PropertyofPotter has published an amazing 100 reviews!!! And we look forward to her next 100 reviews!
You can read her 100th review here: Sweet and Simple
To celebrate the occasion, she took a moment and answered a few questions for us and you’ll find those below.
How would you say your reviews are different today than when you first started with the site?
- When I first joined the site I had no idea what a decent review contained, and believe it or not, I was very shy about sharing my experiences with others. My first few reviews were lacking so much important information and detail. Now, I try to make sure I include as much detail as possible and include helpful photos as often as possible.
What was your favorite review to write; why?
- There have been a few reviews that just came so naturally to me. I think my favorite would have been writing about the We-Vibe Salsa. It being my favorite (and well used!) toy, the review flowed naturally and was well received. I couldn't believe that the review that came easiest turned into my first Rumble win!
What was your least favorite review to write; why?
- I think my least favorite was on The Perfect Gift Rose set. The fact that it was a kit with several different items contained made it a challange. I still enjoyed writing it, but it was one of the most time consuming reviews I've written so far.
Is there a reviewing style (or reviewer in particular) you admire; why?
- I have a horrible time feeling confident when writing reviews on lingerie (notice how many I've written). I'm not sure what it is about writing them, but I also feel like I'll never remember to include all the information necessary. To the amazing contributors who make lingerie reviews look effortless, I salute you!!
Did you have mentor, who was it? Additionally, are you currently a mentor; what do you love
about it?
- I did have a mentor! sktb0007 was my amazing mentor! I was never told about the mentor program when I started reviewing, I discovered it one day on my own and decided to check it out. I already had items that I was ready to write about, I just needed a mentor. I requested sktb0007 and it seemed like we clicked right away! I was amazed at how she explained things out to me. She did it in such a way that it made perfect sense and was exactly what I needed to hear in order to move forward. Since then, I've tried to constantly grow and advance even further, but I still owe it all to her for telling me exactly what I needed to hear!
I am currently a mentor and have/have had some amazing students! It's brought me so much joy and pride to be able to help others and see them advance the same way I have. My students have all been incredible, and many have gone on to become good friends of mine.
Is there a particular brand you favor more than others; why?
- I'm not someone that grabs every toy from a certain brand. I go after things that appeal to me, no matter what company makes them. I don't think I own many toys from the same company, except maybe Sportsheets. I've gone a little nuts with ticklers over the past year!
If you could go back and rewrite a review, which one would it be?
- Only one? I wish I could go back and rewrite the first SIX review I wrote. Every time I see someone comment on one of those reviews I die a little bit inside! It's embarrassing how poorly they're written, but those first reviews are important! They gave us all a starting point and truly show how far we've each advanced.
How long have you been writing reviews for Eden and how did you become interested in
- The first reviews I wrote for Eden were in November of 2011, but I kind of forgot about the site for a few months (sorry Eden!) and when I started back up, I was more interested in learning about all elements of the site, and didn't start reviewing again until June of 2012. I feel better saying I've been a reviewer since June of 2012 since that was when I truly started regularly writing reviews.
Is there a toy you've been itching to review; what is it?
- There are a few toys I've been interested in obtaining and writing a review on, but it's hard to choose only one toy. I guess would have to say I've had my eye on the G4 Big Boss for a while now. From what I've read it's super powerful (which I need), and it's girthy. I am still in search of the perfect G-spot toy and I'm very interested in finding out if that powerful toy would be enough for me.
What do you think your greatest Eden-related accomplishment (outside of hitting the
milestone itself) is?
- I feel like I sound full of myself, answering all these questions, but that really isn't me. I feel like my greatest accomplishment is watching each of my students progress and grow from our classes together. Nothing shows accomplishment like watching someone you've helped move on to be more successful than they were before.