Hear ye, hear ye! Come one, come all. We're opening opportunities for contributor's to host workshops. For those unfamiliar, workshops are "meetings" we have on the forum to learn how to do various things, from prostate play to decorating cupcakes.
Here's how it works:
- Read through the previous workshops before submitting your idea, as duplicate topics may not be approved.
- Submit an email to Stormy@edenfantasys.co m detailing the idea for the workshop, material requirements, and approximately how long the workshop will run. (1-2 hours is best.)
- Once your idea is received, I will email you for any additional information and provide you with the essential information to get your workshop off the ground and running!
Oh, did I mention there's compensation for time and materials? Yep, that's right! Up to $75 can be earned for taking the time to educate the community on something you feel is important.
A couple of helpful hints for potential ideas:
- Halloween is right around the corner, so ideas for decorating pumpkins and anything else that's Halloween related are always welcomed!
- Breast Cancer Awareness month is coming up, so if you have neat ideas for trinkets and keepsakes that incorporate awareness we'd love to hear about them!
- If you know how to make BDSM gear or know how to improve existing BDSM gear, we'd be interested in those as well!
Deadline for Submissions is October 1st. We will then put the ideas up for community vote. The three submissions with the most votes will be scheduled according to the availability of the contributor.
If these are successful, we will then have another call for submissions at the beginning of 2013.