I don't really like advertising that I review sex toys to the world.
I tell them, show them my stash, throw a few freebies at them and then give them a coupon for 15% off. Usually by the end of it they are signing up and usually ask me to mentor them. It's fun and I have a group of friends that are always willing to give a poor orphan toy a good and loving home!
Originally posted by
I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
I tell everyone!
I usually don't talk about it
This is not something I talk to friends about.
Originally posted by
I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
Haha I'm afraid to.
Originally posted by
I love telling people about Eden, but occationally get a one of those looks that say, TMI! What about you?
I have told most of my friends about this site
Only when it comes up in a conversation. One time when I mentioned Eden to a friend, she reacted like "Oh" with a blank expression; after a long while the name Eden came up again when I was talking to another friend in front of her, she shyly admitted that she had a dildo from a very long time ago and wanted more information about this site. I guess not everyone is comfortable talking about sex toys.