#BuildaBetterEden - Community Planning: May 2012 - Everybody welcome!

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Hello everybody! Welcome to the Community Planning Thread! This is similar to our previous Community Planning Meetings, only instead of being limited to meeting twice a month, this thread will be available all month long for you to post in. It will go up the same day the first planning meeting of each month would have, the first Thursday!

What's it for you ask? Well, we want you to have a chance to let us know what you think of the community and how it's going. Do you have something that you think needs to be changed? Ideas for how to make something better? Curious about hosting a workshop or something similar? Bring it here! Bounce ideas around with each other, and keep conversation going! We'll be watching and participating in this thread each month, so your ideas and thoughts will be seen.

If you like, you can read through some of our previous meetings to get an idea of what kinds of things you can bring up, or just have fun reading about the things we've talked about!

CPM: April - 2012 - Almost all of the suggestions made in this month thread requiring changes in programming and thus time to get implemented but all suggestions have been noted and administrators will be discussing them in the next couple of weeks to see what we can get rolling in the near future.

CPM: March - 2012) - First, month long thread to discuss your ideas which include requests for a different style of sorting features for the forum to filter out discussion types or users, update the forum categories,
easier search requirements for assignments, and the option to filter what shows on your wall. In addition to those requests, there were also requests for the ability to sort people you are following by who is currently online and who is not, forum moderation to purge/delete/merge threads, and the option to not a view a contributor's activity at all but still follow them.

Where we are as of March 31st, 2012: Requests have been noted, and due to an overwhelming response from the community Edenfantasys has instituted a Forum Moderator and updated the Expectations of Conduct. Please become acquainted with the new guidelines!

CPM: 02.16.2012 - Another short meeting. I announced a few changes in how some of the meetings were going to go. - Sam

CPM: 02.02.2012 - A very short meeting, we discussed some of the new features from the update.

CPM: 01.19.2012 - We spent most of the meeting discussing the new photo uploading feature.

CPM: 01.05.2012 - We discussed things that have been brought up in the past and what their status was, and also things we could do workshops on.

Meetings from 2011

Meetings from 2010
  • Long-distance pleasure set for couples
  • Save Extra 50% On Sexobot Attachment
  • Upgrade Your Hands-Free Play!
  • Save Extra 20% On Love Cushion And Toy Set!
  • Anal Sub Hook&Rope Kit for $28.99 Only
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Contributor: Ansley Ansley
We're renaming the Community Planning Thread to something a little more palatable and not so Corporate Boardroom. Please vote!

Here's the thread to let your voice be heard!
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
Contributor: connies7388 connies7388
Great ideas. I can't think of anything to add but good ideas for everyone to follow.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
A idea to go with my last about the "Start a discussion" button on the review pages. Would it be possible to have any thread we start automatically be placed in our 'Favorite discussions' tab. Might help those folks that may be new to the forums find it? I know I forget to click on the orange heart from time to time.
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
The sooner the PU — think about that acronym for a moment — gets an upgrade, the better, I hate the forced 500x500 size on photos.

It's also very frustrating that once a photo is deleted from the product page, there's no way to get it back on without uploading it again (creating copies and taking up more server space).
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Last nights PornClub meeting got me thinking, any parties being planed for the near future? Some shameless debauchery is needed.
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Last nights PornClub meeting got me thinking, any parties being planed for the near future? Some shameless debauchery is needed.
Perhaps another Easter video?
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
Perhaps another Easter video?
Very possible, I do have this great thong to show off...
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Last nights PornClub meeting got me thinking, any parties being planed for the near future? Some shameless debauchery is needed.
Guess you'll just have to wait and see...
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Ansley
Guess you'll just have to wait and see...
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Last nights PornClub meeting got me thinking, any parties being planed for the near future? Some shameless debauchery is needed.
YES, please..
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
And I'm getting better at it with age.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China

I know, I know... you can turn on the alerts in your EF email to notify you in your regular email. BUT... am I the only one who goes yay! I've EF mail, delete my yahoo email that tells me that, get's back to work thinking I'll check it later, get home... and forget???

Then when you sign onto EF, there is no little notifier on the homepage, but there is the number of points, assignment cart and these two things follow you to each page.

