Sam has worked very hard to give us insightful and honest reviews with a wide variety of product categories. She is well known for her lingerie reviews, but her bath and beauty reviews have been very helpful as well. I also think that all her work over the last few years with the Contributor of the month, Weekly Rumbles, Party hostess, Weekly Review Roundup, Community Awards, Emails, Tutorials list, etc. (there are too many to remember!), she deserves the Contributor of the Month Award! She has mentored lots of newbies on the site, (even without knowing it, I patterned my reviews after hers until I developed my own style), and has really contributed a lot to the site and its members. Thank you, Sam!!
I would like to nominate Sam for COTM. If anyone deserves a nomination it is Sam. She gave us many years of hard work and is STILL doing her best to remain active and available for anyone who needs help. Now that she is just 'one of the guys again' I would love to see her nominated just to let her know how much we appreciate all her hard work and amazing reviews! Thanks so much lovely lady.