If you have anything to show that is finished or still a work in progress go ahead and show it off! Looking for opinions, or just proud, we want to see it!
Ill start off. Like I said previously I haven't been painting too long, I learned about a year ago in a 4 month class than stopped up until a week ago. These are 2 paintings, I did without any aid from my teacher. Sorry for the bad photos, I need a scanner or technique for taking pictures of paintings.
They are acrylic btw.
Ill start off. Like I said previously I haven't been painting too long, I learned about a year ago in a 4 month class than stopped up until a week ago. These are 2 paintings, I did without any aid from my teacher. Sorry for the bad photos, I need a scanner or technique for taking pictures of paintings.

They are acrylic btw.