Here is a form to help get you started with your ideas. It is meant to be a guide in helping you to organize and communicate your thoughts. Feel free to add additional information where you it necessary. Just copy it, fill in the blanks, and send it to me at
Of course feel free to email me with any questions.
Project Proposal
Project Name:
Project Type: (Workshop, Club, Party, Contest, Event, other)
Project Frequency: (Ongoing or One time Event)
General Description: (describe the project overall)
Preparation Timeline: (what needs prepare and in what order)
Budget Proposal
Time Required for preparation:
Supplies Needed: (if any)
Supplies Cost: (if any)
Time Cost: (compensation for preparation & hosting time)
Total Project Cost: (supply cost plus time cost)
Where will this take place? (forum, twitter, live location, etc)
When will this take place? (is there a specific time, or any time)
Who will be included? (open to all, or planned attendees in advance?)
What is the goal? (fun, charity drive, raise awareness, showcase talent)
Why will people be interested?
Of course feel free to email me with any questions.
Project Proposal
Project Name:
Project Type: (Workshop, Club, Party, Contest, Event, other)
Project Frequency: (Ongoing or One time Event)
General Description: (describe the project overall)
Preparation Timeline: (what needs prepare and in what order)
Budget Proposal
Time Required for preparation:
Supplies Needed: (if any)
Supplies Cost: (if any)
Time Cost: (compensation for preparation & hosting time)
Total Project Cost: (supply cost plus time cost)
Where will this take place? (forum, twitter, live location, etc)
When will this take place? (is there a specific time, or any time)
Who will be included? (open to all, or planned attendees in advance?)
What is the goal? (fun, charity drive, raise awareness, showcase talent)
Why will people be interested?