I agree, not just because it would cut off good reviewers from becoming mentors but it would reduce the number of available mentors. Many contributors believe that there should be no voting and constantly mention that everyone should go through the mentoring program. If the pool of available mentors is greatly reduced then there could be an influx of students without mentors. This would mean overloading those who are available or leaving more new reviewers to think that they should not go into the review program. That's only if voting was to be gotten rid of. If it stayed and we raised the rank for mentors then it's likely more people would rather go for the vote then compete for an available mentor when there would be very little.
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I'm concerned that many of the suggestions are tied to rank, in many cases raising the minimum level to qualify. Rank does not necessarily correlate to ability as a reviewer or mentor. As an example, if we raise the mentor requirement to 7.0,
I'm concerned that many of the suggestions are tied to rank, in many cases raising the minimum level to qualify. Rank does not necessarily correlate to ability as a reviewer or mentor. As an example, if we raise the mentor requirement to 7.0, that would reduce the current pool of mentors from 142 down to just 42, and that includes members that are not active anymore. I have been reviewing for almost 2 years and I would not qualify. I think we just have to be careful about relying on rank to set the standard since it's not a good gauge.
I also think a Mentors and Editors only area could be useful, but should probably include past editors and inactive mentors. I have not been an active editor for awhile but I know the program quite well and feel I could contribute in a discussion. less
I also think a Mentors and Editors only area could be useful, but should probably include past editors and inactive mentors. I have not been an active editor for awhile but I know the program quite well and feel I could contribute in a discussion. less