I was told there would be cookies...
Eden Flicks--Meeting Sunday, May 1, at 9 PM EDT
Okay folks... Gonna give folks a couple more minutes. I hope people remember!
you guys are making me jealous, I can't wait to get some shapes
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Oh man that sounds so comfortable! I use my heart wedge as a back rest all the time, it's just fantastic!
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I was told there would be cookies...

Can't complain been playing with new toys and starting their reviews.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
Hey mister! How's it going? Good weekend?
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Sure! It was nothing really!
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I was told you were busy... I don't have cookies.
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I was told there would be cookies...
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
I was told you were busy... I don't have cookies.
always makes for a good weekend!
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Can't complain been playing with new toys and starting their reviews.
You'll enjoy them. I can't wait til I can get some of the bigger shapes. Living with my mom we have fairly limited space.
Originally posted by
you guys are making me jealous, I can't wait to get some shapes
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD players, Blu-Ray, and 50 inch plasmas, we don’t even have to go to the theater anymore to get theater-quality experiences. I do know that there are some movies that I do love to go see in the theater! What makes a movie theater-worthy to you?
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?]
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?]
I am getting the Esse this year. I hope Eden carries it soon.
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You'll enjoy them. I can't wait til I can get some of the bigger shapes. Living with my mom we have fairly limited space.
I want one so bad!
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I am getting the Esse this year. I hope Eden carries it soon.
Action movies are the best on a big screen, but I love to be able to runaway from home with the girls or have Mom/Son or Husband/Wife night out too. I love the chance to get out and see a movie.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD players, Blu-Ray, and 50 inch plasmas, we don’t even have to go to the theater anymore to get theater-quality experiences. I do know that there are some movies that I do love to go see in the theater! What makes a movie theater-worthy to you?
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
I really want that one.
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I am getting the Esse this year. I hope Eden carries it soon.
Pirates of the Caribbean is coming on the 20th! And Thor too! Can't wait.
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Action movies are the best on a big screen, but I love to be able to runaway from home with the girls or have Mom/Son or Husband/Wife night out too. I love the chance to get out and see a movie.
format fail
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD players, Blu-Ray, and 50 inch plasmas, we don’t even have to go to the theater anymore to get theater-quality experiences. I do know that there are some movies that I do love to go see in the theater! What makes a movie theater-worthy to you?
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are "stupid-funny." Any of the spoofs like "Scary Movie," stuff like that is not amusing to me; but I do like some slap-stick comedies.
I really don't like watching movies in a theater. I want the freedom to pause for food/pee breaks. And I want to be able to cry in private.
We don't get to the theatre very often, the last movie I saw in theatre was Despicable Me, and the last movie I saw in the theatre with my husband was Sherlock Holmes.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD players, Blu-Ray, and 50 inch plasmas, we don’t even have to go to the theater anymore to get theater-quality experiences. I do know that there are some movies that I do love to go see in the theater! What makes a movie theater-worthy to you?
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
I really like horror movies, specifically anything "supernatural" including but not limited to zombies and vampires. One of my guilty pleasures is watching Twilight, I will admit that, lol.
Some of the "stupid-funny" ones aren't so bad, although the only one I can really think of off the top of my head to plead that case is Space Balls, lol.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
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Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are ... more
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are ... more
format fail
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are "stupid-funny." Any of the spoofs like "Scary Movie," stuff like that is not amusing to me; but I do like some slap-stick comedies. less
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are "stupid-funny." Any of the spoofs like "Scary Movie," stuff like that is not amusing to me; but I do like some slap-stick comedies. less
I am not found of the spoofs either. I love slap-stick as well.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
format fail
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are ... more
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are ... more
format fail
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are "stupid-funny." Any of the spoofs like "Scary Movie," stuff like that is not amusing to me; but I do like some slap-stick comedies. less
Anyway, I know for me, a theater-worthy movie is something that has a lot of action. I won't go to the theater for a chick-flick.
I also like to watch almost any type of movie, except for ones that are "stupid-funny." Any of the spoofs like "Scary Movie," stuff like that is not amusing to me; but I do like some slap-stick comedies. less
What is Esse?
I honesty only go to the theater as part of a group or if I'm already out and decide what the hell let me see a movie. So there isn't really anything that would make a movie theater worthy per say.
Originally posted by
BBW Talks Toys
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Eden Flicks meeting! This is so exciting! I love movies and I love talking about them. With services like Netflix streaming and digital cable (which I actually do not have), and technology such as HDMI-capable DVD players, Blu-Ray, and 50 inch plasmas, we don’t even have to go to the theater anymore to get theater-quality experiences. I do know that there are some movies that I do love to go see in the theater! What makes a movie theater-worthy to you?
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
color=slateblue|Also, what kinds of movies do you like to watch?] less
I prefer to go to theaters for movies if they have a restaurant type feel and comfier seating. I hate having expensive candy and popcorn as my only food choices.
I like pretty much all movies except really violent action, some horror and violence against women.
I like pretty much all movies except really violent action, some horror and violence against women.
And the freedom to watch in a tee-shirt and panties and have a cocktail is nice too!
Originally posted by
I really don't like watching movies in a theater. I want the freedom to pause for food/pee breaks. And I want to be able to cry in private.
My husband will go with me to see the Twilight movies but I am not sure he truly enjoys them.
Originally posted by
We don't get to the theatre very often, the last movie I saw in theatre was Despicable Me, and the last movie I saw in the theatre with my husband was Sherlock Holmes.
I really like horror movies, specifically anything ... more
I really like horror movies, specifically anything ... more
We don't get to the theatre very often, the last movie I saw in theatre was Despicable Me, and the last movie I saw in the theatre with my husband was Sherlock Holmes.
I really like horror movies, specifically anything "supernatural" including but not limited to zombies and vampires. One of my guilty pleasures is watching Twilight, I will admit that, lol. less
I really like horror movies, specifically anything "supernatural" including but not limited to zombies and vampires. One of my guilty pleasures is watching Twilight, I will admit that, lol. less
I will go to practically any movie if its a moms night out with the girls lol
There's only one theater in my area with popcorn good enough to be worth purchasing.
Originally posted by
I prefer to go to theaters for movies if they have a restaurant type feel and comfier seating. I hate having expensive candy and popcorn as my only food choices.
I like pretty much all movies except really violent action, some horror ... more
I like pretty much all movies except really violent action, some horror ... more
I prefer to go to theaters for movies if they have a restaurant type feel and comfier seating. I hate having expensive candy and popcorn as my only food choices.
I like pretty much all movies except really violent action, some horror and violence against women. less
I like pretty much all movies except really violent action, some horror and violence against women. less
Originally posted by
My husband will go with me to see the Twilight movies but I am not sure he truly enjoys them.