Upcycling - do you do it?

Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I know that there are lots of people who recycle as much as possible, but do you ever UPcycle? Upcycling is taking items that you normally would throw away/recycle and finding a new use for it.

If this is something you do, do you only do it for use in your own home, or do you ever give your upcycled items away as gifts? Do you sell them?

I'd love to see/hear about the things others have upcycled!!
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Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I only upcycle glass jars and large plastic yogurt containers, and use them to store herbs and spices in the pantry.

This site has some really good ideas on how to reuse and upcycle things around the house.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
What an excellent website! Thank you for sharing that! I've seen some of the ideas, but not all of them!
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
You're welcome! I especially like the "turn credit cards into guitar picks" idea, because I always suck up my son's guitar picks with the vacuum; and I also like that "plug fence holes with marbles" idea...so pretty!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Originally posted by Rossie
You're welcome! I especially like the "turn credit cards into guitar picks" idea, because I always suck up my son's guitar picks with the vacuum; and I also like that "plug fence holes with marbles" idea...so pretty!
The marble idea is gorgeous!!! I've seen the guitar pick one before. I think the little press was being sold on Amazon for like, $40 though. Though if you're someone who plays the guitar often it would be worth it!
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Sometimes, I've been able to do the "upcycling" thing.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by PropertyOfPotter
The marble idea is gorgeous!!! I've seen the guitar pick one before. I think the little press was being sold on Amazon for like, $40 though. Though if you're someone who plays the guitar often it would be worth it!
But then, I forgot he uses different types of picks for his different guitars.
Contributor: Sbmsvschoolgirl Sbmsvschoolgirl
I try to. There are a lot of great up-cycling ideas on Pinterest (:
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I love Pinterest for upcycling ideas!

RonLee - What have you made?

Rossie - I know a lot of people that do!

Sbmsvschoolgirl - What kinds of things do you upcycle?
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
My neighbor and i often go "junking" looking threw the neighborhood side-of-road trash and try to find new ways to use the items found or to craft with. I have made a platform bed from found pallets and have some big plans to use the left overs for gardening, i also am going to be upcyclying a found trunk into a coffee table/craft storage box. I usually try to make furniture out of the things i find, but i have friends that are great at upcyclying clothes. Pintrest has really helped for inspiration ideas as well as tutorials!
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I love upcycling. The kitchen window above my sink is full of washed glass jars, mainly from pasta sauce. I'm just waiting for the right project for them. I use one as a flower vase (it's cuter than it sounds) when I have fresh flowers. I just used one to store some protein powder I bought in bulk at my grocery store.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by PropertyOfPotter
I know that there are lots of people who recycle as much as possible, but do you ever UPcycle? Upcycling is taking items that you normally would throw away/recycle and finding a new use for it.

If this is something you do, do you only do it ... more
Yes! I'm a huge upcycler! I craft, so I always find really fun ways to upcycle everything under the sun.
Contributor: Ryanne Ryanne
Not really usually if it is still in like new condition I donate it
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
bratcat - I would LOVE to see some photos if you have any! Those sound amazing! I wish my husband would let me go hunting for things like that, maybe someday!

Lildrummrgurl7 - I LOVE glass jars! I never know what to do with them all either and find myself constantly debating about whether or not I should recycle them or save them! I LOVE the way flowers look in little glass jars, it sounds so sweet!

kendra30752 - I would love to hear about some of the things you craft/make! Where do you get your inspiration?
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
Originally posted by PropertyOfPotter
bratcat - I would LOVE to see some photos if you have any! Those sound amazing! I wish my husband would let me go hunting for things like that, maybe someday!

