I was kind of surprised that, with a title like Girl Talk, there were no real girl/girl scenes. Were any g/g filmed and then edited out?
Porn Club discussion - Wednesday, January 12th @ 8pm: Love and Marriage & Girl Talk
Agreed. Us too. Just change it up!
Originally posted by
If it's spaced out with enough rest time sex (as a whole..foreplay included) can last an entire porn. We just spread out how heavy things get and take breaks for light massage and we can manage to make it through just fine.
Yeah, I imagine it must be tough to get the timing right. My girlfriend and I most often find scenes too long (especially with some other companies' releases) but whenever there's a scene we really like, we end up wishing for more. I wish companies would put shorter edits in the movies, and then have longer edits as extras.
Originally posted by
Kayden Kross (Digital Playground)
My scene in Body Heat was 8 minutes. I've had some that were still 40 minutes after editing. It varies. At the end of the day we are still a business trying to cater its widgets to the consumers taste. If we make the scenes too short, there are
My scene in Body Heat was 8 minutes. I've had some that were still 40 minutes after editing. It varies. At the end of the day we are still a business trying to cater its widgets to the consumers taste. If we make the scenes too short, there are complaints, and if they are too long, there are complaints. Every person has a different idea of what a perfect scene is. We shoot for about the same amount of time and then leave the best stuff in after editing. That's all we can really do.
I read too much and I write blogs or things that start as blogs. I have a horse. I like to play in NYC (working on becoming bicoastal). I do yoga and work out in spite of hating it. I got drunk and painted last weekend. I'm at this moment into interior decorating. Tomorrow I might take up needlework. I dunno.
Originally posted by
What do you enjoy doing when you are not being a porn star?
Haha. I made sure to close out of everything else!
Originally posted by
Emma (Girl With Fire)
Lol I have friends trying to msg me on msn and they are being completely ignored.
Are there any performers in Girl Talk that you did not get to participate with and you would like to in the future?
me too, i kinda expected it
Originally posted by
Mr. E
I was kind of surprised that, with a title like Girl Talk, there were no real girl/girl scenes. Were any g/g filmed and then edited out?
I loooove Thumper from Bambi. ^_^
Originally posted by
I'll join too, mine is named Thumper and he's awesome!
Squeee, I have tank tops and plushies of him.
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept hearing everyone talking about how sweet, funny, and intelligent Kayden is – she is truly beloved in the industry. And even later that night, at the Digital Playground VIP party, she was swamped! And smiling the entire time! I thought you’d all like to hear it
Me, too!
Originally posted by
The music reminded me of Pink Panther.
Aww sad face lol That's 3 minutes!
Originally posted by
Misfit Momma
About the length of the average commercial break, according to my Husband!

Man, I feel like I disappointed everyone now! I'm sorry! haha
Originally posted by
MR Chickhabit
aww, me too.
thanks for the link
thanks for the link
No, Gary, you are never foolish. You are the porn king!
Originally posted by
I just asked that... but I posted after you. Now I look foolish
I expected some g/g action, too. I second this question.
Originally posted by
Mr. E
I was kind of surprised that, with a title like Girl Talk, there were no real girl/girl scenes. Were any g/g filmed and then edited out?

