1) "As of right now the CPM is mentioned in the weekly email that lists upcoming events and meeting summaries can be read on our blog. "
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Ok, so to start out this mammoth list, I'm going to post the ideas that have turned into something.Ideas suggested:Implemented ideas:-The big brother/big sister program was a suggestion made to try and help new people figure out the site easier.
Ok, so to start out this mammoth list, I'm going to post the ideas that have turned into something.Ideas suggested:Implemented ideas:-The big brother/big sister program was a suggestion made to try and help new people figure out the site easier. There hasn't been much direct work on the exact idea, but there has been a lot of work put into developing programs for all types of assistance. -The Community Blog Directory. This was brought up early on and was put together by a contributor. It was published and I keep it updated when new blogs are added to it. -Merch in general. We discussed different things that could be Eden branded. So far we have a few Eden branded toys (Kissa and Passion dual bullets), a toy pouch, wipes, and the first T-shirt from the design contest. -Having a CPM newsletter, something that would remind people when the meetings are and give them updates on what happened in the last meeting. As of right now the CPM is mentioned in the weekly email that lists upcoming events and meeting summaries can be read on our blog. -A public calendar to help community members keep track of events. For a few months this was a thread that Gary or I started that listed all of the upcoming events for that month. Eventually it became the calendar at the top of the forum and on the community news page. -Removing points on voting polls. While we haven't necessarily done this specifically, we have reworked the points program to adjust the payout for certain activities and help reduce point farming. There's no official release date as of yet, but it is currently in programming. -Expanding the community news page to truly reflect all the things currently being offered. At this point, the community news page contains a little bit of everything. There's always room for improvement though, so ideas for other things to add/change are welcome.-Getting an automatic notification of when your student has been given an assignment. While there's still no automatic notification, you can ask Justin to notify you if he does create an assignment. He's normally really good about letting you know if it's been done or not to begin with, and once you know that the assignment has been created you can ask your student whether or not they've accepted it from there. -Removing “committee” from the name of this meeting. As you can see, it went from the Community Events Committee to the Community Planning Meeting after a poll was taken on the forums. -Signatures for club managers. Since there's already a pretty box and title associated with each club manager, a signature for each post seemed a little over the top. An answer to wanting to add a signature without always having said signature was to prepare a pre-formatted post and add it to the end of relevant posts.
What is this weekly email? I am subscribed to Eden newsletter but I never get one, I just get all my alerts.
2) I am all for reducing points of any kind to prevent point farming.