What month were you born in?

Contributor: Adam02viper Adam02viper
In what month were you born?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Jul!a , Lady Venus , WHITEMIKE , VenusianThunder , SiNn , Liz2 , 0 , I Wear The Pants , Rossie , Enci , Vanessa Weiss , SuperSarah116 , LostBoy988 , angel142stx , JessCee , Bishop , shinypinkstars , Nazaress , StarbucksAddict , Claire de Cerises , Teacookie , rom323 , hummingbird8 , RTC , Eggplanter , Melan!e , michael scofield , joz , Terri69 , RiahPapaya , Azule , ekkelly1 , LolaAreola , Geogeo , RedKyuubi , pfoof , Pandwhora , DawnStar , Pumpk1nPatch , lilyflower , Nymaya
41  (9%)
KaraSutra , Lady Marmelade , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , namelesschaos , ss143 , Wyo Daisy , Maeby , Sinfully , TheeGirlNextDoor , Anjulie , BellaDonna2884 , FaerieLove , K101 , Wildchild , Sublime , karay123 , BlooJay , Love Perpetua , Isola , Fun with Dick & Jane , quinceykay , Allstars316 , chantalgiardina , Synthete , laroc nite (Tina) , BabyCheeks , Ryanne , Mamastoys , travelnurse , Mikemanz , sexytileena / absolutely love sex , SteamyTea , Martiniman , RedGlitter , BrittanyUtley , firecracker21 , SaucyxGirl , Sugarfina , Gary
39  (8%)
Splendwhore , phunkyphreak , Lummox , ToyTimeTim , Kaltir , NaturalWoman , Leila Eden , MaryExy , LanaBean , Lily Night , w-o-name , kelaaa33wish , reysgirl83 , Ryuson , Fred Petrenko , LilyLust , Drakoni , Kate , wrmbreze , Tianna Silver , leelee , Mwar , IdyllWyld , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , MAy86 , icyqueen , Falsepast , CindyH , Gone (LD29) , mpfm , Amber1319 , Lildrummrgurl7 , Neotigress , damnbul12 , ImaGodiva , Septimus , Loriandhubby , JackRaiden , Avant-garde , WhoopieDoo , PieC , Gimme More
42  (9%)
PiratePrincess , Eden C. , leatherlover , Ke , LennaKieran , big b , mandi myth , I'mNotYourToy , Eva Schwaltz , Jon S , blacklodge , Kitka , Badass , HugsAndBites , lemondrop , Jake'n'bake , Curiouscat , sexystuffeve , SeductivelyCute , Kiwi Green , xOhxSoxScandalousx , Ilovelingerie , ghalik , Llahsram , AlianneCimorene , sodapin , Gina RPG Geek , <3BF , lovebites , Gdom , ShadowedSeductress , doowop , sillylilkitten , dsrtwolf , only1love , new nick , treehugger , Boosty , DixieDoo
39  (8%)
nicky51679 , BluePixi , Mz.GreenEyez , null , Mr. & Mrs. Peg , Pixel , Kdlips , bobbiejane , KatPawz2003 , sexygoddess , lovemuscle n cookie , gehuwd , Nissa Nissa , mizzmilla , LynLyn , Chirple , LilLostLenore , wrecklesswords , Apirka , muzz , sassyNsensual , radioboy , Princess Zelda , CountryPrincess , skeeterlynn , Leather & Lace , kennycake , millz45 , IvyFayette , caligaliber , thesexiebunnie , Vanille , TeaganChase , gorgeous , redwolf
35  (7%)
jfree , Kindred , MR Chickhabit , Valentinka , SexyTabby , Sweet-Justice , deadpoet , Tuesday , EnMH , Collogue , FleurDevereux , Ms. N , blondie , shoutitout87 , little miss kinky , Nyxx , pootpootpoot , wdanas , Intrepid Niddering , Gangsx , Deeder , Zandrock , nikki0668 , KissTheSkyBaby , boxunderbed , chameleon-girl , bog , KottonKandi , wildshores , misskat
30  (6%)
newlady , sexyintexas , Bunnycups , Taylor , *HisMrs* , seaofneptune , Keegski , MeliPixie , dhig , Tart , Kake aka PoeticErotica , alliegator , Ms. Spice , DexterStratton , Retro , v23 , Nora , GatorDood , IslandGoddess , Starkiller87 , Breas , Bigkc , geliebt , SaMiKaY , Cherrylane , arduous , Masokisti , curious kitten , digit88 , wicked weasel , Missmarc , heezag , HusbandandWife , AlbrightsNaughty , Stinkytofu10 , falalena , ShinySuicide , Hummingbird
38  (8%)
Adam02viper , Ajax , markeagleone , DeliciousSurprise , Moein , Lio , Miss T , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , liilii080 , Joie de Cherresse , darthkitt3n , Ansley , ~LaUr3n~ , Karakaten , EndlessFrost , mandiegk , Ivy Wilde , ToyBoy , mistressg , bayosgirl , Triple X Moma , M121212 , The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary , lil ladybug , G.L. Morrison , interestingstuff , Envy , Kissy , BobbiJay , ellejay , lokoum , Sohotdinosaur , Incendiaire , Harpina is gone , underHim , MissMod , lustylusty , A.Mari , phoenixfiress , Forensicschick , Tripolar , kadytheredpanda , Sundae Sparkles , Ashley B , Lucifer the Cat , lineswecast , LuckyLady , Sammi Lynn Peirce , M. Roth , Jordan B , sunflower , Kitt Katt
52  (11%)
Jimbo Jones , bunny love , pinkzombie , phozersexy , zeebot , wetone123 , Libra , cobiffle , RosesThorns , The Mother of a SiNner , ily , Alyxx , Airen Wolf , oldhippy , The Curious Couple , authorzero , MissCandyland , PassionateLover2 , Howells , Tork48309 , *Camoprincess* , Doll In Dungarees , mlmac , milfstatus , kitty1949 , Scrawberry78 , RomanticGoth , dirtythoughts:) , socceras , RatchetS , souviet , Mirachaya , XxFallenAngelxX , joolie , magicmaxx Mr.Mrs , hhh , mdnght , CS2012 , SilverC. , Icecrystals12
40  (8%)
Solar Ray , BadassFatass , Waterfall , REDRUM , DCorrelle , Lithaewyn , LittleBoPeep , teeny <3 , amandaco2011 , Persephone Nightmare , BeautifulDarkness , salaciousrex , dezzydezire , CAKES , Mattie Omega , PropertyOfPotter , baby.blue.eyes , Sunshineamine , Elaira , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , MissBre , BeepBop , unfulfilled , Taiello , KrissyNovacaine , ciderspider , Vaginas , FallFire , Kcqueen , ChubbyNerd
30  (6%)
Shellz31 , danellejohns , *Ashley* , moonch1ld , sarki , indiglo , Diabolical Kitty , deletedacct , newfoundlust , CoffeeCup , squire , Purpleladybug , sbon , Kendrir , winterseve , 12345678 , jessicamarie , Brandonn , AnotherPrettyFace , Highmaintenancegirl916 , sunkissedJess , ejrbrndps , Hot'n'Bothered , lovekink , LoveBug721 , booboo111926 , Undecided , rosythorn , Kitten has left the site , chernayavdova , EmuLove , Trysexual , Bubaloo , sexynola , SMichelle , Cosmonaut , TJax
37  (8%)
girl next door , slynch , Lady Neshamah , toxie m , ID42 , Daniel & Brittany , Jenyana , leanright69 , emiliaa , BabyL0ve , guard083 , Puss in Boots , Beck , Pink Jewel , Buttercup Green , eeep , PurpleCat23 , AmethystSmoke , jedent , GonetoLovehoney , StarFire , Lilith Bealove , Honeybee , Owl , Ranbowfairyali , pasdechat , MK434 , ksparkles16 , Internet Brat , Xxun , SmutGeek , ChuChii , TheSexista , Virgingasms , CrystaCat , edeneve , jgirl1204 , (k)InkyIvy , chicmichiw
39  (8%)
I was never born I just magically appeared
boobookittyfuk , sexualscientists , smashthepatriarchy , MistressDandelion , gloomybear , Woman China , Boyfriend
7  (1%)
Months do not exist on the planet i come from
Stephanie Marie , solitudinarian , brevado
3  (1%)
The notorious OTHER
1  (0%)
Total votes: 473
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Contributor: Stephanie Marie Stephanie Marie
Though people try telling me I was born in the month of January.
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
August for me.

