#Eden Lit Lessons- Journaling To End Writer's Block

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Journaling can be one of the best tools for stress management and is quite an undervalued tool for riding oneself of creative blockages. When used properly the journal becomes a dialogue between you and your creative self. It is that creative self that is waiting to get out and make a splash but might be afraid of rejection...or even of success!

Since we know that writer's block can begin because of fear; the journal can help to get the fear out in the open so we can deal with it. Along the way it will provide a forum for you to record snippets of creative thought that can later become masterpieces.

Creative blockages occur when we close up around ourselves and stress about what we are or are not doing. Journaling allows us to open up, soften and allow the creative energy to begin flowing again. When you write about what you are feeling, what you are worrying about what is driving you then you can write yourself a path back to the real you that is hiding behind all that fear!

So how do you begin? Well some experts say get a blank notebook and a brand new pen or pencil. This will trigger your mind that now is the time for journaling. Personally, I find this to be more of a block that simply sitting down at the computer and writing. It is suggested that this type of journal be private and I really agree. This should be a space where your inner brilliance can lead and inspire you. Write a blog, if you must, for the world but let your journal be your personal serenity spa!
Find what works for you.

Some people find that journaling every day works best and some set a day and time and look forward to the serenity. Consistency is the key here though, haphazard journaling can become yet another stress if you worry about it!

Now then you have hundreds of ways you can begin and continue your journal. You can simply date the page and begin talking about your day, what is bothering you or just writing about how you can't think of anything to write about! You could begin with a question, politely worded, and then write until you exhaust your ideas. You could also write a letter to your "muse" and ask for advice. Write carefully what you "hear" from your inner self and you will be surprised at the insight.

You will probably find yourself falling in love with your journal and this is great! Don't worry about getting back to your other writing projects because the real funny thing about creativity and writing is that the more you do it on a regular bases the easier it becomes. You will find yourself more grounded, less fearful, empowered and ready to tackle those pesky writing projects.
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Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
Journaling can be one of the best tools for stress management and is quite an undervalued tool for riding oneself of creative blockages. When used properly the journal becomes a dialogue between you and your creative self. It is that creative self ... more
I haven't done a journal in a long time. I'm not sure why - I have this strange thing about journals - I like to start them and I might be active with them for a few days and maybe even a few weeks if I'm lucky.

Then I misplace the journal or run out of time or simply get down on myself.

A few months or years later, I'll come across the journal and pick it up again and smile as I reread the entries and I might even decide to journal again....

....until I stop again for some reason.

I wish I'd stop stopping because I always love it when I come across my old journals and read my thoughts.

I don't suppose you have any tips for helping with this - do you?

I don't like to journal on a computer - it is too distracting for me. I like to journal with a book and pen (different color for different entries although they'll be dated). I usually use my journal as a way to write letters to God and share with Him about my day and the people I interacted with and how I'm feeling,etc.

This is a great topic!