So my question is... is it possible to get a little icon or a little "1 Mail" at the top of the page near the Assignment Cart???
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Originally posted by Woman China

I know, I know... you can turn on the alerts in your EF email to notify you in your regular email. BUT... am I the only one who goes yay! I've EF mail, delete my yahoo email that tells me that, get's back to work thinking ... more
If you go onto your profile, there's a little tab that shows your messages and if you have one, it shows up as "1 new" or something like that.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Princess-Kayla ♥
If you go onto your profile, there's a little tab that shows your messages and if you have one, it shows up as "1 new" or something like that.
I hardly ever go to my profile when I visit EF I already know all about me, and I know what reviews I have done. And if I go to the Forums there are options to see the posts I have commented on.

That is why I am asking for a stay on the page notifier.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by Woman China
I hardly ever go to my profile when I visit EF I already know all about me, and I know what reviews I have done. And if I go to the Forums there are options to see the posts I have commented on.

That is why I am asking for a stay on the page ... more
A lot of us loved Woman's suggestion when she started a thread about it; hope Admin will seriously consider adding that little 'mail notifier' somewhere near our Assignment Cart, so we'll know whether we have mail or not, no matter what page we're on.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Another request: Can Admin clearly show the Expiry dates on ALL the promotions, which include Special Sales Codes (i.e. Mother's Day) and Discount Sales; it would be REALLY helpful if Expiry dates are listed on the 'banners'.
One more thing, it'll be even better if Admin can include Expiry dates on our email alerts. Here's the poll showing people in favor of the Expiry date idea.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
i would like to request that students be required to have a waiting period or some similar solution before dropping a class. too many instances have occurred where a student doesn't communicate to the mentor why they want to drop, and alot of work is put into the class and no compensation ever seen for it, on the mentor's end, simply because the student didn't attempt to communicate their issues with the class.

or something along those lines!

also that a mentor can get points for publishing a singular review with a student, and not just when they've graduated. too often a student drops a class after only 1 review has been published (or even not yet published but worked on for a significant period of time) and the mentor is then sitting with their peepee in their hand.

the mentor program really needs some work. i recently started mentoring again after months on hiatus due to getting dragged through the mud by students and never seeing any kind of retribution for it. i love mentoring students when they're actually taking my class for the purpose it was intended, and communicate with me honestly about their goals - but dang! the amount of no call/no shows, folks cancelling classes after i put in hours and hours of work only to have nothing to show for it, etc. just got out of control.

can we please take another look at the mentor program and try to come up to a solution for the abuse that's been taking place within it?
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i would like to request that students be required to have a waiting period or some similar solution before dropping a class. too many instances have occurred where a student doesn't communicate to the mentor why they want to drop, and alot of ... more
So, maybe something like the mentor has to approve dropping the class before it happens?

The mentor program does have a few holes in it and we'll be happy to address them if you all want to make suggestions that seem workable.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Originally posted by Ansley
So, maybe something like the mentor has to approve dropping the class before it happens?

The mentor program does have a few holes in it and we'll be happy to address them if you all want to make suggestions that seem workable.
While on the subject of the mentor program:
I understand why it might not work out if we can fail a student without them writing reviews, because you guys don't want people to accept students, fail them without having any kind of interaction with them, then taking the rewards.

Is there any way there can be a time limit or something like that though? Like if I were to accept a student, then after 2 weeks they hadn't turned in a review or even tried to contact me in any way, then I'd be able to fail them instead of just dropping the class. I'd still like it to be seen that I tried to work with them even if they don't want to participate.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by Ansley
Hello everybody! Welcome to the Community Planning Thread! This is similar to our previous Community Planning Meetings, only instead of being limited to meeting twice a month, this thread will be available all month long for you to post in. It will ... more
I just posted this elsewhere, but wanted to post here in case anyone else thought it was a decent idea.

Could we get a star rank next to our reviews under the account dashboard? That would be really helpful. If we see that one of our reviews (or more for that matter) were being rated low, we could go in and edit them (in the event it was still possible) to make sure that they were better done.

Also-Is there a list or a page on the site that has the Community Staff members on it? Like a staff directory with titles and who to contact for what? Maybe that could be "Stickied" into the part that sits right above the forums page?
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by MamaDivine
I just posted this elsewhere, but wanted to post here in case anyone else thought it was a decent idea.

