Hello there, and welcome to our third month long Reviewers Spotlight! How this is going to work is that you have all month long to ask our wonderful reviewers questions. They'll answer when they can, and you can keep asking until the end of the month!
This month's spotlight features:

Here's what Lexical would like for you to know about her:
Hi! I'm lexical (or Mimi)! I've been a contributor on EdenFantasys since January of 2009 after a friend recommended the review program to me. She's no longer active here, but I've stuck around for the past three and a half years! There's no getting rid of me now!
I was initially drawn to reviewing because writing has always been a passion of mine. Reviewing sex toys enabled me to combine my love of writing with another love...sex! Reviewing here gave me a base of knowledge that helped me land a job at a local fetish-wear and adult toy store, which sparked a passion for teaching people about sex and sexuality. I'm now a graduate student in a dual master's program in Social Work and Human Sexuality on my way to becoming a sex educator, college professor, and sex therapist.
The best advice I can give to new reviewers is to find a mentor! (Ahem, I have class openings available right now...hint, hint! LOL) But seriously. I had an unofficial mentor before the official mentor program existed and her assistance in learning how to navigate the site, how to go about becoming verified, what kind of information to include in reviews, etc has been indispensable. Never be afraid to seek help from others.

Here's What ToyTimeTim wants you to know about him:
About me? Well know, rather than just repeat what I said before, I figured I would tell a bit about myself. I have a wonderful wife, two kids, three dogs (two lab mix and a Min Pin), a cat, three hens and my beloved cock; Terry (he’s a rooster, get your mind out of the gutter). Well, I do like that one too. lol! I have worked many jobs, everything from working in a shoe shop to building hospitals. So many in fact that I have a hard time remembering half of them. Most notable to me are the shoe shop where I learned to sew and work with leather and a steel fabrication shop where I got my fondness for steel. I also am a mechanic; I have been turning wrenches for over 35 years. I am proud of my ability to fix anything that has tracks or wheels. I currently work at a Big Box store (Think orange) which fits so nicely into my life and hobbies. I have many hobbies including Radio Control cars, boats and airplanes. Of course I am an avid hunter and enjoy time spent with my kids in the woods, I am one proud papa. We live off the land when we can and only take what we need. Living it the country surrounded by Mother Nature is a dream come true for me.
To me Eden is home, it’s also where some of my best friends are. Even today I have better friends here than in my city. I enjoy helping folks out when I can and my email and message box is always open for those that have questions. As many of you know I am always happy to help. When life gets me down I know I can come here and feel loved. To this day I have yet to find a better social outlet.
Favorite toys? My Eleven is still on top for dil’s although Hoss is slowly creeping up there (It’s just so damn big!) , my Flip Hole Black gets the most use, Njoy 2.0 for plugs and I enjoy my Vr9 the most for a vibe. For wants I still want the FMS 2, although I am not sure where I would put it. The Vr7 or Vr12 are also in my sights, I think a good rotating rabbit would be wonderful to use anally. I hope they are as strong as the Revo as far as rotation.
My advice is still pretty much the same as before as it has served me well and other folks too. Write the review like you are talking to you very best friend that maybe has not used a toy before. Let your personality show and give as much info as you can. You never know when a customer is looking at buying their first sex toy. Furthermore, for newbies I suggest they take it slow and take time to get comfy around the site. A mentor is a fabulous way to learn as they will take your hand and show you the ropes. If a mentor does not appeal to you (not everyone needs one) ask around for help. I know for a fact that there are lots of contributors around that are happy to help, just like me. If you can’t find one, ask me! If I can’t help I bet I know someone that can. Last but not least, be yourself and enjoy all that EF has to offer.