what do you mean by play in NYC?
Yeah, that's what I expected, too. But you wouldn't really be able to see her at all if she were inside it.
Originally posted by
I totally read that wrong! I thought she was IN the costume. bummer haha
I'm looking into adopting a friend from rabbitmatch.org for Sammy. I'm letting my twitter friends help with the final decision, although I think the rescue requires that my rabbit pick the new rabbit himself.
Originally posted by
Hehe. I had two. A beige one named butter and a black one named licorice.
I agree with your wife!
Originally posted by
I enjoyed the opening scene with Tony. I thought it was romantic and sensual, and I loved the setting in the bed. My wife however, felt like it was watching a couple n bed. She prefers scenes that appeal to her sense of fantasy. Do you like
I enjoyed the opening scene with Tony. I thought it was romantic and sensual, and I loved the setting in the bed. My wife however, felt like it was watching a couple n bed. She prefers scenes that appeal to her sense of fantasy. Do you like portraying realistic scenes or ones of fantasy?
lol, I have friends on AIM. My status says "Porn Club. Serious Business. BBL."
Originally posted by
Emma (Girl With Fire)
Lol I have friends trying to msg me on msn and they are being completely ignored.
Wow! That's really kickass
Originally posted by
Kayden Kross (Digital Playground)
I read too much and I write blogs or things that start as blogs. I have a horse. I like to play in NYC (working on becoming bicoastal). I do yoga and work out in spite of hating it. I got drunk and painted last weekend. I'm at this moment into
I read too much and I write blogs or things that start as blogs. I have a horse. I like to play in NYC (working on becoming bicoastal). I do yoga and work out in spite of hating it. I got drunk and painted last weekend. I'm at this moment into interior decorating. Tomorrow I might take up needlework. I dunno.
You know what? I totally believe it now! Kayden, you are certainly charming as well as beautiful.
Originally posted by
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept hearing everyone talking about how sweet, funny, and intelligent Kayden is – she is truly beloved in the industry. And even later that night, at the Digital Playground VIP party, she was swamped! And smiling the entire time! I thought you’d all like to hear it
I had fish named Fred, Ethel, and Lucy...they there was a crab in the tank named Ricky Riccardo. He was my fave
Originally posted by
Ah Lucy. I spent hours watching an I love Lucy marathon. She was so awesome.
I have done that way too many times.
Originally posted by
Ah Lucy. I spent hours watching an I love Lucy marathon. She was so awesome.
Yea, he kind of looks like him but he's smaller and a bit darker. But..he's actually named Thumper because he gets mad at us and will *thump,thump,thump* to let us know. Like tonight..I was late with his veggie platter...I got some thumps!
Originally posted by
I loooove Thumper from Bambi. ^_^
Squeee, I have tank tops and plushies of him.
Squeee, I have tank tops and plushies of him.
Aw, what is your horse's name?
Originally posted by
Kayden Kross (Digital Playground)
I read too much and I write blogs or things that start as blogs. I have a horse. I like to play in NYC (working on becoming bicoastal). I do yoga and work out in spite of hating it. I got drunk and painted last weekend. I'm at this moment into
I read too much and I write blogs or things that start as blogs. I have a horse. I like to play in NYC (working on becoming bicoastal). I do yoga and work out in spite of hating it. I got drunk and painted last weekend. I'm at this moment into interior decorating. Tomorrow I might take up needlework. I dunno.
so awesome. Thanks victoria
Originally posted by
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept hearing everyone talking about how sweet, funny, and intelligent Kayden is – she is truly beloved in the industry. And even later that night, at the Digital Playground VIP party, she was swamped! And smiling the entire time! I thought you’d all like to hear it
Very nice story!
Originally posted by
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept hearing everyone talking about how sweet, funny, and intelligent Kayden is – she is truly beloved in the industry. And even later that night, at the Digital Playground VIP party, she was swamped! And smiling the entire time! I thought you’d all like to hear it

Every time I read her writing, or an interview, or listen to her on a podcast... I fall for her all over again. I'm so sad I can't have her!
Originally posted by
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept
Btw, everyone, I just have to share – I saw Kayden in the Digital Playground booth last week when I was meeting with the VP (Peggy) and Kayden is even more beautiful in person. And the fans were lined up all the way down the aisle. Afterward, I kept hearing everyone talking about how sweet, funny, and intelligent Kayden is – she is truly beloved in the industry. And even later that night, at the Digital Playground VIP party, she was swamped! And smiling the entire time! I thought you’d all like to hear it
Originally posted by
Misfit Momma
About the length of the average commercial break, according to my Husband!
i know my husband gets bored watching a longer scene, but i can watch the same two all night.. long it is good and vocal
Originally posted by
Yeah, I imagine it must be tough to get the timing right. My girlfriend and I most often find scenes too long (especially with some other companies' releases) but whenever there's a scene we really like, we end up wishing for more. I wish
Yeah, I imagine it must be tough to get the timing right. My girlfriend and I most often find scenes too long (especially with some other companies' releases) but whenever there's a scene we really like, we end up wishing for more. I wish companies would put shorter edits in the movies, and then have longer edits as extras.