Could we get a star rank next to our reviews under the account dashboard? That would be really helpful. If we see that one of our reviews ... more
This should help EdenFantasys Open Door Policy
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
This should help EdenFantasys Open Door Policy
Tim, you're a lifesaver lol. Thanks!!!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Princess-Kayla ♥
While on the subject of the mentor program:
I understand why it might not work out if we can fail a student without them writing reviews, because you guys don't want people to accept students, fail them without having any kind of interaction ... more
Failing a student earns a mentor points, if they haven't submitted a review why should they be able to fail them? If they've requested a product and never submitted a review, then that's something we are already aware of on our end and it will be taken care of.
Contributor: jmex83 jmex83
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Last nights PornClub meeting got me thinking, any parties being planed for the near future? Some shameless debauchery is needed.
Parties? There are parties on EF? Or are we talkin' in general, like we're all partyin' at your place Tim? ha! My wife told me that you're a Michigander as well....howdy lol.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by jmex83
Parties? There are parties on EF? Or are we talkin' in general, like we're all partyin' at your place Tim? ha! My wife told me that you're a Michigander as well....howdy lol.
Yup, we have get together's right here in the forums, here are a link to past parties

Da, I'm a Yopper, eh?
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
Originally posted by Ansley
Failing a student earns a mentor points, if they haven't submitted a review why should they be able to fail them? If they've requested a product and never submitted a review, then that's something we are already aware of on our end and it ... more
Very true.
And that would be really awesome. I've had a couple people bail on the mentor thing right after they get their assignment. I feel like the ones who actually appreciate it are hurting because of the people who take advantage of it.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Is this a new thread or one that was "cleaned up"? LOL. I recall this thread having SEVERAL pages I thought.

I have become quite intrigued with the whole electro stimulation scene.
I was wondering if maybe we could have a section within the forums for "Electro Stimulation" like we have the BDSM? Have it be maybe a sub category within the BDSM section? I know that some of us may have tons of questions in this area, especially those of us that are just starting out with it.

Another Idea,and please let me know if this is something that Eden already does, Im still trying to get used to all the workshops and types of "parties/classes etc".

Workshops/Classes for Different Fetishes. This would be something that would be like "Bondage 101". Would go into what the fetish includes, products or toys that Eden carries that pertain to that fetish and also how to choose your own personal products. Beginner stuff such as "How to" and do's and don'ts. Safety and warning concerns.

I can honestly say that the whole bondage thing was a total turn off for me for years. Didn't want anything to do with it. Well, now I am starting to see some of these products that I really want (like some of the whips/floggers) but Im afraid to get one, because I don't know much about BDSM, I don't know what could hurt me-if it will hurt-how to choose a flogger that is going to be right for me-etc etc. Also, with Electro Stimulation, I have tons of questions and some concerns. I think that if these workshops could be put out there for those of us that are "on the fence" about a fetish or a certain "scene" or theme, that might just be the one thing that pushes us into saying "Yes, I want to go for this" and also help us to be able to choose the right product for us. No one likes messing with returns and no one likes buying stuff that they find isn't right for them and they'll only use once. So I think that these workshops could definitely help some of us.

Anyone have any thoughts about this? Obviously this would have to be something that would be tweaked and have other ideas added/taken out etc. But I thought this might be kind of cool to do or attend. I would be there with bells on~!

Now-Having said that about the workshops for educating about fetishes, I think that it would also be great to have classes about "Different orientations". I am SEVERELY confused when it comes to the phrases "What gender do you associate with" or "Ciswomen, Cismen?" Help! LOL. Theres about 6 different terms that I have never in my life heard of. I don't want to offend those folks out there that fit into these categories, but ignorance stops me from being able to word my discussions correctly without offending or leaving someone out. Maybe we could have a "Gender Association" workshop? Where things are discussed like the differences of what each one means and what not. Have a Q&A type thing?

Anyways, those are just some thoughts that rolled through my cranium lol. Interested to see what anyone else has to say about these ideas or if they're any good. Thanks!
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Got another one

I was sorting through some of my wishlists this morning and I realized that I was having to relocate a ton of items that were either misplaced or I needed them in more than one wishlist. (Don't ask, Im ridiculously organized when it comes to my wishlists-I have to be otherwise its complete chaos when I go to order hahaha!)

Anyways, I was wondering if maybe we could get an option for moving things around. Either we could have some sort of drop and drag feature that would let us move one item from one wishlist, to a list or "folder" on the side of the page where all that white space is below the shipping instructions so that we could relocate wtihout having to right click, open in new tab, then readd it to the wishlist. Not that I am lazy or anything, but it gets tedious when I have so many windows or tabs open.

Or, maybe we could have drop down boxes just below the item in our wishlists. That way it would be like a "Move to" thing (kind of like what is in yahoo email) and it would relocate it there.

Just a thought.