Eden Community’s Birthday Club!

Contributor: lustylusty lustylusty

I will be 22yrs old
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
I see people are still posting here... But I do love that others are looking out for the newbies and letting them know to message me instead. That's the love, folks! I'm so proud!

But I did want to check in very quickly since people still are insisting on posting here to let everyone know some things that I get asked a lot:

1. You can submit your birthday to me ANYTIME. There is no rule or time frame you have to meet in order for me to receive and record your birthday.

2. If you want to be mentioned in the Shout-Outs and receive the gift card, you HAVE to get your birthday to me before the month of your birthday. I try very, very hard to post the Shout-Out on the first of the month (Western Hemisphere, specifically) so if you message me after you see it up already, you will have to patiently wait until next year. But PLEASE still celebrate with us! So if you are an April birthday and you haven't submitted yet... you only have, like, a DAY left to get it to me!

3. If you PM me on Eden with your birthday, I DO get it! I may not respond, especially since at any given day I have over 20 messages in my inbox to go through... But I DO get them! Seriously, I now officially have over 500 birthdays, people! That is AMAZING!

4. If you email me your birthday, it's hit and miss. A lot of people don't include their screen name, a lot of people forget their birthdays (weird, right?), and a lot of people's email inboxes reject me replying to them to let them know of the missing info. I try very hard to respond to these.

5. If there is any questions about the club or rules that no one can answer or that aren't in my posts, message me. I am an insanely busy woman (you don't even know!!!) but I promise I won't bite... Unless you want me to. I may take a while to respond to your message but I promise I will if it's a question rather than a submission.

6. MOST IMPORTANTLY! Please don't just take the gift card and disappear! Celebrate with us! Join in on discussion, learn some funny or cool things from my posts, and wish your fellow contributors a happy birthday (or un-birthday) too! We are a community and thrive best together!

That is all.
Contributor: pinkpottergirl pinkpottergirl
So cool! Mine is 12-18-92
Contributor: pootpootpoot pootpootpoot
My birthday is June 22!
Contributor: Ammo333 Ammo333
FEB. 28th 1986 !!
Contributor: nannaof3 nannaof3
Contributor: shySEXXaddict shySEXXaddict
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Yes, you read that right! It’s a Birthday Club for Eden members to celebrate with the community when that special day comes around the calendar! Want to know when your favorite contributors are celebrating their birthday? Want to celebrate yours with ... more
5-13-79...this year I will be ..33!
Contributor: Nacht Stern Nacht Stern
Great idea~!
Mine is December 16th

Contributor: treefrog88 treefrog88
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Yes, you read that right! It’s a Birthday Club for Eden members to celebrate with the community when that special day comes around the calendar! Want to know when your favorite contributors are celebrating their birthday? Want to celebrate yours with ... more
Cool, Mine is 7/18!
Contributor: LovesAPoet LovesAPoet
Mine is October 19th.
Contributor: Darklyvan Darklyvan
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Yes, you read that right! It’s a Birthday Club for Eden members to celebrate with the community when that special day comes around the calendar! Want to know when your favorite contributors are celebrating their birthday? Want to celebrate yours with ... more
August 28 is my birthday. Still a ways off
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
Mine is September 8th, 1985.
Contributor: Sam I Am Sam I Am
Mine is July 1st!
Contributor: iabicpl09 iabicpl09
09/19/1970 This is a cool Idea Thanks
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Yes, you read that right! It’s a Birthday Club for Eden members to celebrate with the community when that special day comes around the calendar! Want to know when your favorite contributors are celebrating their birthday? Want to celebrate yours with ... more
My birthday is just a few weeks away! On june 24th : D
Contributor: spookycutie spookycutie
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Yes, you read that right! It’s a Birthday Club for Eden members to celebrate with the community when that special day comes around the calendar! Want to know when your favorite contributors are celebrating their birthday? Want to celebrate yours with ... more
Ooh! June 16th!
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
My birthday is coming up It's June 27 1985
Contributor: Tiffany Rose Tiffany Rose
March 27
Contributor: KittyGoesRawr KittyGoesRawr
This thing seems fun! Why not, eh?
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Awesome! Mines June 18th!!!! Only a few days away...sorry for such short notice I just never knew this club existed till today!
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
Sept 15th =D
Contributor: shoutitout87 shoutitout87
Mine just passed on June 8th. Better late than never
Contributor: Doll In Dungarees Doll In Dungarees
Yay! PM sent to Jen!
Contributor: milfstatus milfstatus
9/9/90. I'll be 22
Contributor: lecanis lecanis
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Yes, you read that right! It’s a Birthday Club for Eden members to celebrate with the community when that special day comes around the calendar! Want to know when your favorite contributors are celebrating their birthday? Want to celebrate yours with ... more
Oh, this is neat! My birthday is Sept 21!
Contributor: annabellemoo annabellemoo
7/11/1994 turned eighteen today
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
You are so cute! This is lovely.


^^^ That is my birthday
I like your Bday
Contributor: LadyKaye LadyKaye
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Yes, you read that right! It’s a Birthday Club for Eden members to celebrate with the community when that special day comes around the calendar! Want to know when your favorite contributors are celebrating their birthday? Want to celebrate yours with ... more
August 20, 1985
Contributor: Sundae Sparkles Sundae Sparkles
08/14/1985.... Im getting so old.. but eden keeps me young XP
Contributor: Vaginas Vaginas
this is such a cute and fun idea. it'd mean a bunch to me to get a birthday wish from my fellow eden-ers

mine's October 18th

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