Community Valentine's Day Party: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 8 pm Eastern

Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by Colorado Hotwife
Where are we supposed to be?
Ha, I was just wondering the same thing. I was just going to camp and hope somebody said something.
Contributor: Alys Alys
Originally posted by Jul!a
I hope you're getting excited! I've got history!!

Well, maybe I'm the only one who's excited about history, but still, lol.
I love history... which is why I graduated college with a fairly useless degree
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Jul!a
I hope you're getting excited! I've got history!!

Well, maybe I'm the only one who's excited about history, but still, lol.
History is good. One of my best subjects in school, just don't remember much of it. lol
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I'm here!

Howdy all
Contributor: Airekah Airekah
You are in the right place
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Alys
I love history... which is why I graduated college with a fairly useless degree
Aren't most degrees fairly useless these days if you don't go to grad school?
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
By the way, I Think that we should have a monthly party/get together that we can just shoot the shit at!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Alys
I love history... which is why I graduated college with a fairly useless degree
I love history, I just hate being "forced" to learn it.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
Aren't most degrees fairly useless these days if you don't go to grad school?
As a grad student, I'll qualify that by saying they're mostly useless anyway.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by Jul!a
I love history, I just hate being "forced" to learn it.
That just conjures up an image of somebody bound and gagged while a woman in a leather corset walks around reading from a history textbook. Which, actually, would be a lot more pleasant than the way I learned it.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by That Guy
As a grad student, I'll qualify that by saying they're mostly useless anyway.

I plan on going and getting a Psych degree and PhD. I have a feeling it will be fairly useless as well, but I still want to do it
Contributor: CASpookygirl CASpookygirl
YAY!! Thanks for posting the reminder, otherwise I would have missed y'all!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
Aren't most degrees fairly useless these days if you don't go to grad school?
My associates is pretty much useless. But honestly I only finished it just to be able to say I had a degree.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by That Guy
That just conjures up an image of somebody bound and gagged while a woman in a leather corset walks around reading from a history textbook. Which, actually, would be a lot more pleasant than the way I learned it.
Hah, that's awesome.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
I am so here and so ready to party with the Eden folk! And once I switch my laundry, I'll even settle down for that drink too!
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
Originally posted by That Guy
That just conjures up an image of somebody bound and gagged while a woman in a leather corset walks around reading from a history textbook. Which, actually, would be a lot more pleasant than the way I learned it.
Somehow I think that situation still wouldn't be conducive to learning, pleasant or not lol
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys

I plan on going and getting a Psych degree and PhD. I have a feeling it will be fairly useless as well, but I still want to do it
Well at least you'll be able to knock out the B.S. quickly. Psych degrees usually have a very low number of required courses, so you can blast through pretty quickly if you know you're on your way to grad school. I personally regret graduating early, but that's because I was living high on the hog with mom and pop footing the bill.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Hi, everyone
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Alys
I love history... which is why I graduated college with a fairly useless degree
I love it too! Neither of my degrees is based much in it though. Not "traditional" history anyways.
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
Woooo! Made it
Contributor: PandaLove PandaLove
So will it refresh automatically or am i just going to have to keep refreshing and keeping up?
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by That Guy
Well at least you'll be able to knock out the B.S. quickly. Psych degrees usually have a very low number of required courses, so you can blast through pretty quickly if you know you're on your way to grad school. I personally regret ... more
mom and pop haven't footed many bills since I graduated high school. A few here and there, but VERY few
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Originally posted by PandaLove
So will it refresh automatically or am i just going to have to keep refreshing and keeping up?
Keep hitting the button lol
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by PandaLove
So will it refresh automatically or am i just going to have to keep refreshing and keeping up?
Yeah, I haven't found a good way to deal with that either. Usually I just refresh on my own.
Contributor: Andromeda Andromeda
Originally posted by That Guy
Yeah, I haven't found a good way to deal with that either. Usually I just refresh on my own.
The refresh button will become your best friend.
Contributor: PandaLove PandaLove
Originally posted by SexyTabby
Keep hitting the button lol
wow thats really annoying haha. has an awesome interactive chatroom application. they should look into it
Contributor: Airekah Airekah
whew! I made it on time. Hi Everyone!!!
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
mom and pop haven't footed many bills since I graduated high school. A few here and there, but VERY few
That'll set you back, to be sure. Things have been a lot tighter for me since undergrad, which I guess is why I regret graduating so quickly. Anyway, best of luck with it, it's a rewarding experience, even if employment doesn't come easily afterward.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Shellz31
I'm here!

Howdy all
I noticed awhile ago but have not gotten the change to tell ya... love the new avatar!