sktb0007 has published an amazing 408 reviews!!! That's just an outstanding accomplishment given her busy schedule and all that she does on site in general.
You can read her 400th review here: Short Chemise
To celebrate the occasion, she took a moment and answered a few questions for us and you’ll find those below.
How would you say your reviews are different today than when you first started with the site?
I'd like to think I've improved lol! When I first started reviewing, I didn't really have any toy experience. It was hard for me to determine if the toy had 5 vrooms or not because I had nothing to compare it to. When you don't have much (or any) experience with toys, you don't really know what the difference between rumbly and buzzy is, or, what's compatible with what. A lot of my older reviews start off with a line similar to, "This is my very first (fill in the blank) so I'm writing this review from a beginner's perspective".
What was your favorite review to write; why?
I actually enjoyed writing most of my reviews. It's hard to choose a favourite. If I had to, I'd probably say the Penguin G-String. I did a battle royale of the Penguin G-String vs. the Squeakers G-String. It was a lot of fun to write and also to see my partner in it. It was rather humorous.
What was your least favorite review to write; why?
Probably the Hand Job Turbo Stroker review. It was the absolute worst product, ever! My partner and I were really excited before it had arrived. It sounded really fun! Sadly, the concept was amazing but the product was a huge fail. I was so dissapointed while writing that review because I wanted the experience to be a heck of a lot better than it was.
Is there a reviewing style (or reviewer in particular) you admire; why?
I love thorough reviews. You can tell when a reviewer put a lot of time and extra effort into explaining everything as best they can. Those are my favourite. As far as my admiration for particular reviewers, of course there are some that I admire! Actually, there are quite a few. I'd rather not list names in case I accidentally leave someone out.
Did you have mentor, who was it? Additionally, are you currently a mentor; what do you love about it?
My very first mentor wasLinga. I'm not entirely sure where she went off to but I had messaged her a few times after I had graduated and never received any response. She hasn't been active since. The other mentor I had wasJS250. She's fabulous! I am a mentor, yes. Everything about mentoring is enjoyable. The friendships you develop, seeing their reviews flourish in quality, and learning things from them!
Is there a particular brand you favor more than others; why?
I don't really favor a particular brand, no. I've received awesome products/lingerie pieces from a company and also received farty products/pieces from the very same company.
If you could go back and rewrite a review, which one would it be?
Any of the first few lingerie reviews I did. It was new to me, and I really wasn't entirely sure what I should or should not include. I was pretty impressed with them and then started receiving questions about my measurements, the measurements of the outfits, the company's suggested measurements. I was overwhelmed. I never thought to add that sort of information. I'm glad people asked me all those questions though. Now I never write a lingerie review without including measurements lol.
How long have you been writing reviews for Eden and how did you become interested in reviewing?
My first review was published in late August of 2011. So I guess it'll be two years this Summer. I became interested in reviewing because it just seemed like a neat program. Like I mentioned, I was new to toys so the idea of being able to try different toys was really intriguing!
Is there a toy you've been itching to review; what is it?
I've wanted to review a sex swing that attaches to that free standing swing mount. The mount is quite expensive though so I haven't invested in it...yet!
What do you think your greatest Eden-related accomplishment (outside of hitting the milestone itself) is?
The moments when I feel most proud are when my former students are nominated for rumble's or contributor of the month. I usually develop a friendship with my students while they are in my class so I know some of them on a more personal level. When I see them being honoured, I get so excited for them! Is that corny?