Lildrummrgurl7 - I LOVE glass jars! I never know what to do with them all either ... more
currently my bed platform is not complete, as i dont own a saw or sander so it looks kind of silly right now and has a blanket thrown over it so i dont get splinters in my nice mattress, but once i get some more crafts done - like my trunk-turned-table - i will be sure to post photos, if you want to take a look at how it will basically turn out heres the link for the tutorial except i plan on maybe modge-podging fabric to the chest i have. i also have a large wooden spool i found on teh side of the orad i want to try turning into a coffee table after seeing this. I get really excited about projects but with school going on it's sometimes hard to get them all done. hopefully i'll be getting some of the materials needed for some of these projects for my upcoming birthday!
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I do this all the time with things like jars and mirrors.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Originally posted by bratcat
currently my bed platform is not complete, as i dont own a saw or sander so it looks kind of silly right now and has a blanket thrown over it so i dont get splinters in my nice mattress, but once i get some more crafts done - like my ... more
Oh my! That coffee table is to die for! And that trunk, it's so cute! I can't wait to have my own house and do all these little things for it. Living in an apartment sucks sometimes!

Gold Lion - What kind of things do you make with jars and mirrors?

My most recent upcycle was taking old sheets, turning them into yarn, and crocheting baskets. Cutting the yarn can take a while, but it turns out beautifully! I also have been taking jars and turning them into soap/lotion dispensers. There's something so rewarding about turning something others see as junk into something useful and beautiful!
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Originally posted by PropertyOfPotter
I know that there are lots of people who recycle as much as possible, but do you ever UPcycle? Upcycling is taking items that you normally would throw away/recycle and finding a new use for it.

If this is something you do, do you only do it ... more
I've upcycled old records and magazines.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Originally posted by mistressg
I've upcycled old records and magazines.
Do you make record bowls with them, or something else?
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
I find that most of my upcycling or what I call re-purposing, (since I don't exactly improve the appearance of the items), is for things I can use in the garden or for food storage. For plant supports in my garden, I have used old ladders, discarded lengths of conduit & plumbing pipes & old sheets or blankets as frost covers in a pinch. I also use discarded windows, screens & doors to make cold frames. I use all kinds of food containers as seed starting pots & when they fall apart, then I recycle them. And I even save some of the twiggy cuttings from the previous years & use them to support my peas!

Any of the organic cotton pillow or pet beds that are no longer usable, I remove the filling & use in my nesting 'feeder' for the birds. They love it, but they can't get enough of the sterilized feathers I supply which are a by product of the game bird meat industry & are the most popular nesting material I've ever offered! Unfortunately, I have to buy those.

The nice thing I've discovered about reusing glass jars for food storage is that with my FoodSaver jar adapter, I can reuse canning lids indefinitely to make a vacuum seal on any glass jar that fits them. Now, for the jars that don't fit canning lids, the lids that come with them, if metal, can be re-vacuum sealed if you have a canister vacuum sealer, (I don't). You fill the jar, put the lid on & place the whole thing in the canister attachment for your vacuum sealer, run it & voila, like new! I want to mention that this is only safe with dry ingredients!!! Now that I have the reusable Tattler lids for home canning, all my used or new metal ones are being put to use for storing all my dry goods in glass jars. With the vacuum, the food lasts for years & I have been able to slowly build a pantry. The jars I can't vacuum seal are used to store salt or sugar, things that don't spoil or stale. I recently opened a vacuum sealed jar of crackers that I sealed two years ago. Clearly, they were way past their expiration date, yet when opened, were as fresh as new. I had been so skeptical, but not anymore! I live alone & now I don't have to worry about wasting food because it went bad before I could eat all of it!

Whatever I don't use to death or re-purpose, I donate to charity & if all avenues have been exhausted, I recycle whatever I can. Pretty much the only things that regularly get thrown out are just the used cat litter & any food scraps I can't compost or give to wildlife.

Now, the real trick will be upcycling any of my rechargeable sex toys after they expire! Any ideas are welcome!! It would be funny, if not practical, to make garden art out of them, ha ha! How about a dildo statue? I might be run out of the neighborhood, but I'd be laughing like a loon!

BTW, I saw some nice zebra printed curtains in Kendra's room while I watched her YouTube videos & I'd bet that she made them - so yes she's crafty. Anybody see the funny saying on shirts or pins that says, "I'm so crafty, I make babies!" ha ha ha!