I was *suppose* to be born at the end of November, but I was a wee bit early lol
Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
Originally posted by Adam02viper
In what month were you born?
It was suppose to be Sept., but I came a little early. It was a big hassle for school.
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
I was actually born almost right on time. My mom's doctor predicted "March 15th," and I arrived the 14th.
He must've been a prophet or something.
Contributor: nicky51679 nicky51679
I was supposed to have been born in August but I guess I just couldn't wait so I decided to be born in May.
Elvis was born on my birthday!
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by Adam02viper
In what month were you born?
January here
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I was due to be born late October but decided November had a better ring. Besides, life is easier inside
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
In January and I was told it was a damn cold night...
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
August, yay!
I guess, Leo is the most sex-positive sign.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
August Virgo here. It suits me to a T!
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
Looks like we have a lot of fellow Leo's here! Including me!! Go Leo's!!
Contributor: jfree jfree
Wow, so far, I'm the only person who voted June. Gemini~.
Contributor: girl next door girl next door
I love being a winter baby And I never get gipped on gifts even though it is around christmas.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
Summer baby!
Contributor: slynch slynch
Christmas Day!
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
I was actually born on the due date without my mom being induced! I'm a summer baby!
Contributor: Skitlz Skitlz
Originally posted by Adam02viper
In what month were you born?
August here.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
August. It's the best, in my opinion. Rawr!
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by Adam02viper
In what month were you born?
September...Libra baby!!
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
I'm a November baby. Sagittarius all the way!!
Contributor: seaofneptune seaofneptune
I'm a July baby!
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
lol I was due May 15th...I was born June 15th. Apparently it set the standard for my life. I'm late for everything
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
February baby over here.
Contributor: Leila Eden Leila Eden
This one! My birthday was the 12th!
Contributor: null null
Originally posted by SexyTabby
lol I was due May 15th...I was born June 15th. Apparently it set the standard for my life. I'm late for everything
I'm the exact opposite. Due June 15, born May 15.
Contributor: ID42 ID42
My parents brought me home on Christmas Eve in a Santa Hat and a Christmas Stocking.

Even cooler to me is that my man is October. Our girl is November and our boy is September.

We have the end of the year tied up with birthdays and holidays. I LOVE it.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Sensual Julians unite ^_^
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice

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